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Don't buy gas?

Guest Rane

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Guest Rane
Anyone else hearing about this "National Movement." Not to buy gas on the 19th as a statement to oil companies. Because them raising gas prices is raising the price of everything else. Grocery's etc. If not maybe I will post the e-mail later. Couldn't hurt to fill up today and not tommarrow :-D.
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Isn't everyone smart enough to realize doing this will do nothing EXCEPT delay you from getting gas 1 day. If you don't buy it 1 day, you just have to buy it the next. It will not affect the oil industry, nor will they care about it.
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Originally posted by Keyword:

Isn't everyone smart enough to realize doing this will do nothing EXCEPT delay you from getting gas 1 day. If you don't buy it 1 day, you just have to buy it the next. It will not affect the oil industry, nor will they care about it.

I agree. 1 day boycott will really teach OPEC a lesson :rolleyes:
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Guest Rane
Supposedly they would lose 4 and some odd billion dollars. Worth a try >=/? Heard gas prices were sposed to be over 2.25 soon. Wont be long before we are so in poverty we can't save anymore little desert countries.
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In the United States, regular gasoline sales average 301,018,700 gallons per day for the month of May. At $2.00 a gallon, that's roughly $602,037,400.00. This is all per the records at the http://www.eia.doe.gov website for last year. Now, sales last year were around 3,545,809,200 gallons. For shits, let's say the average was $1.75 per gallon. That comes out to $6,205,166,100.00 for regular gasoline sales only. This doesn't include midgrade or premium. This is simply for the cheap shit. Do you think one day of sales would really hurt anyone in the oil industry?
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Been tried before, and ironically, at 6am the morning after the boycott, the station I worked at was told to raise the price $.10


You will not accomplish anything with a boycott. Write your senators and ask them to revoke a few the last 10+ gas taxes.

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if Bush wasnt such a petrol hungry dictator, then we wouldnt be in this problem. get bush out of the white house means fuel prices go down. since he has been elected nothing but trouble has arose. I personally belive this war is not for the good of the country, but to benefit himself. he is an oil hungry war mongor. he wants total control of the nation and all the oil. *end rant*
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Guest Rane
Don't shoot the messenger, I just heard about it and was asking what people thought :-p. Thats what I was thinking if I was a gas company and knew no one bought gas the last day I would put my shit at the maximum price knowing some people needed gas. I got a small engine import anyhow ;) .
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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

if Bush wasnt such a petrol hungry dictator, then we wouldnt be in this problem. get bush out of the white house means fuel prices go down. since he has been elected nothing but trouble has arose. I personally belive this war is not for the good of the country, but to benefit himself. he is an oil hungry war mongor. he wants total control of the nation and all the oil. *end rant*

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If there was a way to hurt the oil companies, I'd be all for it, but one day won't do anything. As a whole though, I know I don't go out as much with these rediculous gas prices, and when I do I try to complete any and all errands and stops I have to make in one trip around the city.
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this war is just a way for bush to stimulate the economy, in the past when war's have broke out, the economy flourished, so is it any big surprise that since th WTC got hit, the economy has gone to hell, and they only way to stimulate it is a war *end rant*
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Bush used this attack on america and the war as a ploy to make himself a saviour. And it sucks cause i dont want that dick kerry in the white house either, he is a moron.. so america will be goign to hell in a hand basket till another JFK pops up
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Yeah this won't work for many reasons. And all of them have already been stated. I remember watching the gas prices last times this went around. They actually went down on the day of the we were not to buy gas. This caused a lot of people to go out and buy the gas. Then the next day the uped the price to stick it to the people that didn't buy ther gas the day before.


Also have you ever noticed that they aways schedule these on a Wednesday. Wednesdays are known to be the lowest gas selling day of the week. So they are not going to lose much money anyway. Plus this really won't effect a lot of people because not may fill up on Wednesdays. Now if you tried to hold this on like a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or even a Monday, it might be more effective since those are the highest gas buying days of the week. But of course less people would join the cause.


Just to prove this won't help, I will be filling up my car tomorrow. Hey I shouldn't have to wait in line to fill up.

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dont worry opec plans on opening the flodd gates if you will for the amount of oil that is produced ( forget he exact numbers) but we wont see the the difference until late summer early fall Gas prices should be back down to about a dollar again. But not unit it will probably peak out at $3 a gallon first.
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Soooo...this is a thread inquiring about this supposed gas boycott and throttlejockey is turning it into a bash Bush thread. Save your little politcal tirade. If you want to start a political debate, start a thread for it. Don't jack some one else's to spew your disdain for G.W.


As for this boycott. In order for it to really have any sort of impact, it would have to be a sustained movement, by the majority for at least 6 months to a year. That means moving towards a society that uses public transportation and car pooling instead of driving.


Yup, that would mean parking your V8 stang, or your mammoth SUV, or your little 4 banger. How many people are ready to do that for at least a year?


My guess...not too many.

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Gas is a generally fixed cost. You can't not buy it. They know this and you know this. If you really wanted to make a point it would need to be national carpool/take the bus day. And even then they still wouldn't care. Hell the more the price goes up the more profitable it is to manufacture so however you want to go about it. its lose lose for consumers..


*edit* a lot of states have price fixing on gas that won't allow it to be sold below cost.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

Soooo...this is a thread inquiring about this supposed gas boycott and throttlejockey is turning it into a bash Bush thread. Save your little politcal tirade. If you want to start a political debate, start a thread for it. Don't jack some one else's to spew your disdain for G.W.

im stating my opinion on the situation... is free speach not allowed in america? o wait its heading that way. since bush took over the FCC has been crackin down on free speach in the media. oo what a "free" world we live in now a days.

i will freely speak my mind about bush all i want. and it does pertain to the topic. Bush is the reason gas prices have risen.


end. of. story.

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

im stating my opinion on the situation... is free speach not allowed in america? o wait its heading that way. since bush took over the FCC has been crackin down on free speach in the media. oo what a "free" world we live in now a days.

i will freely speak my mind about bush all i want. and it does pertain to the topic. Bush is the reason gas prices have risen.


end. of. story.

LOL, please stop reading the "Liberal Times Journal"
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Originally posted by Take it to PM's:

all i can say is that if gas prices keep goin up, I am just gonna start putting in race fuel for 3.99$ a gallon

+1. Why not, the main thing holding most back is the price. And I dont think race gas has gone up in price in a LONG time.
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