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Why does everyone have to be assholes on here?? mods included


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I make a mistake posting something in the wrong forum becuase I copied a old add. This was before other forums were added. A honest mistake but I get chewed out. The same people though do not respond to questions or suggestions but found the time to rip people. The other thing I think is weird is this no racial stuff but is ok to call people anything else ie fags religous names etc. Kinda weird how things operate soemtimes.
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These same people also have never gotten any sort of "thank you" when giving you advice or information in the past. Why the fuck should I go out of my way to give you information over and over when you don't even respond afterwards?


Example: You pissed and moaned about not hearing back from ADS about an application you put in. You asked for the name(s) of HR people to get in contact with, which I promptly PMed to you. Normally, people are not given this info and requested to call the front desk instead for transfer to said people. Twice I've done this for you and given you specifc names and email addresses. Twice I've gotten no response from you afterwards until you needed a favor again.


Same goes for tech advice questions you post pretty commonly, ADS requests, etc. You want, want, want, but never bother to say "hey, thanks for the info".


Then you come on here and bitch because I told you you needed to post a car for sale in the appropriate forum? Read some of my other responses to other people who have done the same, it's the same cut-and-dried statement as you'd received.


So yeah, get over it. CR is not the "my pussy hurts" forums, contrary to some people's latest whining about anything/everything. Go pick up a fucking quarter and call someone who cares.

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Kind of the same thing happened to me,,,a certain Mod. or admin. jumped on me in a PM acting like some keyboard warrior saying he was going to punish me like hes my father or something. I PM him back to find out what his problem was and explain my side he told me to shut up and leave him alone. I think he was beat-up alot as a child and uses his power here the wrong way.



I will say he is the only admin. or mod. I have had any problems with, the rest have been nothing but nice to me.

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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

I make a mistake posting something in the wrong forum

I have seen you post several times in the wrong forum mostly in the Passing Lane Not to be a prick but it gets old after awhile moving your topics just read the descibtion of the forum and post in the right place and everything will be alright.
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I wasnt really speaking about anyone that helped me or answered my questions. Things work both ways. I have helped people gave them info and didnt get upset they didnt personally thank me. I thinked I hooked you up with a kitten on the cheap when everyone esle paid more. Anyway thanks for the info Anthony but none of it ever panned out etc. You guys that work there say it is such a good place but when people dont call or email someone back I kinda wonder what goes on there. I have worked my way up the ladder too. CJ
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I'll throw my 2 cents in here. I generally feel that anyone who is interested in applying at a company should take 5 seconds and look up the number, name, etc by themselves.

I say this because you asked a question, I replied with EXACTLY how you could reach the person you needed to, and then you send an instant message saying, "why did you make me tell you why I wanted the info when you didn't even know the answer?".

Guess what, if you would have called the number I gave you, and asked for who I said to ask for, you would have gotten their voice mail... which would have given you their full name.

ADS has a dozen+ locations; I don't work at the location you inquired about.

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Guest PiNk 240 GirL
well i made my 1st post in the wrong forum on accident.... and some mod or admin kindly moved it. i try to doubble check all my posts to make sure there in the right place and blah blah blah... ok im done blabbing. :(
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I didnt see you reply to the thread Vinny. Since this site doesnt send a email when someone responds to a thread. I assumed since you asked me to pm you you would respond there. When I imd you never said you responded to the thread or gave me the other number. Thanks but I already have that number and they are very secretive they dont give out names etc. I have attended an open house, called there and emailed but nobody responded. I am not sure what the deal is I am more then qualified I guess it is there lost I cant do much more then that. CJ
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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

I wasnt really speaking about anyone that helped me or answered my questions. Things work both ways.

Um... the title of this thread (that YOU entered) is "Why does everyone have to be assholes on here?? mods included". Maybe you shouldn't group everyone together if you didn't mean it. Be a man and call out who you have an issue with..... graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

I make a mistake posting something in the wrong forum becuase I copied a old add. This was before other forums were added. A honest mistake but I get chewed out. The same people though do not respond to questions or suggestions but found the time to rip people. The other thing I think is weird is this no racial stuff but is ok to call people anything else ie fags religous names etc. Kinda weird how things operate soemtimes.

Don't like the way things are run here? Wanna keep bitching like a ten year old with sand in her vagina? Then click here.


I don't know you, nor do I want to. I've never done shit to you, yet you classify me in the same group. So how about this: you just leave. Go. Now. Don't stay here bitching about how much you hate it. Just leave. Go make friends. Get a girlfriend. Do something. I don't care. Just don't bitch about your "feelings" on this board. Oh, and pull the double-sided kong dong out of your ass. It is giving you attitude problems and makes you walk funny.

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