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unbelieveable that there are good people among us still

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

So when I got in the accident this morning, we pulled into Bank One on the corner of Morse and Karl. I got out my shit, she got out hers, i wrote down everything using the roof of my car as a hard surface, i give her her shit back she gives mine back, me and her b/f talk for a minute. I get back in my car, grab my phone and keys. I get to where I needed to be, got my phone, keys, wait, where the fuck is my wallet. Hell no, i left it on the roof of my car. So I pick my little sister up (where i was going) and we go back to bank one, search everywhere go inside and ask, drive down karl road and back, go into the police station givbe them my name and shit. goto work and this number calls me, some guy found my wallet and everything in it. he dropped it off at my house and everything. nicest guy in the world. 22 year old african american who goes ot ashland university to be a minister smile.gif He wouldn't accept any money as a reward but told us to put it in the collection basket.


Unbelieveable that there are still nice people in this world.


Cliff Notes: Some guy found my wallet and turned everything back in. There's still nice people in the world.

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good to hear...


a couple of years ago my buddy lost his wallet while camping in PA (mt. morris moto-x for those who care). We searched everywhere for it, but being outdoors and the masses of people, we never found it. A week later he got it in the mail but all his cash was gone. (there was no return address on the envelope.)


Fair enough I suppose. smile.gif

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Must be nice, I am a minister also, anyone need married? ;)


Be happy, I went to the concert last night, box seats, old girlfriend, all sounds good right? I use the atm and my balance is about 250$ short. I cancel the card when I got home, go to bank today, turns they got another charge or two in. 300+ was the last they knew. :(

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Good to hear someone is having good luck. Just got a call from the g/f cause some idiot smashed into her car while she was in Krogers.. and of course they took off. This happened to us last year w/ her car when we went to a Clipper's game. I swear I'd love to catch the idiots pulling this crap..




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