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Guest stvbreal

EDIT: No racial slurs/threats, no matter what how you feel about other ethnic groups and their terrorist activities against us.


Strike for you, Steve. This is your first and last warning. Use a little more tact and less feeling when expressiong your opinions about ethnicity.




[ 11. September 2004, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Cranked ]

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It's Nice for them to sympathize, it is well taken., but it's not thier place to say they are sorry, that belongs to the people who planned and carried out the acts on that day, and most of them are dead.


In all honesty, it has nothing to do with the people in the story, musilums aren't the bad guys, it's fucked up people who happend to be musilum, just like thier are fucked up people in every nationality and religon. But it's not the normal people's responcability to say they are sorry about it.

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