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So...fiesta hair salon


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So, when I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, I realized I needed a hair cut. Knowing I was going to be at class until 2pm....I contimplated my choices of places to go get my hair cut. I decided to take my business to fiesta hair in stoneridge plaza. Once I arrived and walked in, I was greeted by a complete hotty graemlins/eek2.gif:Dgraemlins/leghump.gif As she was cutting my hair, I couldn't help thinking about how hot she was, not to mention how good of a job she did on my hair. If anyone wants a good hair cut from an absolute hotty, I suggest you go to fiesta hair in stoneridge and ask for Kim.....you won't be disapointed :D
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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

Bah.. everyone go to Heather at Charles Penzones in Gahanna. ;)

At least im not the olny one who goes to get my hair cut there. The women there are amazing, and the girl the cuts my hair ( friend of the family ) has huge tits that rub all over my head, and she does that shit on purpose, I know it. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

Bah.. everyone go to Heather at Charles Penzones in Gahanna. ;)

Heather does an amazing job as well as she's deffinately hotter than the chicks at Fiesta ;)


All the chicks at Penzone's are hot now that I think about it.

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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

Bah.. everyone go to Heather at Charles Penzones in Gahanna. ;)

Yeah... just make sure you don't go to DJ there. She was really nice... however, I had burn marks on my scalp for 2+ weeks from the hair dye that they used. I've had my hair bleache before and never been burned. And to top it off... tha manager was a total bitch about it. She told me that i was alergic to the product (which is total bullshit). She said the only way that she'd refund anything was if I went to the doctors, had an alergy test done, and bring in the results... as well as making an apt to see her to show her the burn marks on my head. Conviently enough ... she wasn't available for 2 weeks after the incident :mad:


Grrr.... sorry about the rant. Just don't go to anyone other than that top people at Penzones

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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

Bah.. everyone go to Heather at Charles Penzones in Gahanna. ;)

Thanks for the tip graemlins/thumb.gif A friend of my sister's used to work there, and honestly, I never really paid attention to any of the other ones (too busy staring at and flirting with her friend :D ). Do they take walk-in's or is it by appointment only?
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Originally posted by B DUBS:

At least im not the olny one who goes to get my hair cut there. The women there are amazing, and the girl the cuts my hair ( friend of the family ) has huge tits that rub all over my head, and she does that shit on purpose, I know it. tongue.gif

I don't go there.. She's my wife so I get free cuts ;) Who cuts yours?



What level is DJ? Who was the manager?


Yea, they take walk-ins but if you do a walk in, you're more than likely to get one of the lower level cutters that just got out of training

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