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Doom 3


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Yeah, I know it's been out for a while. I just figured I'd pick it up last night at Best Buy cause I had a gift card.


Holy fucking mother of shit this game is scary. Especially if you have a huge monitor and surround sound. There were a few times I thought I was going to piss myself.


Anyways. Just wanted to share. I only played about 2 hours of it last night. Trying to get used to the controls and movement (a little different than HL-2).


Too bad it's sooo damn dark in the game. However, I think it makes the game that much scarier.

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> You'll get used to it fast. Then it's boring. Sad, but true. The awesome graphics are the only thing that kept me going.
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I had it for one day then sent it back.


Graphics are very impressive, but I just don't like how dark it was. I was playing it on a 51" HDTV with Dolby Digital. Probably the best use of 5.1 Digital in a video game EVER.

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> You'll get used to it fast. Then it's boring.



DOOM3 = walk into room, get ambushed by monsters appearing out of air, fight, walk into next room, get ambushed....


The scariest moment was the bathroom mirror. True story. After that... old, fast.

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It happens near the beginning - and its not even an attack or nothing - just an halucination. Made me jump.


So Doom 3 is out on consoles? How boring is that?

"Pardon me while I... t u u u u r n . a r o u n d . t o . s h o o t . y o u... *bang bang*".


Gamepads = the suck


Nancy Reagan: "Just say no [to FPS's on consoles]."

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Well I must have gotten bored very quickly then. I think I stopped playing after that captain or whoever was talking to me on the satellite link.


Also, I didn't think it was that slow. I actually prefer consoles to computer games.:shrugs shoulders:

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Ricochet rented it for xbox and I watched him play some of it, including the ending. Graphics are great, I didn't play so I can't offer an opinion of gameplay. If you figure out what to do at the end quickly, it's pretty weak, otherwise I'm sure that it would be VERY frustrating. I'll just say that Brian killed the final demon in about three minutes and still had plenty of ammo left over.
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Doom3 was worth a $5 rental, but not worth buying.

+1 Played it on Xbox for awhile and it just seemed to get old, but right at the begining it was pretty fun but I got tired of shit spawning behind me all the time.
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