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Attn: all women


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Damn, I wish all women would read that.


BUT WHY IN GODS NAME DID YOU FIND THAT? Please tell me your girl stumbled across it and found it interesting, and that you weren't just doing some research on how to swallow. :D


Yes, I'm an graemlins/asshole.gif

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Make Your Bed:

Screw you guys, I'll do what I want.

And the sad part is, women have the power to say that and make us beg and plead. As long as they have the power of poonanny to hold over our heads, women own us.
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.... i drag my girl by the hair in the bedroom when it's time to go. None of that silly begging crap, that shit died with my ex. I figure that we both want it, one is just more vocal about wanting it that much more. Once i denied her she was like a damn banshee i couldn't get her off me, ever since it's been "hey i think we're going to go bang down now."(me) "k."(her) :Dgraemlins/bubbrubb.gif


Tho, this page is quite good, I'll still show it to her maybe she can figure something nifty out from it.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by ComaWhite:

Then I'll slap you in the face and kick you out of my house.

Jesus, and I thought only Team Vette layed the pimp-slap like that. That's cold-blooded.
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Guest Elinar Longsight

To each his own. I would never do it.(Just because I have and graemlins/puke.gif afterwards)


This is what I tell guys when they ask why it is so bad. "Take a cup of tapioca pudding, add about 1 cup of salt and a little vinegar to it. Drink that and tell me how it taste." One bad experience ruins it forever, and yes, I know its psychological, but so is being afraid of spiders. tongue.gif

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do you like a guy doing that to you tho tina? If so then it doesn't seem... "Fair" because guys REALLY don't have a choice as to what they ingest or not, yer sorta just stuck. :/ So take a little baby bater, it's all gravy:D
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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Ever had your tongue go numb and you can't talk right for a few days? I think that's more than a fair tradeoff for a few seconds of tasting something a little salty.

I don't know what or who the hell you have been tasting, but if your tongue goes numb because of it, I would stop immediately.


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Guest Elinar Longsight
Terron, you are asking the wrong girl this question. But I will answer anyways. Yes, but I don't make him do it. If there was a problem with the taste, then I wouldn't want him to do it. But since I haven't had any complaints in 7yrs of marriage for my lack of swallowing or the other thing, then I must assume its not a problem. tongue.gif For guys to automatically assume its the same thing, try swallowing your own jiz once, and then tell me its the same. graemlins/nutkick.gif
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