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muscle enhancement supps. ?


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Does anyone know anything about v-12 turbo? A friend at school is going to take it and we were doing research on it but couldn't find anything that would suggest anything bad about it, but all the sites we found were selling it too so I was doubting these sites. Has anyone taken this or know anything about it that would be helpful, hes mainly concerned about if it will shrink his stuff.
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noob weightlifters are even funnier than noob "tuners.


If it isnt a pro-hormone, it isnt going to shrink your testicles. v-12 turbo is an energy suplement and will do nothing to make him bigger. Tell him to worry more about acutally lifting the heavy stuff before he randomly picks out drugs to stuff in his lil body.



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Guest Harris92
Just suggest for him to go with a high protein diet. Its natural, and way more safe than muscle supplements. Protein bars can give you massive amounts of protein, and you wont have to worry about hurting your body or "shrinking your package" ;)
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Originally posted by FUPA HATER:

Supplements are gay



Brandon or Ken, or anyone really. I'm starting to workout again; I'm mainly gearing towards running, swimming, and some other things such as ab workouts, push ups, but with no weights or 'nautilus' machines. Mainly because I do want to get in shape, but for one, I hate lifting weights, and two, I really don't feel they are necessary for where I aim to get to. Where is some good info on how I should gear my diet or what would either of you suggest?


Brandon, where have the triathlons been that you have done? My sister wants to do one, and I plan on trying to get in good enough shape to do one too.

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Originally posted by Jackson:

Don't waste your time. 3500 calories a day with red meat, fish, chicken, 2 lbs of green vegetables and workout hard.

Do you realize how much food you have to eat to get 3500 calories of lean chicken, fish, and meat???? Say a chicken breast has 80 grams of protein in it... A gram of protein has 4 calories, so that chicken breast will have about 350-400 calories which is almost 9-10 chicken breast a day. This is why a good protein supplement is needed, 3 scoops of powder and then you get 120-140 grams of protein.
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1. Don't take creatine. You get great results but the side effects are similar to that of steroids.


2. Don't worry about the number of calories. Worry about the grams of protein and amount of A.A.


3. I would definitely suggest a multivitamin but if it is possible you should try to get all your vitamins in your diet without any supplements.


4. I am definitely anti-supplement so if you want to talk about unnaturally speeding the muscle building process you should talk to someone in GNC.

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Originally posted by drblake:

1. Don't take creatine. You get great results but the side effects are similar to that of steroids.




Shit, we need to cut all red meat out of our diets and have our bodys stop making ATP then!!!!


please don't make statements like this that are so stupid. If the side effects of Steroids are Flatulence and Dehydration, then your statement is correct, otherwise, please, be quiet

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Originally posted by drblake:

1. Don't take creatine. You get great results but the side effects are similar to that of steroids.


4. I am definitely anti-supplement so if you want to talk about unnaturally speeding the muscle building process you should talk to someone in GNC.

And what side effects are those that are similar to steroids??? Acne? lethargy? gyno? The only thing that creatine does that steroids do is make you gain water weight.



BBWWAAAHAHAHAAAAHHAHA GNC... right there makes your post null and void.

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Originally posted by drblake:

3. I would definitely suggest a multivitamin but if it is possible you should try to get all your vitamins in your diet without any supplements.

Bullshit again, the weightlifter's #1 extra vitamin to take would be glutamine, which repairs the muscles in a more effcient manner.
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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:



BBWWAAAHAHAHAAAAHHAHA GNC... right there makes your post null and void.

I think it would be better to walk into world's gym and ask the guy's working out there for advice rather than the people at GNC
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Originally posted by Rane:

Take something to offset your penis shrinking, Hahaha.

Its not me taking them, its a friend, and if it was I wouldn't worry about my penis shrinking, I'm a girl. So what almost everyone is saying is that hes just waisting his money with the stuff and to just do it the hard way. Thanks again.
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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Its not me taking them, its a friend, and if it was I wouldn't worry about my penis shrinking, I'm a girl. So what almost everyone is saying is that hes just waisting his money with the stuff and to just do it the hard way. Thanks again.

A couple of my friends who do bodybuilding like that N02 stuff or whatever
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eh my penis never shrank and its your testicles that WOULD shrink if they did, but who wants saggy balls anyways?! lol


i took Animal Stak the summer befor emy SR yr of HS, gained 20 lbs in 1 cycle and my bench max went up 70 lbs!! Its an anobolic steroid, 8 pills in a pack..there are also other products with the Animal name, like pak, max, and a few others I think


I was impressed with it, the only side effect I noticed was my shoulders broke out for the first week but it went away and i plan on using some again soon here when i start workin out again

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Originally posted by Neo:



Brandon or Ken, or anyone really. I'm starting to workout again; I'm mainly gearing towards running, swimming, and some other things such as ab workouts, push ups, but with no weights or 'nautilus' machines. Mainly because I do want to get in shape, but for one, I hate lifting weights, and two, I really don't feel they are necessary for where I aim to get to. Where is some good info on how I should gear my diet or what would either of you suggest?


Brandon, where have the triathlons been that you have done? My sister wants to do one, and I plan on trying to get in good enough shape to do one too.

Gear your diet to fit your needs, greens and meats, with out to much of them being red.


As far as Tri-athealons I did Antrim, Alum creek, and Delaware state parks. Alum was the most enjoyable, and had a lot of hot chics.


Do you realize how much food you have to eat to get 3500 calories of lean chicken, fish, and meat???? Say a chicken breast has 80 grams of protein in it... A gram of protein has 4 calories, so that chicken breast will have about 350-400 calories which is almost 9-10 chicken breast a day. This is why a good protein supplement is needed, 3 scoops of powder and then you get 120-140 grams of protein.
Do you realize your body use utilizes natural proteins 5x better then drinks and bars. And your body can olny absorb so much protein. You are wasteing your money on protein shakes if you buy them. ( IMO ) I talk to mr ohio everyday in my gym, and he dosent take that shit, in fact he olny takes a few supplements, mainly vitamins and minerals.


And the olny supplements i take are a multi-vitamin, vitamin c, vitamen e, and a very good diet.


As for the people at worlds ( which is where i work out ) of course they want you to take supplements, it puts money in there pocket, and a false sense of security. Hard work and a strict diet, is the key. And GNC has more good stuff then you think...


You guys sound like the ones who cant work hard enough to reach your goals, and are the ones, who once they reach their natural hereditary ends, you cheats to further them, and olny hurt yourselves in the process. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

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I think that Animal stuff isn't on the market now, I just read about it and I think some guy said that it was outlawed when I was reading a review.


Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

A couple of my friends who do bodybuilding like that N02 stuff or whatever[/QB]

My friend told me that the V-12 Turbo is really popular here at Otterbein. But it doesn't sound like it works from what people are saying on here.
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