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muscle enhancement supps. ?


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Originally posted by Rane:

If your friend actaully wants to be strong, tell him to do it natural. Otherwise he is just going to be a big looking wuss.

Tell that to my buddy who has been using supplements since he started lifting, who could break you in half. He is about 5'8 210 lbs, ripped, and he benches somewhere over 400 lbs.
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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

Tell that to my buddy who has been using supplements since he started lifting, who could break you in half. He is about 5'8 210 lbs, ripped, and he benches somewhere over 400 lbs.

Its called heredity, and he was born to be the strong ;) And i know more guys that natuarlly bench 400 then supplementing ones. true story.
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Originally posted by FUPA HATER:

Its called heredity, and he was born to be the strong ;) And i know more guys that natuarlly bench 400 then supplementing ones. true story.

That is part of it, but it doesn't make a difference. It just depends on if you rely on yourself to make the gains, and work hard, and use supplements as they are meant to be used (you know, supplemental) or if you rely on them for their gains. Most people use supplements, at least protein and glutamine. Creatine is also a really good one if you use it right.
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Ok could someone respond back to the first part of Neo's post for me? I'm wanting to just get into better cardio shape and to lose weight rather then gain muscle, im already large enough the rest of it will be there once the pounds are gone. I'm a bigger guy (250ish?) So... yeah. I started just walking for 15 mins a day and I already had a multi-vitamin just because but what should I do from here?


And Brandon if you could chime in please do you've seen how large I am so you'd probably be able to comment, you or iwishiwascool.



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The amount of ignorance in this thread is actually making my head hurt. It's people like the posters above that speak as if knowledgeable when really they are just quoting third or fourth hand information passed by biased mouths that makes informing people so very hard.


1. Taking protein shakes doesn’t make you "unnatural". When the first shakes were created, it is true that the body was unable to utilize a large percent. Unfortunately for your accuracy, it isn’t 1979 anymore. The bioavailability now rivals meat (which has a biological value of 70-80 and competes with egg protein which is the standard at 100). Here is something you should accompany your crazy ratings with: Real life reference


2. I cannot even believe that someone with a "Dr" in his handle actually said the effects of Creatine are similar to a pro-hormone. You’ve got to be kidding me.


3. Pro-hormones do a hell of a lot more than just add water weight. Unless water raises your testosterone production %1000 now.


4. As for you Jason, to lose weight it wont be easy. You must change your entire lifestyle from what and how you eat to the addition of a regimented gym program. There is no easy way. Ill start a new post with some advice.


I think we should start a new rule. If you have no idea what you are talking about, and the only info that spews forth from your fingers is from some dude you know who DEFINITELY knows what he is talking about... stand on the sidelines and read a book, or an article, or anything before you throw your pennies in the mix.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

The amount of ignorance in this thread is actually making my head hurt.

God damn your rite. I read the first part of this thread and Im just shaking my head after that crap.



Formula for MASS =

PROTEIN 200-300 grams minimal

CALORIES 4k-5k per day



For high school kids or ANYONE under 23 or 21 years old.. taking ANYTHING that alters your hormones is STUPID. Your hindering your still growing body.


I dont want to hear any more newbie lifting opinions in this here thread graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

That is part of it, but it doesn't make a difference. It just depends on if you rely on yourself to make the gains, and work hard, and use supplements as they are meant to be used (you know, supplemental) or if you rely on them for their gains. Most people use supplements, at least protein and glutamine. Creatine is also a really good one if you use it right.

How does heredity not matter??? You either have the muscle fibers or you dont....

Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

The amount of ignorance in this thread is actually making my head hurt. It's people like the posters above that speak as if knowledgeable when really they are just quoting third or fourth hand information passed by biased mouths that makes informing people so very hard.


1. Taking protein shakes doesn’t make you "unnatural". When the first shakes were created, it is true that the body was unable to utilize a large percent. Unfortunately for your accuracy, it isn’t 1979 anymore. The bioavailability now rivals meat (which has a biological value of 70-80 and competes with egg protein which is the standard at 100). Here is something you should accompany your crazy ratings with: Real life reference


2. I cannot even believe that someone with a "Dr" in his handle actually said the effects of Creatine are similar to a pro-hormone. You’ve got to be kidding me.


3. Pro-hormones do a hell of a lot more than just add water weight. Unless water raises your testosterone production %1000 now.


4. As for you Jason, to lose weight it wont be easy. You must change your entire lifestyle from what and how you eat to the addition of a regimented gym program. There is no easy way. Ill start a new post with some advice.


I think we should start a new rule. If you have no idea what you are talking about, and the only info that spews forth from your fingers is from some dude you know who DEFINITELY knows what he is talking about... stand on the sidelines and read a book, or an article, or anything before you throw your pennies in the mix.

I talk to excersize philogists( sp ) as my reference. Yes it isnt 1979, and protein shakes are absorbed better, but natural food still absorb better, and you get better A.A. Its in mine and mr ohios opion that protein shakes are a waste.


Now your completly right about pro hormones, increased testosterone equals more power, and that is cheating. And in the long run its whether you were born with the right fibers or not.

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Could someone just dumb down these responses so that I can tell the kid what to do, I don't know what you guys are talking about and I was the one with the question, so can you just tell me, is what he is taking 1. Safe for the body, 2. Going to help and 3. Going to do anything to his junk.
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ken is on the right track.

I have taken pretty heavy cycles of Methyl 1 Test, which is highly androgenic. The side affects I got were depression mild gyno. I took a PCT post cycle to hault estrogen. When i started my cycle, i weighed about 225, and got about 10-15 lbs in weight gain. Most of it was water weight, and i lost that pretty quickly after my cycle. If you take M1T, or something thats as androngenic, expect to feel lethargic, depressed, increased acne and possibly hairloss. possibly being a limp dick, too. hahaha.



You have 1 day left on prohormones, I would say they're your best bet. I just bought 1-AD. I am expecting the most from this. It isnt as androgenic as M1T, or 4-AD. I kept a journal when I did a cycle of m1t. ill look for it, and post later.



Remember, whenever you take prohormones, depending on what it is, your bodys natural production is going to go down tremendously. I have taken 6-OXO post cycle many of times. Gaspari Nutrion makes a similiar product called "nolvadex extreme" i have not tried this, but have heard people say its pretty good.



I dont really think protein shakes are a waste of money... I wouldnt make that your main source of protein though. I have 10 tubs of protein at my house, and i rarely use them.(I get free stuff all the time, no, i do not spend my own money on it)I am sure someone has already covered this, but, to successfully build muscle, you should get atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.



If you want to try a creatine product, I would go with anavol by nxcare. it has Creatine AKG, which is 100000000000X better than monohydrate. It also has citruline malate, which converts into Arginine(a popular amino acid used in NO products) i have personally tried this product too, and i can say its the best one.


If you're under 22-23, i wouldnt suggest taking any prohormones, it can mess up your growth. I havent grown an inch since i was 18, and my weight has relatively stayed the same. and its not because of pro hormones, either!


Right now, I am on the 40/40/20 diet. which breaks down to be 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats. Im at 230 right now, and im about 5'11" My goal is to get as lean as possible, without risking too much lean muslce. I usually do 30 mins of cardio a day, at low intensity just to keep my heart rate down, otherwise it would start eating away at muscle. catabolism=bad.


Hope this has helped...Sorry, my reply has been kind of scattered out. There were too many people to quote, so i tried throwing it all together.

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For the fat kids (taken from a forum which shall remain nameless):


Figure your maintence calories:


Go to a body fat calculator and figure up you body fat percentage (ignore the rest for now).


[RMR (Resting metabolic rate) X Activity Factor] + Thermic Effect of Food= Maintenance Calorie Intake

{[10 x (LBM in lbs) + 500] X Activity Factor} + (TEF)


Where RMR = 10 x (LBM in lbs) + 500


And Activity Factors =

1.2-1.3 for Very Light (bed rest)

1.5-1.6 for Light (office work/watching TV)

1.6-1.7 for Moderate (some activity during day)

1.9-2.1 for Heavy (labor type work)


TEF (thermic effect of food)= 10-15% X RMR



so 150 lbs of lean body mass for a moderately active person = [10 x 150 + 500] X 1.6 + .10(10 x 150 + 500) = 3400 calories


If you are cutting you should intake about .85 X your maintence calories or 2890 in the example above.


Your protien intake should be around 1.5 grams per lb of lean body mass. For the above example this would be 225g per day.


You protien and calories for the day should be split into 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Each meal should have some protein.


To key to getting your diet fixed, is preparation. If you have lots of good food sitting around and no shitty food, you’ll be less likely to eat shitty food.



Cutting (losing fat)


Are you fat?


To lose fat (hence get the fat off your abs so you can see them) you must bring in less calories than you are using in a day. If you are cutting you should intake about .85 X your maintenance calories or 2890 in the example above.



Generally it is advised that you Cut no more than 500 calories below your maintenance level. If you try to starve yourself you will make it harder to lose weight.






If you are in shape, most people here would recommend you do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) where you work out at high intensities for short intervals (who would have imagined?) This technique burns a much more fat then slow cardio.




Interval training may increase cardiovascular endurence more than medium intensity slowmo cardio study


Keto (atkins, southbeach, etc)


If you are extremely obese or you are in a hurry to loose weight keto may be for you. In keto you cut our carbs and as a result burn a higher percentage of fat for energy. Most of us will generally advise you to try a targeted ketogenic diet or one where you periodically load up on carbs, as opposed to pure atkin’s style. Many people also have a lot of success with just cutting out simple carbs (sugar) and keeping overall carbs to a reasonable level, without going into ketosis (100-150g of carbs/day).


Some of the mistakes people make on keto include not getting enough fat, not getting enough calories, and eating to much protein. It is not necissary to do keto to lose weight. If you start eating clean and bring the overall carbs down to a reasonable level, you will do fine, it will just take longer. Also be carefull on keto and limit high intensity work.






Eat 85% of your maintenence calories.

Eat 6 smaller, clean meals a day.

Lift heavy stuff.

High Intensity Interval Training.

Stop being fat.

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You can use a site called www.fitday.com to track your eating habits.


Acumeasure makes accurate body fat calipers that help a great deal in tracing your progress as a scale cannot take into account the lbs of muscle you will inevitably gain from working out.

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If you're looking for cardio health (someone above asked) nothing beats swimming. I swam through high school and have never been in better shape then I was senior year. I could run as long as I wanted, do as many pushups as I wanted, and had VERY little body fat. After 4 years of not working out regularly (running maybe once or twice a month) I was measured at 12% body fat. I'm just getting back into it again, but it will take a while to get to where I was.


Running is good too but puts more stress on your knees and doesn't work your upper body like swimming. Finding a cheap membership to a pool though is hard.

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I am interested in swimming because I've heard that it is a really good workout and gets you in good shape. My mom just joined Wedgewood so I'm going to try out some swimming this summer.
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It's a GREAT workout. You burn a lot of calories, work a lot of muscle groups, it's non-impact, increases cardio health, and builds strength. It can be hard to do continuously though. We always started the season with around 2 weeks of dry land strength and endurence training.
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i was looking for the Animal Stak online last night, i got to www.A1supplements.com they have good prices, where as the stak would be about 60 bucks at GNC i pay 28 plus shipping....so the animal products are still out there, but the new stak is called stak 2...i was reading up and i didnt recognize any of the ingrediants and it didnt say it had androstene in it anymore so im sceptical about trying it again....although i could understand why the stak would be outlawed since it had androstene in it and from what i remember it was the next closest thing to pure Test. and well youll fail drug tests too! good thing i didnt get caught! lol


i found another pill, call T-Bomb, its pretty much pure testosterone but something else in the pill eliminates all Test to Estrogen, i didnt really read up on it or know anything about it but it looked neat, but 6 of the same pills a day seemed a bit overdone

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You should never ever never mess with steroid precursors or pro hormones without VERY thorough research. You should know exactly what your cycle is going to be and exactly what you will take after it is over to avoid the side effects of elevating your test levels.


Androsteine Dione Nor-19 which was all the rage when I was in high school has fallen to the wayside and been replace with much stronger and effective drugs.


The only time you should even consider these serious ass drugs is when you have reached a physical peak and cannot grow anymore even then you should seriously weigh the pros and cons.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

You should never ever never mess with steroid precursors or pro hormones without VERY thorough research. You should know exactly what your cycle is going to be and exactly what you will take after it is over to avoid the side effects of elevating your test levels.


Androsteine Dione Nor-19 which was all the rage when I was in high school has fallen to the wayside and been replace with much stronger and effective drugs.


The only time you should even consider these serious ass drugs is when you have reached a physical peak and cannot grow anymore even then you should seriously weigh the pros and cons.

last line sums it all up, physical peak
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Originally posted by Default:

And the olny supplements i take are a multi-vitamin, vitamin c, vitamen e, and a very good diet.


where does 60 beers a weekend fit into your training schedule ;) [/QB]

Im not perfect, really far from it, i could be much bigger if i got very dedicated

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