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Closer: Movie


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Not a review: I thought it was quite well produced. Despite Portmans nude scenes being removed.... Chronology, lighting, soundtrack, Dialogue, details that many modern directors cast aside as irrelevent to today's audience... were very well exicuted.


Anyone else see it?

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I saw it with 2 girls.


one cried openly during one of the scenes, the other didnt really understand anything... she isnt very bright.


I like movies that make me say: "damn that's fucked up" as I walk out.


Fight club, Pi, The Usual Suspects, Happiness, ect...

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I saw it with 2 girls.


one cried openly during one of the scenes, the other didnt really understand anything... she isnt very bright.


I like movies that make me say: "damn that's fucked up" as I walk out.


Fight club, Pi, The Usual Suspects, Happiness, ect...

The you should watch Storytelling, Requiem for a Dream, and Dancer in the Dark.
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Other movies that make you say 'damn, that was fucked up': Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Butterfly Effect, 21 Grams. I have 21 Grams and asked for the other two for Christmas, hopefully I get them.


I was debating whether I wanted to see this or not, all of the previews are kind of ambiguous as to the type of story it is. I think I will go see it now.


Is the not very smart one cute? :D

That is as long as you're not talking about your g/f (I hope not!).

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