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Jury recommends death in Peterson case...

Guest Spyder550

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No way he will get the death penalty, it is in California after all, some human rights hippie will say that it is unfair for him to die. Never mind the fact he murdered his pregnant wife for no apparent reason other than he did not want the kid, or wanted to run off and bang his girlfriend.
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It's not so much that it "deserves" the attention, but just because it was such a big deal a couple years ago when Laci went missing on X-Mas eve (kinda hard for a family at that time of the year for their pregnant daughter to all of a sudden be just "gone" on X-Mas eve) and Scott denied knowing anything about it, so it was something that stuck with people when it came out months later the had a ton of money in cash on him, was attemping to drive to Mexico and then the transcripts of his conversations w/ that g/f came out -- so basically people are just more informed on the case because they've been hearing about it for a while -- it's almost been like a conspiracy.


Just my take on why it's grabbed so much media attention.


Fry him.

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Originally posted by AustinL911:

I've been meaning to ask. Why is it that this case became so big? I mean, how many people are murdered in this world? Why is this case so special, that it deserves all of this media attention?

Because the family is rich, just like the Ramsey's and all of the other families we hear about. They don't show poor people or minorities unless they are the ones doing something wrong.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

Because the family is rich, just like the Ramsey's and all of the other families we hear about. They don't show poor people or minorities unless they are the ones doing something wrong.

i was going to say this but i didn't know if they were rich or not
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He won't be executed, as mentioned before, it's California. I actually found it amusing that they thought sentancing him to life in Prison or life on death row was news. The only difference is weather he has a room mate or not.


Shit, Charles Manson is still alive!!!!

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The reason this case is so big is because the Unborn Victims of Violence Act ("The Laci Peterson Law") was created and passed just because of this case, that if you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with double murder.


The significance is that it is THE FIRST LAW IN AMERICAN HISTORY THAT RECOGNIZES A FETUS AS A HUMAN LIFE. You can't be charged for murder if you didn't kill anyone.


Our country now has a double standard: A mother is freely allowed to kill her unborn child (there is an exception for abortion written in the law), but anyone else who kills her unborn child is committing murder.


Something like 90% of attacks on pregnant women are by the father in an attempt to kill the unborn child.


This law is bringing to the surface some of the ugly inconsistencies of our society that liberals would rather continue to ignore. They are torn between 1) protection of women and the concerns of feminists who work to end violence against women and who recognize the devastation of an expecting mother who loses her child, and 2) their support for rampant abortion.


This law is basically forcing our leaders, activists, lobbyists, and other concerned citizens to look Roe v. Wade in the eye, and liberals don't want to. From a pro-life point of view, it can be summed up as "bwahahaha, sorry, you can't have your cake and eat it, too." From a pro-abortion point of view, it forces one to at least admit that abortion is not as black-and-white as a single supreme court decision has made it to this point.


If you've read this far without your head hurting or thoughts drifting to clear tail lights and angst-ladden music videos, read:





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By the way, I say let Mr. Peterson live, if you didn't understand my "squeeeel" comment...


The only time I think it is permissible to kill another human being is in self-defense when your life is threatened, defending someone else whose life is threatened, or in combat that clearly meets the criteria of the Just War Theory.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Let him spend his life behind bars.

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Guest Spyder550
Originally posted by Tony:

By the way, I say let Mr. Peterson live, if you didn't understand my "squeeeel" comment...


The only time I think it is permissible to kill another human being is in self-defense when your life is threatened, defending someone else whose life is threatened, or in combat that clearly meets the criteria of the Just War Theory.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Let him spend his life behind bars.

So you think it is wrong for the state to carry out the actions that Mrs. Peterson was unable to becuase she couldn't fend off her assailant? Seems justifiable to me.
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Originally posted by Spyder550:

So you think it is wrong for the state to carry out the actions that Mrs. Peterson was unable to becuase she couldn't fend off her assailant? Seems justifiable to me.

The objective of self-defense is not to kill your attacker. The objective of self-defense is to defend your self. Hence the name. The ideal is to subue your attacker and not kill him; but if he is trying to kill you and you kill him in self-defense, you are not to blame.


Self-defense is only in the moment. Self-defense does not entitle retribution at any moment beyond an incident of attack --not from the victim and not from the state. If someone beats the living hell out of you and you live, does that give you the right to go and beat the living hell out of him at a later date? No - not legally, not ethically, and not morally by any standards anywhere.


And for states that enact the death penalty, the purpose of it is not to "carry out the actions [the victim] was unable to".


None of this should need to be said. I can't believe you actually posted the reply above. I'm going to assume you are more intelligent than your reply and that you just said that in an attempt to spur discussion on the topic.


For anyone who is getting angry reading this and about to start typing obscenities in a fit of rage, shut up and consider joining the society that created and maintains the safe environment that enables you to live as you do.

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Originally posted by Tony:


For anyone who is getting angry reading this and about to start typing obscenities in a fit of rage, shut up and consider joining the society that created and maintains the safe environment that enables you to live as you do.

Exactly. Just like Laci did. The Catholics are right, there should never be a crime punishable by death. Except heresy. Oh, and the idea of a spherical Earth. Or a heliocentric universe. Or being a Muslim, pagan, or excommunicated during the crusades.
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