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Jane Fonda, the Traitor....


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Hmmmm Lets see, Being pissed at Jane Fonda getting anything besides a jail term for being the treasonous bitch that she is = being a hilljack.


Owning a gun = being a hilljack


Voicing ones consertvative views = slackjawed swagger


Yall best be reading this shit. I ain't the ONLY one being referred to here.

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Originally posted by desperado:

I swear some of the shit that gets spewwed on this board makes my head want to explode.

Finaly we agree. By all means, blow up your head, the board would be eternaly greatful.


I'm a died in the wool American, nothing else. To prove it, I'll beat Senator Robert Byrd to death with a baseball bat, just give me immunity from the murder charge. graemlins/thumb.gif


Nothing wrong with being a hilljack. You just happen to be an idiot hilljack, bad form. graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by desperado:

Na, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction

It's most likely more prone to implosion anyways, ever do any diving? tongue.gif



"OMFG Jane Fonda iz *** Trait'zor! We must band together and be angry for the magazine award!!11!!1eleven!!1!!.....wait, where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?"


[ 04. March 2005, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Tenzig ]

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The problem here both with Jane Fonda and with this thread is lack of civil discourse.


Rather than simply debate and argue against our involvment in Vietnam, Fonda and her fellow travelers chose to use shocking, dishonest and frankly illegal tactics, all thinking that it was for "the greater good".


Unfortunately, what she and others didn't accept is the fact that their definition of what constitued that "greater good" was highly subjective. They are not the first people to make that mistake, nor will they be the last.


We see the same thing here in this thread and in the personal level of attacks in all of our politics, and the rush to immediately jump to the most incindiary rhetoric and distortion of fact.


It's not enough to disagree with people -- they must be a liberal "fuckstick", or a conservative "hillbilly moron". It's not enough to disagree with Bush -- he must be personally attacked at ever level possible, until he is portrayed as nothing more than a caricature of faults. Once fully demonized and dehumanized, any argument from the opposing side can then be disregarded without reason. After all, why should the ideas of an evil sub-human even be considered?


These are the tactics of the intellectually lazy, for it is far easier to devise creative insults and aspersions against a person than it is to painstakingly accumulate facts, refine lines of argument, and persuade others of the virtue of your position. Simply pass the mud and sling another handful, please.


Welcome to the America of Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh, where we distort and distort until the other person has "said" what we wanted to argue against, where no attack or tactic is out of bounds, and where truth is always the first casualty, murdered by bias and emotionalism.


Fonda did more than simply betray people. She and those like her betrayed our democratic process, and introduced a crass, angry, terroristic approach to politics that we're all stuck with today, whether any of us are old enough to remember her activities or not.


This thread has turned into a perfect "tribute" to her work.

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