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How will they be treated......


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When they came back from battling in WWII, they where regarded as heros. A liberating force that cured the world of a horrible organizer of Genocide, Heros.


When they came back from Vietnam, they where spit on and called baby killers. No honor, no glory, no support from those that had sent them.


When they come back from Iraq, how will they be treated?


This is not a political question as to whether or not we should be there, just a question of how you think our brave men and women will be treated.


I personally think they are all heros, each of them. Their families have sacrificed greatly and should see that we regard our military as a great group of men and women who hear the call and react.


Thanks to all of our troops, hopefully the upcoming elections do not spur larger organized violent conflicts.

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Hopefully they will be treated somewhat normal, shown respect and gratitude as they do deserve it. If I were over there and came back I would want to be treated with respect but nothing special. But that is just me.
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i think the term 'Hero' is used too loosely anymore. they will be look at with respect and pride, but not all are 'Heroes'. the ones who gave that ultimate sacrifice are definetly 'Heroes'...to die for your country is very noble. i just find it more respectful for those deserving of that title. it's like giving a 1st place medal to anyone who showed up at the race, kinda pointless, it loses its true meaning.


i have a friend over in Quatar right now, he does something with radios...should he be labeled the same as the guy who died trying to save his friends?


i dunno, just my $.02.

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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

i think the term 'Hero' is used too loosely anymore. they will be look at with respect and pride, but not all are 'Heroes'. the ones who gave that ultimate sacrifice are definetly 'Heroes'...to die for your country is very noble. i just find it more respectful for those deserving of that title. it's like giving a 1st place medal to anyone who showed up at the race, kinda pointless, it loses its true meaning.


i have a friend over in Quatar right now, he does something with radios...should he be labeled the same as the guy who died trying to save his friends?


i dunno, just my $.02.

I see your point I agree the term of hero is thrown out there alot in this country due to the fact some believe being a hero is catching a ball in a big game and riding a bike in a race and winning several times but I think people who take the time out of there life to serve there country are heros
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Will terrorist attacks end the human race? No.


Will Global Thermonuclear War end the human race? Yes.


End of paper.

will one nuclear event likely set off the entire shabang, ending in thermonuclear war? yes.


is a terrorist more likely to set off one nuclear warhead than a government? yes.


there you go.


also, all it breaks down to is simple math. if i had wanted to make it a short paper, i could have said "there are more people now than there were during the cold war. and there is more technology than there was during the cold war. therefore we are living in a more dangerous time."


if i wanted to poke fun at your reading, id say that my paper was about how "we" were SAFER during the cold war, not how the world was less likely to be blown up in a nuclear holocaust. but, i know you can read, so you mustve just missed that. :D

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How will they be treated?


with respect.


would you spit on a plumber a carpenter or a shoeshine boy for doing their job, of course not. Being a soldier in these times is probably one of the hardest most underpaid jobs going. Soldiers command every ounce of our respect even if we may not agree with the orders that our elected representatives have given them. If your unhappy with the world speak out, but never disrespect a man or a woman for doing a difficult and often thankless job.

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Originally posted by Orion:

will one nuclear event likely set off the entire shabang, ending in thermonuclear war? no.


is a terrorist more likely to set off one nuclear warhead than a government? yes.

Thats how I believe those two questions are correctly answered.


But putting those two aside and going at the we thing, if by we you mean us in Ohio I beleive we are low probability for a terrorist nuclear strike. But in an all out exchange with the former Soviet Union where-in we're blanketing the entire globe with tens of thousands of nuclear detonations, it really doesnt matter where you are sitting. So the Ohio "we" are safer now.


If by we you mean the royal we as in humanity, then we're still better off with a couple nukes going off as opposed to the entirety of the world's land masses being turned to glass.


Now going back to your yes answer to your first question (which I don't agree with but humoring the supposition) - the "whole shebang" is several orders of magnitude smaller today than it was mid/late eighties. Much less bang for the buck now if we light off the whole box of wax.


Who knows, maybe Australia would pull thru. Damn Aussies.


But I agree with your other premise: more congestion and crowding means more aggression. And thats why we gotta go to Mars....

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I would give them the utmost respect, but what is more important is how we treat those that fought during WWII and Vietnam today. Often when i'm out and about in uniform i'll have former Marines, or even Army, come up to me and thank me for what i'm doing. Instead of saying,"Thanks alot" i say,"No thank you, sir." What those men and women did back in the '40s, '50s, and '60s should never be taken for granted. What they did back then has allowed me to be where i am now...
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