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Reviewed; War of the Worlds......no spoilers?

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There are no spoilers because everyone here should know that IN THE END THEY ARE ALL KILLED BY HUMAN VIRUSES!

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD if you didn't know that, GO BACK TO SCHOOL! tongue.gif


Anyways, in summation; It is quite worth seeing. Forgetting everything you've heard about Tom Cruise makes him easier to stomach, he's not realy all that bad an actor.


There are mild improvizations, of course. Morgan Freeman brings you into, and takes you out of, the movie with narration from the first and last lines of the book, slightly modified to suit "the beginning of the 21st century".

Special effects leave nothing to be desired, good stuff. I honnestly think they'd have been better off with cylinders falling from the sky, though. My only gripe was the abrupt ending. It's like Steve said "Well, I dont wanna shoot anymore movie, lets make'm all sick now", and it was so.

Overall, good flick. I would have enjoyed it much more if I didn't learn to read as a kid, and hadn't paid attention in public grade school. Despite having read it, and knowing it, and the quintessential "the book is better then the movie", I'd still have paid $7.50 to see it and not feel cheated.


Dakota Fanning is just too damn good, she must be a machine or reincarnation.


[ 29. June 2005, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Originally posted by Orion:

not as good as the radio show, though. i heard a rebroadcast of the original radio airing and was like, "damn! head for the hills!!!"

Ya one of my professors played that for my english class, which was based on fear. It was crazy.
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Originally posted by Orion:

not as good as the radio show, though. i heard a rebroadcast of the original radio airing and was like, "damn! head for the hills!!!"

hehe, hell yes, good stuff. I wish I'd been around for that, a good scare is good for you every now and again.
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