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Half-life 2 story line: spoilers inside!


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If you haven't played and beaten half-life 2 but plan to, don't read any farther.



So.. what the fuck is up with the ending??? I blew up the teleporter, and then time freezes and the G-man walks out of the explosion. Was it all a dream? Was Gordon trapped in some kind of war-simulation for the g-man's purposes? Am i getting this straignt? Is Valve fucking serious?!?!


That ending was WEAK! "haha! you did a lot, but none of it was real!! The human race isn't really whiped out!" Save the waking up from a bad dream for the soap operas.


But on a positive note, the last level was BAD ASS. The pumped-up gravity gun is killer. :D


I guess story telling is a lost art.

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hell, my TI4600 pulled 100+ fps in several levels of the game at 1024x728 with all settings maxxed.


there were a couple main bosses, they just didn't come right out and say they were bosses. Like the first time you had to shoot down the gunship with the RPG, or when you had to wax those 4 striders in the court yard, And that boss helicopter you fought in the air-boat.. I enjoyed that battle quite a bit.



I definately enjoyed the game. It was much fun, i jsust wish they had put some effort into the storey. no in-game cinetmatics gets a graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

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Those bosses were too direct. Basically point and shoot. Ghey.


HL had the tapping plant thing that had a side-quest to destroy it by flipping switches and turning on feed pipes. Then the cyclops thing that the first time has to be electrified after opening doors and leading him into the power roo. Then the second time by launching an airstrike on his ass without blowing yourself up.


Shit like that smile.gif

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I took the ending as Gordon Freeman is now (by default) working for the G-Man. Meaning that whenever the G-man has some work (or dirty work) that needs to be done, Gordon will be ON-DECK...


I thought the happinings in the game were real (ie- not a dream sequence)

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Ok - you all missed.


Gordan HAS BEEN working for the G-man. As in prior to HL2.


He's dropped in from out-of-time, suspended-animation, sleep, what-have-you, and inserted into the space-time continuum at the beginning of HL2 (you heard the other train passenger's comment "where'd you come from? I didn't see you get on") to do this job. Exactly the job he does - wipe out the combine.


I personally thought the ending was kick ass for one reason: they had the balls to wipe out your love interest. When you destroy the REACTOR at the end it sets off, well, what you're looking at is the expanding genesis of the deathball that is a nuclear explosion. Slowed waaaay down. At the split instant of the fusion reaction's explosive blossoming beginning, the G-Man again manipulates space/time to come and pluck you out of harm's way - for future use of course. After all you finished your job there, and you're so handy to have around.


That Valve scripted it in such a way that he takes you and leaves Alex, her dad, the lady scientist, and all the other thousands (millions?) of poor people down below in the city to thier soon-to-be-vaporized fate was ballsy IMO.


(Loved the "flicks dust off her lapel" move of his. Its a sortof "You're going to burn, but try not to die a mess, missy" gesture. Great stuff.)

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Good analysis, Mowgli. Hadn't seen it that way, it makes a little more sense now.


Either way, I wasn't that impressed with the storyline- or graphics, for that matter. I had it on full settings and the faces of people were... not quite right. Alex looked the best, by far.


Anyways, I was also dissapointed by the fact that it took me 23 hours to beat, rather than the promised 40 by Valve a year ago. That ******* sucked. $70 for a game with no ending, moderate graphics, 20 hours of gameplay, and a multiplayer system that's been out for 6 years. I was the biggest half-life fan alive- trust me on this one- and HL2 falls far short of my expectations. To hell with the gaming reviewers and their '10 out of 10' reports.


This game gets a 7 out of 10. If you haven't bought it yet, wait 6 months or so for the price to come down. This game is worth about $40.


Maybe I'm jaded; maybe I expect too much from games; maybe expecting a game to have a decent storyline is too far fetched in our 'shock-and-awe' genre of gaming today, but Half-Life 2 is just run around, solve a few kiddie puzzles, and shoot people. Certainly I feel sorry for what valve had to endure with the pirating fiasco, but that's no reason to turn out a half-baked game with ramped up graphics and charge almost a hundred dollars for it. Bah. Swing-and-a-miss for Valve on this one. I just hope they make enough money that they can turn out a decent game next time around...and God help them if they leave us with this mess, never to be resolved.

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The game needed to be twice as long. That is all.


To me it seemed like 1/2 of the game was either in the buggy, or the swamp thing.


Oh well. I need to upgrade my video card so I can actually play Source. Play it at a max of like 25 fps and when 2 people shoot, it drops down to 8, it kinda sucks. :(

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Have ya played Doom3? Play Doom3 and then come back and play Halflife2.


You'll be ready to have Valve's children.


Doom3 = Letdown^3


But I agree, I can see where Halflife2 = Letdown^2. I enjoyed it though.


And talk about messed up faces - everyone in Doom3 had this seam running down the middle of their face - it creeps you out.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yeah, I played Doom 3. That was the game that broke in my new computer. First two levels = t e h win. Everything else = redundant 1950's zombie horror flick.


And except for their clay-like appearance (and the line you made reference too, although I didn't notice it as much), I think the chars of D3 were better than those of HL2. But, I haven't played D3 in about 4 months, so that might be why.


What about Far Cry? That was another big one. Maybe it's just me, but I think everything in that game had a certain 'cartoony' aspect that just wasn't appealing.

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