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Anyone do animation


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I have an idea for a spook Trojan Rubber commercial but without animation it's just not as funny.


premiss is Trojan's new Skank shield condom.


Goes Pretty much like this


some dude and a snaggle tooth chick making out


Show Trojan Man and do the TROJAN MAN! thing.


TM: Slow down there, don't you think your forgetting something?


Dude: Like what?


TM: (holds up condoms) Trojans NEW skank Shield Condom.


Snaggle Tooth: Who you calling a skank?


TM: (now holding a metal detector looking thing to snaggle tooth's crotch, meter pins, display shows WOW and a biohazard symbol) "Dude, this STD detectors says this thing has more crotch critters than the toliet in a free clinic!

This ain't gonna give you an itch you can't scratch, it's gonna make your thing fall off."

(In background snaggle tooth is laying splayed out with a green cloud coming from her crotch, a dog wlks by and sniffs twice, then drops over with X's for eyes and ghost of dog floats away holding it's nose with one hand and a harp in the other)


TM: (holding up pill bottle) "And these come with a weeks prescription of antibiotic. And the lubricant is mixed with air freshener and wintergreen flavoring, making even the nastiest snatch fresh as a daisy." (Show flies buzzing around snaggle tooth's crawl.)


Dude: "Thanks Trojan Man" (reaches up for the box of condoms. Turns to snaggle tooth.)


TM: "Another satisfied and safe Trojan user. My work heer is done!" (show trojan man walking away with gas mask on.



Anyway, I am hoping to get this idea animated. If anyone can help me out I would appericate it.

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