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Can we rant about cops?


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one of our semi drivers got pulled over by a federal hazmat agent today and the guys wrote him up for about 5 things that arent even required for are type of trucks. we found out that alot of the stuff dosent apply when he got back so he didnt fight with the guy to much.
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Guest Jonnygts
Im def not a fan of Cops. Got pulled over by Perry cops(useless, get more CPD pleez). I had my car for like 30 hours and he writes me a ticket for window tint cause thats all he can do. Says i was goin 40 through the neighboor hood when i have 3 other ppl in the car that KNOW i was going 25-30max. Then a CPD women pulls me over, makes up this whole story about me street racing these ppl and swerving all over the place. Total BS, i was speeding and i can live with that, but 4 tickets in one stop. Racing, give me a break. She had no proof at all, but her word against mine...i lose.
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Guest HERWS6
Originally posted by Bottlefed70:

Its the rookies and the women cops that you have to keep in eye on. They try to be real tuff sometimes. The list can go on from what I've heard they've pulled people over for.

One of those females is my friend. She's in a male dominated profession, she can't be a sissy. I respect her immensely.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by SAWBINDER:


Hopefully I will be too in a few years. Don't happen to be on Morse/Karl?? I still want to get a ride along now that I turned 18. What number do I call to set that up and everything?
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Guest Varioram
You cant top my experience with the cops in Lewis Center. I was coming home from a friends house over the summer at like 11:45pm (this was back before i turned 18) I wasnt quite ready to go home so I thought I would drive up to the school and back home. It was kinda raining a bit so the weather wasnt even good for any extreme stuff. I got to the school and I was driving through the access road when I see a bunch of police lights up ahead. I figured they had seen me and I didnt want to turn around because they might think it was suspicous (sp) so I rolled up to where they were and because they were blocking the road I rolled down my window and was going to ask nicely if they could move their car since there were 3 cop cars and 2 people pulled over. I just figured it was a drug bust or something. This cop walks over to my car and interrupts me and says "we got a call about some kids street racing out here, you wouldnt be involved in that would you?" I was thinking to myself oh shit cause I'm in a porsche, not the best car to be suspect of street racing. I told her no and that I was on my way home from a friends house. she harassed me about if I was just there to watch maybe and some other bullshit too. Finally after she realized I wasnt there to race she asked me if my friend could verify me being there. I was like "yeah" thinking what the fuck kinda pms is this. she asks me where I live so I completely lie my ass off because I have no reason to be there. then she starts commenting on how that this is a really nice car and if it was my dads. I told her no it was mine and she walks to the back of the car and calls my plates in. while she's waiting on the check to come back she says something about "FAST 993" is an interesting plate. the other two cops are finished and come over to my car also. then they ask me how fast had I gone in my car. I was like "70mph officer" lying my ass off yet again. then they told me to please go sit in the police cruiser. the plates came back and ofcourse they were clean and then she looks for something else to pick on me about. she says "where is your front license plate?" I said that it wasnt on the car and she said something about I can see that dont get smart with me kid. I'm seriously loosing my sense of humor at this point. she asks me if I knew I was out passed curfuew (sp) I said "I was on my way home remember" and she got kinda pissed with me about that and said that they needed to call my dad and asked me for my number. I gave it to them and they shut me up in the back of the police cruiser while they talked to him. about 6 or 7 minutes later they let me out and told me to go straight home and that I shouldnt be out passed my curfew (sp) I got in my car and was so shaken by it I almost stalled my car pulling away. then they followed me all the way to the neighborhood I said I lived in, and ofcourse I pulled in knowing they were looking for something else. Now everytime I'm in lewis center the cops always follow me around. seriously, It is really starting to fucking piss me off
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Not to take away from and odviously stupid run in with the cops, but you were really in the wrong place at the wrong time and your lisence plate would probably attract alot of attention. You know what my lisence plates for all my cars are? I don't either because there state issued numbers because I'm cheap and wouldn't want to attact any more attention then I already get. Especially when driving the toyota.



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