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Wierdest foods you've eaten...

Devils Advocate

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Guest Ponyfreak
Bull's balls are tasty. I am sure I have eaten worse over in CHina/Taiwan. I am not exactly sure what some of that stuff was. I passed on the fresh hot monkey brains.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

And Ben, Faigley's ass and your ex girlfriend's penis do not count here.

I've been attempting to ignore your juvinile attempts at "humor" for a while now. Obviously, you can't let it rest.


I thought about just linking to onlinejournal as my reply to this thread, considering this is the most worthless thread I've seen on here in weeks, but then I noticed that you mentioned me in your original post.


Apparently, you have some sort of fascination with me, or more specifically, my ass. Do you really find it that attractive?


Children these days just have no respect. I blame yuppie parents for not giving a shit enough to raise their kids, instead of using the convenience of the television as a babysitter. I am truly surprised that you assholes manage to get through life showing no respect to your elder's, running your mouth off at anyone within earshot, and generally being gay in public without ever getting a severe asskicking. From what I hear, kids at your high school wouldn't get into fights out of fear of getting sued :rolleyes:


And seriously, no one on here gives a rats ass about your dick cream, or whatever the fuck it is you were eating.


I changed my mind. Here's your link, asshat


You seem to love campaigning for it's use. Go ahead and give it a try yourself so that you won't be cluttering up CR with your nonsense.

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Actually... All of the shit I've posted on here that's shit talking about you and ben has been in the flame room, where it's all meant to be a joke. If you have a problem wrapping your arms around the fact that all I have said about you two has been in jest, then you have some serious self-esteem issues. The only reason I even posted anything in this thread about you guys was with the hopes that one or both of you would have a sense of humor and make a joke reply about it... This is obviously not the case. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, and I'm sorry if posting a miscellaneous topic in the parking lot (incidentally, the forum reserved for miscellaneous topics) offended you in any way.


Any of the bullshit you talk about the town I live in is see through and pointless. No one in Dublin is afraid of fighting because of getting sued, and if you're somehow issuing a physical challenge to me, you need to get a life. The outcome wouldn't be favorable for you.


Finally, calling me a child when you are three years my elder makes me feel downright sorry for you. I know that that's the last thing that you have to cling to, but repeatedly telling yourself that "It's ok, I'm better than him, I've been around three years more than he has", could seriously cause you some psychiological problems down the road.


In closing, I really hope you can use your powers of deduction and elite detective work to A) find a sense of humor, B) let go of the fact that I'm three years younger than you, and C) Find a girl... Who knows, Prostitutes are charging less these days, and I heard that Army women have incredibly low standards. There's hope yet, Mike. smile.gif

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First off, you need some new writer's - your material is downright OLD.


Second, age != maturity. Let me know when you are capable of acting like you somehow squeeked your way into high school.


Third, if you intend to flame, the flame room is there for a reason. Learn it, use it, live by it if need be. I quit reading it because it is a waste of time, but if you feel the urges to post shit about people on here, at least use the appropriate forum.


If you want to drag this out any further, catch me on AIM. There's no reason to drag this shit out on here.

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Originally posted by domestic_disturbance:

yes, opossom isnt bad

...after paw tenderized it by runnin' it over in the pick-em-up truck... tongue.gif


Shark's fin soup, Swallow's nest, Chocolate covered insects (ants, crickets, meal worms), Buffalo, Dove, Rattlesnake, Eel, Crayfish, and the worm in the bottom of a Mezcal bottle a few times.

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Guest stevil

I made a PB&J burrito and ate it once, sort of weird I guess.


I stay away from crazy unknown foods, I'm a picky eater. But the weirdest thing I ever ate was a bag of psychedelic mushrooms, that was some crazy bad shit right there.

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Originally posted by Orion:

vegemite. yuk.



mike and john, you two need boxing gloves....



.....and from what ive seen, it probably wouldnt be too long before you asked for baby oil and started taking off each others clothes. graemlins/puke.gif



WTF is wrong with you? :confused: That is some sick, twisted shit. graemlins/puke.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif

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