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Devils Advocate

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It is absolutely incredible how retarded some of you appear to be on this messageboard. I swear, if I have to see words like "sware", "feer", "Mcdonolds"(IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, YOU BASTAGE, AND THERE IS ONE ON NEARLY EVERY CORNER IN THE CITY) and "threw" (Through, you fuckheads, it's T-H-R-O-U-G-H) for much longer, I'm going to develop a spellcheck that gives you a nasty virus or spyware infection every time you mess up anything on a list of words that I'll call the "I would know how to spell this word if I had a Third-grade literacy level" list. Jesus H. Christ, keep a dictionary next to your computer or something. :rolleyes:



Post some of your favorite fuckups in this thread if you feel like it, I need a good laugh.

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Guest Ranger_Man
I actually agree. My drunk ass manages to score a 9 or higher on the flesch-kinkade grading scale on every review. For you illiterate ohio folk, that means that I (at worst) write at a high scool freshman level.
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Originally posted by B1sh0p:

...keep a dictionary next to your computer or something.

You're one of 'those' people. I can't spell. People who can't spell know that a dictionary doesn't help at all. But I know I can't spell and I copy almost everything I post over into word to make sure I didn't get anything wrong. It's really not that hard.


My favorites are using words wrong. Like their, there and they're. To and too. This one is too simple to understand.

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Originally posted by WebNinja:


It B-A-S-T-A-R-D. "Bastage" isn't really a word. smile.gif


Most of my mispellings come from typo's. I mean, I work 8-9 hours, come home and if I get on here its about 2AM or later. I make a lot of mistakes when I'm half asleep.

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The "I don't care" attitude, combined with the chatroom grammar and spelling, is really going to pay off when in the job market.


I know too many "high school graduates" whom I would be willing to bet significant sums of money that they could not pass the english portion of the latest graduation aptitude test, based upon their spoken and/or posting grammar.


Look at any managerial job description. The first requirement listed is "excellent communication skills". "Practice makes perfect"?


To you, who does not care how you type/spell/use grammar at all times, I have one thing to say.....


Can I BIGGIE SIZE that order please?

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

It's ironic how their motto plays on stupidity as well with "i'm lovin' it" graemlins/nonono.gif . I think Maddox has a blurb on this too which I found funny but sad because it's true.


Jon, check out the first two posts in this thread smile.gif


"Mcdonald's new ad campaign is an anagram for Ailing Vomit"



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McDonolds is sick! but now that McDonolds is open 24 hours on the weekend, I eat McDonolds often when I'v been out drinking. McDonolds McGriddles are pretty McShitty. Jon when you are home for the summer, we should deff. party and hit up McDonolds afterwards.



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I understand what Mike has to say, but sometimes I think people on the Board, like myself like to have moments were spelling and grammer are not as important as others, kind of like a vaction from real world. I sure as hell dont practice my spelling and grammar skills on CR, (its pretty aparent) but I do understand the idea of conveying thought correctly.
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Originally posted by B:

I understand what Mike has to say, but sometimes I think people on the Board, like myself like to have moments were spelling and grammer are not as important as others, kind of like a vaction from real world. I sure as hell dont practice my spelling and grammar skills on CR, (its pretty aparent) but I do understand the idea of conveying thought correctly.

I don't mind mistakes here and there, so long as I can understand the message without having to spend a lot of time on it. The thread that I locked was horrible, there was *no* punctuation, and not even half the words were spelled close to correct. Brandon, even though I notice your mistakes, it doesn't bother me since they are small mistakes and I can still just glance over the text to get what it says.


Jesse's approach of cut/pasting everything into MS Word to run spellcheck is good, he realizes that his spelling isn't the greatest, but he makes an attempt to fix it.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

I don't mind mistakes here and there, so long as I can understand the message without having to spend a lot of time on it. The thread that I locked was horrible, there was *no* punctuation, and not even half the words were spelled close to correct. Brandon, even though I notice your mistakes, it doesn't bother me since they are small mistakes and I can still just glance over the text to get what it says.


Jesse's approach of cut/pasting everything into MS Word to run spellcheck is good, he realizes that his spelling isn't the greatest, but he makes an attempt to fix it.

fair enough...thats the mindset I have as well.
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Being in english this quarter completely reminded me of how fucked up my typing/spelling could be if I didn't pay attention to what I was doing. Run-on's, fragmented sentences, etc. own me. I've actually tried to improve upon that as of late so it becomes more of a natural thing, because I would rather have the practice down now for when I have to do this shit for real in class.



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Originally posted by copperhead:

Jesse's approach of cut/pasting everything into MS Word to run spellcheck is good, he realizes that his spelling isn't the greatest, but he makes an attempt to fix it.

Another reason I do that.


I find I misspell the same words often and misspell them the same way usually. Sometimes I can re-teach myself to spell the word correctly. If I just let it go unnoticed I will engrain the misspelling into my head even more. This has also helped my grammatical skills in the same way somewhat too. I used to have a big problem with run-on, or sometimes incomplete sentences but I think I do much better at that now.

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Yeah, that too.... but usually at work i'm just sending emails back and forth to people about what i've done. Also, in nursing i'm pretty sure i'm not going to write out full reports in paragraph form....heh.
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4ll 0f CR n33d5 2 b c0nv3rt3d 2 1337 5p34k 4 *** s4ke 0f b1sh0p.



Actually, my favorites are the lack of punctuation. It's really fun to try and read a post with a complete lack of paragraphs and periods. I usually end up more confused and dumber than before I read it.

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Guest Redracerx
riting 'n chatrum gramar is ez, just hyphenate da words and in general shorten dem to make 'em sound lik da same wurd even tho dey r no were neer the same( and I didn't mean hyphonate, I meant spell them all phenotically) but anywho I work at a fast food restraunt and don't ned to know how to spell at all, but that doesn't mean shit, so. Back to using good grammar and proper punctuation, in the wake of stupid jar heads who think they're above the rest of the human population.
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