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Didn't know GLX-1000 came with stock asshole

Guest Zyklon

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Guest Zyklon

I walked over to the dairy mart today to buy myself a 69 cent fountain drink, while making my way across the parking lot I saw a dude standing next to a glx1000, I stopped for a few moments, because after all it was a very good looking bike. I merely said. "Nice bike man" , not in a sarcastic tone or anything. My compliment earned me a "Yea, Fuck off" Now I've only lived in ohio alittle more than a year now, but where I come from, if somebody compliments your ride, its usually polite to say "thanks" or even "yea, it does kick ass, doesn't it" or something like that. But I guess I was way out of line, I mean, How dare I compliment somebodys bike. Whatever.

-Zyklon Da Ratbiker graemlins/nutkick.gif

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