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Gran Turismo 4


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Why in the hell are there not one but TWO races on this game that take 24 FULL hours to complete? Even on B-Spec mode, thats 8hrs... do they really expect someone to take a full day and play one race? Even in B-Spec mode, the 1000KM and 4H races are almost annoying... i dont understand WTF they were thinking with several races that last more than 4 hours playing time.
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One time I saw a bunch of guys IRL drive around in a circle for HOURS. Who the hell thought of that "sport." mideaswell watch some kids rollerskate all day and occasionaly "bump" into eachother causing them all to fall for entertainment.
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Originally posted by Doug:

uhh thats why they put B-spec mode on there. SO you can start the race and walk away.

But you catn, every 10 min you have to go back and make the car take a pit for fresh tires and refuel. If it had automatic pitstops, that would be different, but when you have to tell it to pit every 10min, about the only thing you can walk away and do is take a shower.
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Originally posted by konig_twinkies:

it will pit on its own, thats why i started before i went to bed, wake up and its almost done

with one Race. If you do the series, you have to click 'ok' to start the next race. What really annoys me is that if you put it on 3x speed in B-spec, once it takes a pitstop, it resets back to 1x speed. Just something I noticed that I don't really like.
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Originally posted by AustinL911:

no, but it would be nice if you could go to sleep and wake up with the WHOLE 1000mile race series finished...instead of one out of the 5 races...

Then what is the point of the game?
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