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Question for all you Automotive service Techs out there

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Lets say you do engine service, and warrauntee your parts/work for one+ year. When some one calls up and says:

Your shop changed my oil pump 2 months ago. Now My oil light is on and there's a ticking noise"


Do you you say:

A-"Bring it by and we'll have a look at it"


B-"For the sake of all that is holy DO NOT DRIVE IT!"


If you answered A, and said nothing along the lines of B, would your shop not be responceble for the faulty part AND the damage done by it?


[ 20. May 2005, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Originally posted by racinbird:

whats an oil "pim"?

It's latin for pump. graemlins/thumb.gif


Originally posted by FC_Joe:

techs dont talk to customers on the phone, that would be the service writer, and he/she would probably advise towing.

One would think, But in the case of this particular joint, no. We towed it anyways.
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So I have a question on a "recent" trend in dealership service centers: the Tech "Writer".


WTF is up with this? Why can't I just talk to the MECHANIC? Yes I know he'll probably be a twenty-something that can't spell there from their or they're - but I don't care. HE'S the guy with the skills I'm there to use, I want to give symptoms directly to the guy with the wrench.


Not like these Tech Writers are better liasons to the customer (well maybe they make grandmas feel good). But for me - they're just another layer wherein something can get fucked up.


Couple examples:


Me: "The passenger side D-pillar trim panel is loose, just at the airbag connector bracket."


Tech Writer types in computer: "Customer thinks something in the car is loose and rattling, maybe under the seat"


Me: wtf?




Me: "The left rear tire is punctured, needs plugged"


Tech Writer types: "Check pressure on all tires"


Me: *smacks forehead*




And so on. Easy straightforward shit, you'd think. No brainers. But inject that customer friendly Tech Writer in there and instant confusion/waste of time.


But if you ask to just talk to the tech directly, they look at you like you shot their kitten.




I hate giving work to dealerships. Its the hidden curse of the warranty blessing. Almost makes you want to void the warranty on purpose sometimes. I need another bay in my garage, damnit.

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Guest powers

the question was if you were advised to bring it in to have a look see, would they be responsible for the damage caused by the driving it in.




If you are under warranty you will taken care of by your warranty. If not it is unfortunate but prepare to be rapped. unless you are able to do the repairs yourself.

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

the question was if you were advised to bring it in to have a look see, would they be responsible for the damage caused by the driving it in.


It was not driven in, it was towed from the spot it came to a hault.


Originally posted by Mowgli:

And so on. Easy straightforward shit, you'd think. No brainers. But inject that customer friendly Tech Writer in there and instant confusion/waste of time.

No, it's an instant oportunity to sell you shit youdont need. They are trained, some even take classes, to know how to get more buck for the bang. They are there to sell you as much service as they can, and yes, some get commision.
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Guest 04GreyGT
Originally posted by Mowgli:



So I have a question on a "recent" trend in dealership service centers: the Tech "Writer".


WTF is up with this? Why can't I just talk to the MECHANIC? Yes I know he'll probably be a twenty-something that can't spell there from their or they're - but I don't care. HE'S the guy with the skills I'm there to use, I want to give symptoms directly to the guy with the wrench.


Not like these Tech Writers are better liasons to the customer (well maybe they make grandmas feel good). But for me - they're just another layer wherein something can get fucked up.


Couple examples:


Me: "The passenger side D-pillar trim panel is loose, just at the airbag connector bracket."


Tech Writer types in computer: "Customer thinks something in the car is loose and rattling, maybe under the seat"


Me: wtf?




Me: "The left rear tire is punctured, needs plugged"


Tech Writer types: "Check pressure on all tires"


Me: *smacks forehead*




And so on. Easy straightforward shit, you'd think. No brainers. But inject that customer friendly Tech Writer in there and instant confusion/waste of time.


But if you ask to just talk to the tech directly, they look at you like you shot their kitten.




I hate giving work to dealerships. Its the hidden curse of the warranty blessing. Almost makes you want to void the warranty on purpose sometimes. I need another bay in my garage, damnit.

I can see how the service writers would piss you off, ours aren't much better...although I'm damn glad they exsist. One time this guy insisted on talking to tech himself. I overheard their "conversation" (it was the guy who works in the stall next to me) this guy wasted about 5 minutes of his life, he went on and on about how his car was idling funny, and told us to change the carb.


This car was a 1999 Dodge Stratus


True story

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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

thats why they call it a dummy light

exactly. A DUMMY light. Anyone who operates thier car in a manner that could result in oil pump failure or loss of oil pressure invests in a oil pressure guage. It costs $50 the readings are instant and there are NO tolerances that are needed to indicate a problem. If it looks a little low, chk the oil, if the oils fine, start chking for leakage. If theres now leakage, then worry about the pump.
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