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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> ...I'm fucking sick of 'em. I'm sick of the games they play, the self-important presumptuous thoughts they have, their ideas on how the world should be run, their politics, their immorality, their ignorance and stupidity, their sloth and slovenly ways, and their gluttonus culture and supposed sacrosanct, self-destructive ideologies determined to erradicate any final vestiges of sanity that remain on this planet. You wanna be fat slobs, go right ahead; but don't fucking sue the company you bought the food from. You didn't know it'd make you fat?! Here's a clue: all the other fat asses standing in line when you showed up. And don't fucking bitch about it when your HMO turns you down for a coronary triple bypass surgery to save your fat ass--you're the only one responsible you lazy cretin.


Fuck being a good neighbor; if it means selling my lawnmower to a "friend" a year ago and receiving no payments the entire year only to find out this summer that she's renigging on the deal and is just going to bring the lawnmower back instead of paying the $230 dollars, and then complaining that I'm putting money before our friendship then she can fucking burn in hell and so can anyone's hope of finding a "good" neighbor. I hope the self-righteous bitch feels good in church while her four loser sons drink, gamble, steal, cheat, smoke, sell drugs, and booze around, that sanctimonious whore.


Fuck caring for your friend so much you actually try to prevent his life from going down the drain only to see him stab you in the back once again and blame you for all his problems. If he doesn't care he's wasting what could have been a great future then to hell with him; I can't fight his battles, especially if he's gonna be on the other side.


Fuck people on welfare; you know how much work needs to be done in this country?? How many opportunities there are for you to get up off your couch, stop watching the liberal media telling you it's someone else's fault, go out and just get a fucking job?? Pull weeds for the old lady down the block! Clean someone's gutters for $50.00!! Hell KFC and Wal-Mart are always looking for new employees to stiff, just get a job and stop wasting my money to hear how your problems aren't your own!! THEY ARE YOU MORON!!! If you could possibly look beyond your own little myopic, distorted perspective of your pathetic, worthless, miserable ass-wiping fat cunt sucking existence for just one fucking minute, you'd see that you're the one to blame and you need to stop loafing it off onto others like me. Because bud, I'm fucking sick of it.


Fuck American girls. Fuck them and their prissy, materialistic demands upon a country bent on catering to the whims of a disgruntled generation of self-hating capitalistic perpetuators. Fuck the mindset that more is better; you dumb twats see a new handbag and go nuts five minutes after you bought your last one. Your inconsequential existentiality comes crashing down when you're told you have to do without. Being told "no" is akin to being told you're going to have an amputation--it just isn't permissible. So you bitch about it until daddy or mommy caves and buys you that new toy and the work boss in India picks up .25 cents as he watches the little children sweat in the shops. God forbid you ever learn self-restraint and manage to forgoe an item of luxury you indignant little bean flickers. Fuck you and the social reconstruction you rode in on.


Fuck the Greeks. Where the hell do you get off acting so pompous and arrogant??!! What the fuck have you guys done that's so great in the last thousand years?? Whoa--hey, what's that shadow you're standing in?? Could it be the Parthanon?? Could it be the glory that you fuckers have thrown out the window in a tin foil wrapper of a gyro??! Get your fucking act together you assholes, then you can deny me access to a restaurant because I'm an American. Fine, don't take my money, live in your filth hole with all your butt buddies. No wooden horse is gonna pull you outta this one.


Fuck the devaluation of the USD. When I wanna pay $4.00 for a fucking can of coke in London, I'll walk up to Greenspan and fucking tell him. Let's turn this economy around, bring down inflation of the dollar, stop going on fucking wild spending sprees with non-existent money on plastic cards representative of accounts we may or may not actually have, and start acting like there are limitations in this fantasy world we live in.


Fuck soccer moms. Period.


And fuck the guy who can steal, swindle, cheat, lie, and abuse anyone and anything he wants to and still get ahead in life, while someone else continues to get stiffed time after time becuase the asshole at the top doesn't wanna play fair. I don't care if it's the ruthless who survive--let's start handing loaded firearms out to workers and see how long they continue to get jipped. This isn't Marxist talk, this is just being fucking fed up with some loaf in DC deciding that the farmers in America aren't as important as his monthly paycheck so we outsource some more here and there and import some more food from other countries and before you know it all the little guys are destitute and America collapses on itself because our agricultural base isn't strong enough to support ignorant dicks who think city life is the only way to live and that farmers are a carry over of an unnecessary process from generations ago.


Fuck the world--that's great if you have problems and all, everyone does. But when you want a scapegoat to pin all those problems on, keep looking. Try looking at yourselves and your own damn internal and foreign policies. The USA isn't gonna be it. Imagine a world where the US didn't exist; Taiwan would be under marshall law, Japan would rule China with an iron fist, Russia would be near implosion due to innefective communist policies and the surrounding countries would be in turmoil just waiting for its collapse, Africa would be in utter chaos (it still pretty much is), the French would have all died by now (because instead of talking about how much they hate America they would have just kept on smoking and died of lung cancer), Saddam Hussein would still be torturing and killing hundreds of thousands of people each year, Germany would pwn whatever was left of the world, and there would be no cafe lattes for you fucking limp wristers to sip on while you talk about the latest fashion trends. Move on, we're not your bitch. You wanna fight about it, bring it on. We've still got it in us and we'll rip you a new fucking asshole. Bring it to American soil, while you're at it, because I think a war on our home turf where people actually see what they're fighting for and realize if they want to keep their houses and homes and families they have to stop pretending like they live in a world where everyone just wants to get along and realize that people are assholes and sometimes you have to kill them.


Why do I have to be the only sane person left in this damn world, and why the hell do I have to suffer for trying to make it a better place. Pull your collective heads out of your asses and stop being fucktards. Fuck people, fuck the government, and fuck the world.


Misanthrope out.


[ 22. May 2005, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Folkvang ]

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

Fuck caring for your friend so much you actually try to prevent his life from going down the drain only to see him stab you in the back once again and blame you for all his problems. If he doesn't care he's wasting what could have been a great future then to hell with him; I can't fight his battles, especially if he's gonna be on the other side.

I take it your drunk of a "friend" from your post fucked you over What the hell did you expect that super hero shit doesnt work if a person is set in his ways you will not change or help them drunks and dope fiends are impossible to change. Why does the youth always think they can change the world?
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Nice to meet you Garrett on saturday night. Sorry I had to leave so quick, was getting called out by some people from the westside...

<font color ="midnightblue"> Nice to meet you too. No worries about having to leave; having a pimp car kinda puts you in demand. Summer's here though, and I'll be out to at least two or three other meets, so we can talk again sometime.


and John...private island > *


Been having a bad past several days, needed to vent.

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

I take it your drunk of a "friend" from your post fucked you over What the hell did you expect that super hero shit doesnt work if a person is set in his ways you will not change or help them drunks and dope fiends are impossible to change. Why does the youth always think they can change the world?

because if everyone has your grumpy attitude about not being able to change the world, then it never will be. Every person has the power to make a difference, it just depends if they are willing to take the risk or not.
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Guest 420GSXR1000

well i dont know about "kill yourself" but i really think this kid needs to "talk" to someone...or he will be on xanax in no time....


this "venting" is the very reason i didnt respond to him in the "should pot be legal" post i started.....i mean really, talk about morality!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Andy F.:

kill yourself.

<font color ="midnightblue"> For who's sake?



Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

well i dont know about "kill yourself" but i really think this kid needs to "talk" to someone...or he will be on xanax in no time....


this "venting" is the very reason i didnt respond to him in the "should pot be legal" post i started.....i mean really, talk about morality!!!!!!!!!!!

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Folkvang:


the truth sure makes ppl sarcastic sometimes, my roomate does it too so dont feel bad smile.gif



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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> alright asshat, I was gonna let it slide at a sardonically masturbating smilie, but ok. First off, I'm glad you have a Ph.D. in pharmacology for that prescription you've given me; it's great when people know what they're talking about. What the hell do you think-- people with opinions or anyone who ever gets angry over something need to be on drugs?? Secondly, when does having a rant constitute a genuine need for psycological help?? If I wanna blow off some steam after a few very stressful days, it by no means is a sign that I need to see a shrink or get mushy and talk about my feelings. Finally, concerning the pot threads, I dare you to find a post where I even come close to this supposed ranting you speak of. And aside from knowing that you think pot should be legal, I'm willing to wager the real reason you didn't "respond" to me was that you don't actually have anything to back up this claim. If you think you do, open that thread up again and let's talk about it there. If not, get off your almighty pedestal of omnipotent wisdom, quit making premature assesments of my character when I decide to release some tension, and shut the hell up.
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Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

well i dont know about "kill yourself" but i really think this kid needs to "talk" to someone...

Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/jerkit.gif

No, I think he's got a good point. I only read half of your rant and I couldn't help but think to myself "Were going to end up seeing this kid on the front page being tried for the murder of 20 people when he finally snaps and turns into a serial killer." You seem to have some serious anger issues that need dealt with or you’re never going to really be happy.


I’m officially nominating you for most likely person on CR to become a serial killer.


***Waits for return rant about how I don't know anything about him and how happy he is while he is spewing massive amounts of anger about life onto his keyboard.

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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/jerkit.gif

No, I think he's got a good point. I only read half of your rant and I couldn't help but think to myself "Were going to end up seeing this kid on the front page being tried for the murder of 20 people when he finally snaps and turns into a serial killer." You seem to have some serious anger issues that need dealt with or you’re never going to really be happy.


I’m officially nominating you for most likely person on CR to become a serial killer.


***Waits for return rant about how I don't know anything about him and how happy he is while he is spewing massive amounts of anger about life onto his keyboard.</font>

The internet is here to rant about real life with no worries of repercussions. Before trying to judge his or anyone's real life character, meet them in real life first. The majority of people on just this message board are completely different in real life than the way they post would lead on. I would assume that Garrett is the same way, as I have never met him.


Besides, his rant is not much different than what myself or my friend's talk about on a daily basis, he just put a lot of different topics into one post. Reading his rant would lead me to believe that he is rather conservative, but that's about all that I got out of it. No serial killing murderer shit.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

Besides, his rant is not much different than what myself or my friend's talk about on a daily basis, he just put a lot of different topics into one post. Reading his rant would lead me to believe that he is rather conservative, but that's about all that I got out of it. No serial killing murderer shit.

What I said had nothing to do with the content of his post but just the way he constantly bitches about everything and anything. If he's as unhappy and unstable as his post seem, he has at least minor issues. Ones that if they were taken care of whether through finding a healthy to cope, drugs, whatever, he'd lead a much happier life. Mike, I haven't hung out with you a lot, but if bitch as much as this guy, I really don't think I'd want to.


I used to be unhappy and bitch about everything, and then I got out of high school, grew up and found my own ways to cope.

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You should really look into some therapy or talking to a doctor, it realy helps weather you think you have problems or not.


I went through four to five years of anger managment and therapy, mostly during the end years of middleschool till my Junior year in high school. Not many of you knew me before my the end of my Junior year in highschool and would know me as a laid back individual, hard to belive I punched out my ex Girlfriends 45 year old neghbor over somthing a 5 year old said and the father defended (rudly I might add).


Either way you seem like you have to munch on your mind to vent occasionally on the internet, because you do apear to constantly bitch about things.


I understand you are just a conservative person, but therapy can help you deal with your anger in other ways that feeling like everyone fucks you over.

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Originally posted by Coke:

You should really look into some therapy or talking to a doctor, it realy helps weather you think you have problems or not.


I went through four to five years of anger managment and therapy, mostly during the end years of middleschool till my Junior year in high school. Not many of you knew me before my the end of my Junior year in highschool and would know me as a laid back individual, hard to belive I punched out my ex Girlfriends 45 year old neghbor over somthing a 5 year old said and the father defended (rudly I might add).


Either way you seem like you have to munch on your mind to vent occasionally on the internet, because you do apear to constantly bitch about things.


I understand you are just a conservative person, but therapy can help you deal with your anger in other ways that feeling like everyone fucks you over.

awww, does meanieface need some <3?
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as much as i love the annoying psychobabble that you all are spewing about his problems with the world, I would like to point out that this is probably the best post the Kitchen has seen in a long fucking time.


congratulations for bringing us all back to our angsty pent-up-anger roots. That was amazing

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> You're all hacks, ya hear me??!! Hacks!!! *strokes his 45...*


Seriously, I never get pissed about anything, rarely even if you insult me. I feel like Sandler in Anger Management with all these comments about serial killing nominations and needing to seek therapy.


Constantly bitching? Well, you could call it that. I'd call it frank evaluation of cultural and social conundrums through mass communication via an internet forum. There's more to life than just cars; if you call everyone who wants to talk about something besides cars someone who "bitches" alot, you're going to find that the scope of people within the bitching demographic is going to increase exponentially. I think there's a big difference between "bitching" and "debating"; you just call it "bitching" because it pertains to subjects you don't place a great deal of stock in.

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