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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest buckeyefarmboy
Originally posted by copperhead:


Besides, his rant is not much different than what myself or my friend's talk about on a daily basis, he just put a lot of different topics into one post. Reading his rant would lead me to believe that he is rather conservative, but that's about all that I got out of it. No serial killing murderer shit. [/QB]

Mike, thanks for another vote of sanity.


The responses to this rant are exactally what the rant is about. he laid it down in no uncertain terms and all you guys that have brain washed by the talking box in the living room graemlins/puke.gif are having a hard time dealling with the reality that he is RIGHT. when some one speaks there mind they are not serial killers but rather true free-thinkers not constrained by the opinions and actions of the liberal radical spin machine graemlins/supergay2.gif .


I for one am quite sane and i fully agree with the preceding rant, and secondly thank the author because just by reading it i was able to vent my frustration by agreeing.

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+1. There's a lot about modern american society that just plain sucks. Neo-conservatism isn't the way to fix it though, just some plain, old fashioned kicks in the ass from life to make people realize that when they do something stupid, it's gonna fuck em over.
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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

because if everyone has your grumpy attitude about not being able to change the world, then it never will be. Every person has the power to make a difference, it just depends if they are willing to take the risk or not.

Im not the grumpy one in this thread I have enough problems so I dont care about other peoples to much tongue.gif
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> ^ ^ proudly sponsored by this guy.



Seriously--I'm amazed this thread has managed to become a discussion of my mental stability, rather than about any of the many enticing topics I originally posted about. Obsess about trivialities, much?

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Guest 420GSXR1000

folkvang(or whatever)...


...well ill give ya this...venting is a good release and this is place for it, but its all the different ones "all over the place" and really, the soccer moms thing???....but....it also coincides with some of your other posts, you always seem to convey anger instead of intelligent disscusion...and the morality contradiction with the pot posts.(see it, its restarted now)....


now for the original post stuff, in this post..


a) ppl in general suck...those of us over 25 realize this and have stopped bitching about it long ago, its a fact of life! just like death, and we dont bitch about that, do we? yes tis is america, you can sue for hot coffe here now(i agree stupid), and yes were the fatest country around, but pll are stupid and a person is smart, you cant worry about the fatass even though the tax payers pay for his stupid shit somehow down the line.....some ppl will never change no matter what you prove to him!!!


b) your neighbor, again, after a few more years youll realize that ppl always try to "borrow "shit or "try it out" and then pay for it and dont do it, (renigg is a racial term and i dont use that on a public forum)...basically ypour the dumbass there for letting it go sooooo long!!!!!


c) your friend...sorry dude....yout tried bit sum souls just dont see the BIG picture...but at least you tried.....


d)welfare....yea true...been like that FOREVER......needs change but i think its one of the "politic" things, so get into politics and change it, but by then youll bee making soooo much $$$ you wont care anymore...thats the problem....but i doo agree that it being abuse BIG time, but thats why i vote too


e) americam chics....shit american has nothing to do with it...and NO SHIT DUMBASS, when did u realize this Einstien???...no futher disscusion needed here..


f) greeks......sound like apersonal incident....almost sounds interesting...NOT!!!!!


g)soccer moms??? yea they want their kids to play a popular, non injuring (not like football at least) sport....i didnt get this comment at all, and no im not married to one , and i never player soccer smile.gif


h) "fuck the world"...yea i guess i agree, but as stated above, it been like that forever, most of those countries that "hate" america are basically undereducated, the world has always hated us here, they always will untill they realize that WE arent the problem,.......all boundries should be held around the world in my opinion...but who cares, US borders are safe (put aside nuclear interballistic that is, fucking north korea!!!!)


and last but not least


I) "fuck the world"..."im i the only sane person left??"...."why do i have to suffer for trying to make it a beyyer place??""....man , and you wonder why ppl would think you have problemd now or brewing for the future????...whatever!!!!



and my ppologies to all cause the pot forum will be started again after this "attack" from the boy!!!!!!!





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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> You started it. Don't blame the "attack" on me. A "defense" is not an "attack". Get your terms straight. This also would go along with "renege", which I spelled wrong, and which has absolutely nothing to do with racial terms. And you should only bring back the pot thread if you actually have something to say, not simply as a means to be obstinant....that's just stupid.


The rest of your post doesn't really seem like it needs a response. It's neither intellectualy compelling nor imbued with any sort of conviction other than spite; so I don't see enough of a reason to respond more than I already have. Go fish?

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

The rest of your post doesn't really seem like it needs a response. It's neither intellectualy compelling nor imbued with any sort of conviction other than spite; so I don't see enough of a reason to respond more than I already have. Go fish?

You were actually able to read that?
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> It takes some cyphering, I'll admit; but mostly I'm just awesome. ;)


After all, what do you expect from someone who creates a 5 word thread title, and spells 2 of those 5 words wrong?

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Guest 420GSXR1000

i think thats DEcyphering...but i wouldnt know because its not close enuff .....im not smart enuff to understand it then.....so i dont know what the post ^^^^^ above means??? smile.gif


hell no i dont write in here like its a thesis, the www is a place to relax for me .....not be graded on my typing.....say what i have to say and watch the ppl fly whoa!!!!!


EIDOLON.....you must have a personallity complex to ROFLMAO.....name change eh????

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Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

i think thats DEcyphering...but i wouldnt know because its not close enuff .....im not smart enuff to understand it then.....so i dont know what the post ^^^^^ above means??? smile.gif


hell no i dont write in here like its a thesis, the www is a place to relax for me .....not be graded on my typing.....say what i have to say and watch the ppl fly whoa!!!!!


EIDOLON.....you must have a personallity complex to ROFLMAO.....name change eh????

So, are you trying to say that you have nothing useful to add to our automotive community? Because it appears that you are nothing more than a troll here.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yeah, name change. It happens when you get tired of one, and are ready for something else. But, you're right: I'm the only one who ever changes my name on here, so it must be a personality complex. I'm sure Anthony could tell you all about that. ;) If I remember correctly, I've changed my name four times in two years, and I can still tell you what each of them were. Now: Eidolon; previous: Folkvang; previous: The Silent God; original: Crankshaft. Some nagging suspicion tells me there was another, but this is really beside the point, which is that was an irrelevant comment.


Decyphering, cyphering....both involve and necessitate an understanding of a cryptic language or message. Bottom line is you're a vindictive little person with a hankering for a vendetta, and you've taken my post out of context and turned it into an excuse for a personal crusade. If you have any enlightening comments, I'd love to hear 'em. This, however, is just sophomoric and nescient.

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Guest 420GSXR1000



as for the "vendetta" it was the morality in terms of ALL drugs that you stated in one of the posts, yours or mine, i cant remeber, i mean really, i would hate to see you take tylenol, it has side effects), but i digress...that was what got me with ya...talk late in other post...late, tired..bye

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mudbutt

Some of the attitudes in this thread kill me and are a prime example of stances that lead to actions that lead to this thread. One of the biggest underlying points seems to be that no one wants to be responsible for their own actions. Where to start.


Bitch ass youth.

Many people of my generation and below have been raised to believe everything they do is right and that there should be no concequences for their self richeus actions. It is a cycle that starts with the PARENTS. Parents do a piss poor job of raising their kids by not having the time for dicipline or for whatever reason. They feel that by handing said child whatever they want, then that child will chill out, this continues over time, snowballs. If said child still has "problems" then the use of drugs or mental treatment may be administered, If said doctor informs parents that they are not doing their job, they just spout off excuses and discontinue treatment. Want an example of this, watch some of the nanny shows. Snowball. at some point in time another parent, figure or authority or school member points out behavioral problems to the parents. Instead of taking this advice and working with it, they just spout off excuses, insults, or in extreme cases, lawsuits. None actually addressing the root problem.


Bitch ass adults.

These kids grow up with this "you owe me" attitude, not taking any resposibility for their actions, as they feel that they have done nothing wrong. Remember the little publicist bitch that backed her BMW suv into a croud of people at a club? or perhaps the numerous babies that die every year due to mothers not being mothers, or outright killing them at birth. Recall a certan centerville trashcan on prom night? Or maybe some coffee in the lap will open your eyes? and the following lawsuit. This spills over into all aspects of life: business, relationships, and worse off parenting....and the cycle continues.


"This is just how it is"

That attitude are why people are "bitching". The few who want to make a change are chastized for seeing a need for social reform. This country was founded on revolution and time has come for another, yet we are fat and happy, losing one freedom at a time as to make the wound heal right before another is inflicted. I think you will be hard pressed to find people that will agree on everything that needs to change, but there are big issues that most people have a problem with but do nothing to provide. We are a superpower but the infighting is going to do us in. As Greg Graffin of Bad Religion puts it "We're only going to die from our own arrogance" This simple statment from a punk rock band prettymuch sums it up. If a change doesnt accur we are just going to implode, leaving us free for whoever to take over, if the world population hasnt already died from nuculear warfare or disease.


Though specific to automotive enthusiast, this board is a microcosm of society. Everyone has their personal views and agendas. You see the problems that affect society but on smaller levels. People wanting to fight someone cause they were cut off, people bitching about tickets and making excuses. The attitudes expressed by these people make me worry. It will be a sad day when the police can not do their job for fear of a lawsuit. After that, what? We start over again? Mad maxesq society?


I have more to say but it is 3:30 and I not think so good. If you have a problem with my butchering of the english language, fuck off.


[ 07. June 2005, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Mud Butt ]

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by copperhead:

So, are you trying to say that you have nothing useful to add to our automotive community? Because it appears that you are nothing more than a troll here.

hmmmm, i CAN be a dick, asshole or troll (troll?) and i can take being called them in here because its the kitchen, RIGHT?????....get it???....take into account that fact....i believe all other posts are on topic, like this one, or a reply to a public message, also this one. But thanks!! smile.gif



its us man, were the virus (the matrix)!!!!


Originally posted by sweet8tooth:

[QB]I like this rant, it is very well written.QB]

I absolutly agree, the dude can write/debate cant he?!?!?!?!


MADBUTT.....good f'ing points!!!!!


Originally posted by the apostle:

[QB]Bottom line is you're a vindictive little person with a hankering for a vendetta, and you've taken my post out of context and turned it into an excuse for a personal crusade. If you have any enlightening comments, I'd love to hear 'em. This, however, is just sophomoric and nescient.[QB]

arrrrgggg you got me (mock gresome cry)...im....im...in the kichen, cant take it??? get out! i think thats how its worded. I can take your words without being bent, why cant you? Yes I have a problem with your ideology (???), and when i saw this rant, i had to "chine in", why you ask?, who asked me, its the kitchen!!!! remember stress takes years off your life man, shit i think i should be dead @ any moment then smile.gif

...but if i see a public "whine post", you bet your ass if ive got sumthin' to say, ill do it, just like you, especially if its being backed by an ideology that i dont aree with (ur other posts)


...no biggie dude...


sorry to all others who read this and dont give a shit, but then again you wouldnt be reading it if it was like that

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