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Religous debate on TV


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As far as I know, Candlemass was the original Christmas, celebrated on the winter solstice, and when the Christians came to convert the Vikings, that was one of the things they added to Christianity to persuade the Vikings into converting. Something to that effect, I saw it on the History Channel a loooooong time ago.


I don't believe in Christmas really, so I don't do anything for it. I wake up, eat some food, and screw around on the internet all day.

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Originally posted by Tony:

My questions were jovial in nature, but I was looking for a real answer - all of you great scientists who are so smart that you figured out there is no God, what do you do on Christmas?


(again, sarcasm in my question, but seriously curious. ...maybe.. I'd treat it like any other day, or maybe start worshiping ths sun again so I had something to celebrate? :confused: )


Veritas - when I made my post referencing the "reason for the existence" for Christmas, I was very well aware of its origins. But, you know, that was almost 2000 years ago. For the last millenium-and-a-half, Christmas has been to celebrate the birth of "the Anointed One". Maybe it started out as a pagan day, but its very existence today and for the last 15+ centuries is, in fact, to celebrate Christ's birth.

but something based off of false hood is by proxy wrong. Saying that something is the gospel and not knowing, ESPECIALLY with reguards to something that important isn't something we should hap-hazardly just wade ourselves thru.


Anyways anyone who knows anything about the whole reason jesus came down, it had nothing to do with the birth - it was the DEATH that was important. "Do this in rememberance of me" if you knew what that was pertaining to then you'd understand why it really doesn't matter the fact he was born but so much why he died.



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I still celibrate chirstmas. As a child it was never taught to me as a religous holiday. It was portrayed as a family holiday. I always thought that getting a tree and all that was just a way to bring a family together for a few days of the year. Something to do really. We never had pictures of jesus, went to church, or had crosses or any of that other parafanailia (spelling?) around the house.


I dont plan on teaching my kids that its a religous holiday either... unless my future wife happens to be religous, then she can do whatever.

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Originally posted by Veritas:


Anyways anyone who knows anything about the whole reason jesus came down, it had nothing to do with the birth - it was the DEATH that was important. "Do this in rememberance of me" if you knew what that was pertaining to then you'd understand why it really doesn't matter the fact he was born but so much why he died.



correct. The death of Jesus provided the ransom sacrifice for mankind. Jesus commemorated this with the lords evening meal, which took place on the day of the passover according to the jewish callendar. After Jesus had this meal he ask his diciples to continue doing this in rememberance of me. This is the only annual celebration spoke of in the bible, besides those under the old covenant with the nation of isreal, which was done away with when jesus put a new convenant in place while here on the earth.


The thing about chirstmas is many people could really care less about the origins of the hoilday. They choose to celebrate due to tradition. The thing I find interesting is the amount of people who base their celebration of this holiday on those of a religous standing and give no heed to the celebration that Jesus specifically ask people to continue to do. Ultimately it boils down to what do you place your faith in and on. It's different for everyone so it's hard to say to someone your doing this right or this wrong becasue everyone has has a different basis for why they choose the way they do. I personally put faith in the teachings of those found in the bible and only in the bible. Not becasue of what my parents believe but becasue of what I believe.


[ 18. December 2004, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: BIG PAPA ]

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

I still celibrate chirstmas. As a child it was never taught to me as a religous holiday. It was portrayed as a family holiday. I always thought that getting a tree and all that was just a way to bring a family together for a few days of the year. Something to do really. We never had pictures of jesus, went to church, or had crosses or any of that other parafanailia (spelling?) around the house.


I dont plan on teaching my kids that its a religous holiday either... unless my future wife happens to be religous, then she can do whatever.



Originally posted by Venomss:

Just because I have doubts as to the existence of a God doesn't mean I can't celebrate a holiday.

...and yes.
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Big Papa, i have to take back my negative comments i had said about you earlier. Despite the whole "mustang driver" thing i have (sorta a self competition thing) you've shown yourself to be quite the knowledgeable person on a lot of stuff. And I respect that. So my apologizes for things said prior.



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Originally posted by Veritas:

Big Papa, i have to take back my negative comments i had said about you earlier. Despite the whole "mustang driver" thing i have (sorta a self competition thing) you've shown yourself to be quite the knowledgeable person on a lot of stuff. And I respect that. So my apologizes for things said prior.



Accepted thanks
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