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Propsition for Blue By U


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Hey, I saw your other post. I remeber who you are. Here is my propsal. I said I would have the car out by april. I just talked to my short block builder and car wont be ready by then. Give me till begining of June and I will race you or your friend. Since you said that his car is a single digit car, I am goin to assume that it is faster then 9's and prolly in the 8's. Which is fine by me. Like I said, I will step up to the plate unlike the rest of this site and run your friend for 500$ if you can wait till June. Then my car should be done and tuned. I can have a person at the finish with video to make sure we capture it in case it is close. If you want to do this I can pm you my phone number and we can set this all up. smile.gif
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i will give you credit, i wouldnt give away 500 just to have fun, the guy that owns the car is sitting here and said just bring him 250 and we will call it aday lol
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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

i will give you credit, i wouldnt give away 500 just to have fun, the guy that owns the car is sitting here and said just bring him 250 and we will call it aday lol

HAHA, I think I will make him work for it.. I am hoping with my setup I will make it close...We will see.
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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

like i said you dont have a clue FLAKE, get in where you fit in, which is behind my car

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