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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Morgan:

No one was there to look out for us when my parents were going from job to job, but still turned out better than most people, just something to think about..

If you turned out better than most people in your situation, doesn't that speak volumes about how hard it actually is?
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Jack, Just fucking go away, you make no valid points. If you think it's SOOOO hard to move from one ecomnomic bracket to another point out ONE (JUST ONE!!!!) country that has more economic advancement by the lower and middle classes...


Mere survival? Bullshit, cable TV, enough food that obesity is a problem among the "poverty stricken" is not mere survival. Look at ANY other country and the people in "poverty" there live in mud shacks with nothing but a hole to shit in, with NO hope for a job, with NOTHING leeching thier ability to keep money like drugs and alcohoism, because they are soo poor they can't afford that. Perspective.


Truth, you can have ANYTHING you want in this world, it's just a question of what are ou willing to sacrifice for it.


This is America, we pride ourselves on freedom, democracy, capitalism, and although it's going out of style recently, responcability.

This is NOT the country of the free handout, althought it's changing to that direction more each day.

example of why your pussy liberal ways don't work:

last year the state government wanted to make it so in exchange for public housing the recievers of the benifit would have to work 8 hours a week public service. Liberal groups cried out, saying it was modern day slavery because it effected blacks more than anyone else. THOSE are the political fuckups that are holding the poor down, I see no problem giving somone a helping hand when in need, in the form of a job or benifits that are earned, not just handed out.

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Guest jpurdy2003

Jack, Just fucking go away, you make no valid points. If you think it's SOOOO hard to move from one ecomnomic bracket to another point out ONE (JUST ONE!!!!) country that has more economic advancement by the lower and middle classes...


Name another first-world country with the level of poverty we have, and I'll find what you're looking for.


Mere survival? Bullshit, cable TV, enough food that obesity is a problem among the "poverty stricken" is not mere survival.


These are once again stereotypes with little to no basis in fact. We're one of two families on our street with cable. Such bullshit that's uttered by people who have never set foot in the belly of the beast of poverty is highly inaccurate. But I forgot, career politicians and talking heads know more about poverty than those like me who have lived it, right. :rolleyes:


Look at ANY other country and the people in "poverty" there live in mud shacks with nothing but a hole to shit in, with NO hope for a job, with NOTHING leeching thier ability to keep money like drugs and alcohoism, because they are soo poor they can't afford that. Perspective.


So you're saying that despite the horrors of urban poverty, I should walk around smiling and whistling because I have indoor plumbing? It is obvious from your posts that you know nothing of what the reality of urban poverty is, and just keep listening to Reaganistic fairy tales.


Truth, you can have ANYTHING you want in this world, it's just a question of what are ou willing to sacrifice for it.


Tell that to the people who work 60-hour-weeks just to keep the lights on, with no hope of promotion. Tell that to the generations of kids that society punishes for their parents' mistakes. What hardship have you known in your life?


This is America, we pride ourselves on freedom, democracy, capitalism, and although it's going out of style recently, responcability.


What happened to the responsibility to help those who cannot, whether you believe it or not, help themselves?


This is NOT the country of the free handout, althought it's changing to that direction more each day.


This is the country of the free handout. Ask Halliburton.


example of why your pussy liberal ways don't work:

last year the state government wanted to make it so in exchange for public housing the recievers of the benifit would have to work 8 hours a week public service. Liberal groups cried out, saying it was modern day slavery because it effected blacks more than anyone else. THOSE are the political fuckups that are holding the poor down,


If you had ever spent time in a public housing complex, you'd know that most people who live there work numerous hours at low-wage jobs, which is why they live in apartments that have such low rent. If I'm working 40 hours a week to keep my head above water, I don't have time to do 8 hours of community service.


I see no problem giving somone a helping hand when in need, in the form of a job or benifits that are earned, not just handed out.


Believe it or not, I agree with you. However, if jobs for people who are financially light-years away from higher education are nonexistent, something must keep them alive. If that's a handout, so be it. But wait, you need that money to put a blower on your mustang. :rolleyes:

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why are people poor. uneducated? probably. Unlucky? definitely. lazy? quite often. Undisciplined? majority. you are spouting off you single examples of your life in your public housing. looking into any sociological studies. I know I know taking a sample of hundreds of people in public housing and below the poverty line absolutely could not compare to your experience as "poor" numerous studies of stratification and the effects of the loop of low income couldnt possibly begin to compare with your extensive experience in the ghetto. Truth is people want to work, but their so called honor (EGO) designates certain jobs as "below" them or not good enough and then they have the attitude. Which as much as you wish to deny its exhistance it truely is there. The attitude of I cant make, I wont make it, everyone is against me so why try to make it. It is this ideal passed down from parent to child and from peer to peer that causes poor to remain poor its not the politicians all be it theycould help to alleviate the issue but self pity is self pity and when there is an excuse to be made someone will use it.

but again, i've never been poor i've never lived in a poor neighbor hood and all my friends, coworkers that i've spoken with and experienced with that were poor and all of the published studies and extensive research describing and covering the issue that many others have expressed in this topic couldnt possible compare to you life experience (which using your basis of thought is why racism, and any other biases exhist) so dont even worry about responding because your life is the only one that is surrounded by pure truth and it is the only actualy experience of how you can't make it and never will. even though my dad was dirt poor and made it. my neighbors all of them 6-8 were below the poverty line and made it. my aunts and uncles poor and made it. must be an anomaly to life because you say so.


Pleas continue blaming the system there is truth there, and it makes it easier to deal with.

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Who has two thumbs, and believes in almost every word Drunkendubber just stated?


This guy!


Seriously, the ones who take the time to blame the system because it is bringing them down are the ones who should 1)TRY TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM THEMSELVES---(on a side note, this will make them even poorer, too much time wasted on political BS) or 2)QUIT POINTING FINGERS AND LOOK IN THE MIRROR. You are the ultimate problem, no matter what you do in life the only person who you can blame your problems on is yourself, it's your problem.....so fix it YOURSELF

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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

[q] ..


Name another first-world country with the level of poverty we have, and I'll find what you're looking for.


Russia, china. you didn't answer my question, because you know i'm right. America has mor economic mobility than ANY other country on the planet.



These are once again stereotypes with little to no basis in fact. We're one of two families on our street with cable. Such bullshit that's uttered by people who have never set foot in the belly of the beast of poverty is highly inaccurate. But I forgot, career politicians and talking heads know more about poverty than those like me who have lived it, right. :rolleyes:


funny thing about stereo-types, 98% of the time they are true.


So you're saying that despite the horrors of urban poverty, I should walk around smiling and whistling because I have indoor plumbing? It is obvious from your posts that you know nothing of what the reality of urban poverty is, and just keep listening to Reaganistic fairy tales.


if you accept your situation, it's not going to get better, i just recently switched jobs, it was a risk to start out at less money but if i didn't make a change i would be stuck at a job that would fall short of my goals. If you hope for something to change, without action, it's not going to happen.


Tell that to the people who work 60-hour-weeks just to keep the lights on, with no hope of promotion. Tell that to the generations of kids that society punishes for their parents' mistakes. What hardship have you known in your life?


60 hours a week, 5.45 hr. 381 a week x .66 for taxes = 251 x 4 = 1000 dollors a month.


are you going to afford a new car? no

are you going to be in dublin? no

can you survive. yes


my last year of college i paid for everythign working at fast food joints and was taking too little credits to get any loan or assistance, the parents were strapped, i probibly made 8,000 that year. I know your going to bring up "but these people have kids." i have a good prevention method, DONT FUCK!!!

ANYONE can do well if they really want to. if you fuckup your going it's going to be harder.



What happened to the responsibility to help those who cannot, whether you believe it or not, help themselves?


horseshit, fucking liberal taking a tiny percentage of the problem to reflect the whole. the majority are able bodied people of sound mind. get over this "they can't help themselves, shit"

I miss the 1800's if you couldn't survive, sorry but that leaves more for everyone else. if you didn't work then you died, no soup kitchens or government handouts.


This is the country of the free handout. Ask Halliburton.


yeah, I know when your god, Clinton gave them the no bid contracts, that was a very nice liberal thing to do.

if your refering to Bush, i would like you to educate yourself and look up the word "LOGCAP"


If you had ever spent time in a public housing complex, you'd know that most people who live there work numerous hours at low-wage jobs, which is why they live in apartments that have such low rent. If I'm working 40 hours a week to keep my head above water, I don't have time to do 8 hours of community service.


too bad, i'm tired of your whining.


Believe it or not, I agree with you. However, if jobs for people who are financially light-years away from higher education are nonexistent, something must keep them alive. If that's a handout, so be it. But wait, you need that money to put a blower on your mustang. :rolleyes:


What I spend my money on is my buisness, since I made the money I have the right to do with it however i please. And NO ONE has the right to say, "you have made enough, money were going to take it from you to give it to other people"

That's socialism!!!!!!!!!


Perfect example, the jews and asians were treated horribly in this country as well. the asians in THIS century were put into camps during WWII. But, instead of bitching about the government holding them down, they work hard and are now looked upt to by other people striving to reach those levels. The Jewish people are now resented becase many are "too succesful" why? because instead of feeling sorry for themselves they busted thier ass.


Anthony lost his job, and is the breadwinner in the family, he could have wallowed in his own self pitty and ran his family into the ground, but instead used his past expieriences, to get him a better job. Holy shit, this country sucks.

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Guest jpurdy2003

yeah, I know when your god, Clinton gave them the no bid contracts, that was a very nice liberal thing to do.

if your refering to Bush, i would like you to educate yourself and look up the word "LOGCAP"


I am no Clinton fan. Part of the reason that poverty is running rampant is NAFTA and other compromises that he shouldn't have made with you people.


Furthermore, while it may be socialist to say "you have too much money, go help somebody," it is the right thing to do, even if it took Karl Marx saying it to get someone to listen.

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Has anyone mentioned how "majority" of Democrats believe in something called "redistribution of wealth?" I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to keep ALL the money I earn, instead of the government taking out more than it already does and giving it to others who they claim are "less fortunate." Plus, I like the approach Bush has taken when it comes to taking care of terrorism....we have to get them before they get us. What makes this country great is that fact that we can have these forums...we can all debate about who we are going to vote for, which is something Iraq will be able to have, once the terrorist's are taken care of. I'd be lying if I said that some of Kerry's policies sound good, because they do. Bottom line, do people want more money taken away from them by the government? I know I don't. Are people going to feel safer with Kerry in the White House? Who knows? What I know is that I feel safer with someone in the White House who will fight to keep my family and I safe, and to me, that's Bush.
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Originally posted by mesteno:

i'm at a loss for words :(

How surprising, I make a comment in Joel's thread, and he insults me. Having self worth issues? Why do you say I'm on Marks nuts when you and he share political views? If anyone is on his nuts, it's you, since you must rely on him to make any valid points about supporting the conservative view.


My prediction after clicking on the Ogre's auto-response generator (I realize most of the words will be spelled incorrectly in Joels actual post):


Damn hippy liberals, you're all idiots who smoke pot and join Greenpeace..blah blah blah


I haven't made any political comments in this thread Joel. Let it end here and I wont tear your fucking thread apart piece by piece.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

How surprising, I make a comment in Joel's thread, and he insults me. Having self worth issues? Why do you say I'm on Marks nuts when you and he share political views? If anyone is on his nuts, it's you, since you must rely on him to make any valid points about supporting the conservative view.


My prediction after clicking on the Ogre's auto-response generator (I realize most of the words will be spelled incorrectly in Joels actual post):


Damn hippy liberals, you're all idiots who smoke pot and join Greenpeace..blah blah blah


I haven't made any political comments in this thread Joel. Let it end here and I wont tear your fucking thread apart piece by piece.

LOL the genious over reacting as usual, you made a smart ass comment. i returned, all in fun. then You reply Blah blah blah i'm better than you, i'm a genius. blah blah blah, i'm smarter than a redneck (wow, what an accomplishment)


I'm sorry to have offended you Massa, can i wash you car massa.

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