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Proposition for PV=nRT

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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

then shut the fuck up tool.

Wow, good one. :rolleyes:


You are the epitomy of douche. You live your own pathetic, ignorant life to the least, way to go graemlins/thumb.gif


Do you not have something good to say or to contribute to this board? Or is your sole purpose here to become another tool in our ever growing tool box?


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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

ok the biggest tool, i aleast have somthing to race on a racing forum.

Mother fucker, the only think you have that I dont is a small penis. And you further prove that point every time you post.


Dont worry squirrel, you'll be seeing the tail end of my car soon enough.


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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

can we do that tonight flake

Sure, lets race on wet pavement :rolleyes:


And either way, since you cant seem to be able to read, my car is in the process of becoming race ready again.


Like I said, soon enough.


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hey sam,


glenn is a "chemists"? not sure what that is. i know a few "chemists" as well, and the only shit they need to know is where the police arent, and the ghetto is.


as far as the rest of what i said goes, its no suprise that the humor is lost on you.


the jedi irony trick works well on the weak minded.

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Originally posted by Orion:

hey sam,


glenn is a "chemists"? not sure what that is. i know a few "chemists" as well, and the only shit they need to know is where the police arent, and the ghetto is.


as far as the rest of what i said goes, its no suprise that the humor is lost on you.


the jedi irony trick works well on the weak minded.

buwhahah chemists
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Didnt have fun? tongue.gif


Not really, I took a sip of it and it upset my stomach really bad, to the point I didn't drink very much more that night. Not really sure why either, but that's probably the last time I'll ever drink that.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Not really, I took a sip of it and it upset my stomach really bad, to the point I didn't drink very much more that night. Not really sure why either, but that's probably the last time I'll ever drink that.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe next time we'll stick to Vodka smile.gif


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Originally posted by Orion:

hey sam,


glenn is a "chemists"? not sure what that is. i know a few "chemists" as well, and the only shit they need to know is where the police arent, and the ghetto is.


as far as the rest of what i said goes, its no suprise that the humor is lost on you.


the jedi irony trick works well on the weak minded.

Way to try to cover up your stupid posts... graemlins/thumb.gif
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