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Ghetto/poor people... NWS.

Devils Advocate

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I'm really fucking sick of seeng all of the less affluent people bitching at those who are better off for A) being better off,

B) Purchasing clothes that they like, and C)not giving all of their money to the poor.


Jesus, Most well off people are well off because they worked their asses off and haven't sat around making up excuses like "I live in cleveland", or "the job market sucks!" I know you want to blame the Government for your lazyness, but this still IS America, and if you work hard enough, you WILL be successful.


Shut the fuck up about buying your clothes from thrift-stores, no one cares. A guy started a thread about wether or not he should work at Abercrombie and some ghetto thug punk wannabe starts talking shit and saying how he bravely faced an entire store of affluent people... by himself! :rolleyes:


Why should rich people have to give their money to poor people? I think that welfare should last no more than six months, and after that, you'e done (unless under VERY special circumstances). I think that people should be able to KEEP the money they earn (damn, sounds wacky, doesn't it?), and not have to give it to a bunch of whining lazyasses.



PS: I put NWS on this because I want it to get ugly. :D

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I have to add though that the thrift store is a good place to get work clothes. 2 bucks for a piar of pants is awesome.



why should welfare even last six months why do we let people collect unemployment for years. work hard or fucking die. people fucking leach of society thier whole life just waiting for the first of the month to come so they can go get drugs or wine or whatever. its bullshit and it all comes out of peoples pocket who actually work for a living. and don't think the shit isn't true I've seen it up close and its not just in the inner cities either country people are just as good at not working and collecting govt. money. the sooner welfare and unemployment are canceled the better.

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Guest stvbreal

I agree. Even though I did collect unemployment for almost a year. The reason for this is that I was wrongfully dismissed from work, I've worked hard for over 16 years of my life without getting laid off and paid mad taxes all that time. I am entitled to a little kick back. Plus I'm not working at a fucking McDonalds just to get by. I was making more on unemployment. I am no stranger to hard work. I look at it this way. There are leaches and people sucking the economy dry for no reason. Then their are people like myself that have worked hard half their lives and used the system to their advantage. Since then I have moved to Colorado, work for a small software/training company, make kickass money, work from home, and go fishing every other day, on company time. Thank you Ohio and Nationwide :D


[ 28. September 2004, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: EvilEvo ]

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I don't think I've ever said that I get any from my room mates... but it kinda freaks me out that you thought about it. graemlins/puke.gif I know it's hard to be an ugly ass thug-wannabe, but seriously dude... Get your dad's dick out of your ass, get an education, and stop dressing like you want to be in a rap video, and maybe you wont have to live like a hobo.
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If you have a problem with the current system, instead of complaining about it you should be doing what you can to support welfare reform . Oddly enough, it is the Democratic party that also shares your point of view (as far as welfare is concerned). Daves idea of cancelling the programs entirely is strictly Republican, however. ;)


Income tax is a relatively new implementation in the United States. It was supported by Taft, but put into place by Wilson in 1909. The population was taxed 1% of their income. The majority of tax increases have been to pay for wars, with the idea that would change after the war debt gets paid off. The general public will typically not complain about tax increases due to things of that nature. The problem is, things change. Lots of different agencies get their hands in the cookie jar, and then become dependent on the allocated funds that weren't there in the first place. Would a viable solution be to cancel the current way of doing things?

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Eli, I read that second link that you posted. It appears that the people they are expecting to fight against their proposal are other democrats. From what I understood, they took President Bush's proposal and added to it, right? Also, they are asking for $5 Billion for childcare, in an attempt to get single mothers to get to work?



I think that unemployment is a good system, and I don't see it needing to be changed at this time.

I understand that there is a need for welfare, but I would like to see it changed. There needs to be a better system for getting child support. My main idea, is that I feel there should be mandatory drug screening before a person gets their welfare check, every time. I strongly feel that our tax dollars should not be feeding anyone's crack habit.


Education can't fix everything, many people just don't want to listen. Take away something, and a person will stand up and open their eyes.

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No Mike. They expect opposition form liberal advocacy groups. Groups similar to the ACLU. Groups that give you guys something to bitch about. I don't think our ideals are that far apart. I am not on an extreme side, I have many views that don't fit either party. I will not vote based on party. I make intelligent decisions based on how I feel about the topic at hand. It just so happens that there are some key issues I can't agree with the (majority of) Republicans on. IMO, most of those are religious based.
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i support gobs of free money and a positive environment/rolemodel for children. anyone under 16 after taht your personal opinion and views on life are set and pretty unchangeable. If you want free money buy a lotto ticket and pray to your lord. but then again I LOVE the poor. who else builds our houses, picks up our trash, cleans our hallways the system is the way it is because it thrives on it.


But the haves and havenots can just continue bitching at each other, just like it always has been and always will be.

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Originally posted by Jelloman457:

on a side note....mike that truck in your sig looks badass.

That's the sport truck that Toyota is releasing in '05. I think that pic originally came from Toyota, but the drop was photoshopped. I'm not sure about the wheels, I'm fairly sure that it will come with 18"s from the factory. Damn I want this truck.
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You can't hate someone because they're poor. You can hate them for bitching about it enough, expecting it to get better without doing anything to make it happen. Like the people who say they hate rich people. Why? Positive role models who worked hard, got educated, and made a life for themselves? Now if some asshat won the lottery and became instantly rich, go ahead and hate him for who he is. Other than that, get off your ass and spend less time criticizing wealthy people for living with what they worked for, and spend more time actually trying to do something for yourself, rather than waiting for someone to do it for you.


Some people can't help it that they are financially where they are. They may have made some bad decisions in the past or whatever. There's not a whole lot wrong with that. Shit happens to everyone. But they also can't sit around and shoot the shit, expecting life to get better, and also shouldn't criticize others for spending the money that is theirs.


EDIT: sorry, i don't usually get into these ramblings. I just thought with lots of threads like this floating around, it was a point to be clarified.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

I'm really fucking sick of seeng all of the less affluent people bitching at those who are better off for A) being better off,

B) Purchasing clothes that they like, and C)not giving all of their money to the poor.


Jesus, Most well off people are well off because they worked their asses off and haven't sat around making up excuses like "I live in cleveland", or "the job market sucks!" I know you want to blame the Government for your lazyness, but this still IS America, and if you work hard enough, you WILL be successful.


Shut the fuck up about buying your clothes from thrift-stores, no one cares. A guy started a thread about wether or not he should work at Abercrombie and some ghetto thug punk wannabe starts talking shit and saying how he bravely faced an entire store of affluent people... by himself! :rolleyes:


Why should rich people have to give their money to poor people? I think that welfare should last no more than six months, and after that, you'e done (unless under VERY special circumstances). I think that people should be able to KEEP the money they earn (damn, sounds wacky, doesn't it?), and not have to give it to a bunch of whining lazyasses.



PS: I put NWS on this because I want it to get ugly. :D

Do me a favor leave OU goto the hillbilly side of Athens go buy a loud horn from the store and say what you just typed out loud and see what happens dont bother posting what happens(Something tells me you wont be able to anyway)We will read about you in The Dispatch .Then after you do that there will be one less person typing this shit I have to worry about.
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