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Originally posted by Orion:

the people in this thread that are advocating that eli stay out of other peoples business need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


not as if berto... here...


or ben..



have never stirred the pot before.



you guys can feel free to stay the fuck out of my kitchen if it hurts your feelings to see someone take up for their homie.

1)where you quoted me i just commented on a punch line, i wasn't starting a thread about my buddy

2) get a life, instead of searching for people's past posts in an attempt to catch me doing something, go do the world some good. volunteer or something.

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Originally posted by Orion:

of course it does, thats way above your level of comprehension.


you guys want some personal time alone?

Actually it is another fine example of stupid people thinking they know everything about everyone. So please explain how this is above my level of comprehension. On second thought, please post the last time you hung out with any of these 2 people and actually talked to them to find out info that you posted..
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The problem I have isn't necessarily that shit was talked about Mark. Obviously, Mark is a friend and I took that a little personally, but I was just a little miffed that shit was being talked without the knowledge of the parties involved, and I wanted to know how you would react if the topic was brought into the light. For you to own up to it, I am surprised. I have never withheld any of my feelings about anyone on the board, and maybe I'm just sensitive to shit like that, and a little biased. If you want references, just ask Nitrousbird, Chris Green, or John about how I handle issues with other CR members. Just the way I am. But, once again, kudos to owning up to it. I didn't think you would.


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Originally posted by RX7dood:

1)where you quoted me i just commented on a punch line, i wasn't starting a thread about my buddy

2) get a life, instead of searching for people's past posts in an attempt to catch me doing something, go do the world some good. volunteer or something.

berto, i accused you of stirring the shit. not creating a thread. i know you dont have the courage to do anything like that. what you posted in that thread was akin to some punkass kid on an elementary school play ground hollering "ooooo!!! he called your mom a ho!" when two others are about to throw. growing a conscience and taking the high road here, telling me to "volunteer or something" and getting righteous on eli for taking up for a freind doesnt make you any less of a bitch. i guess you just didnt feel like egging anyone on this time.


sam, as "E-Famous" as you are, what makes you think i dont know anything about you? you arent smart enough to be secretive about anything, as weve already learned.


as far as being above your level of comprehension, even if all i had to go on was your posts IN THIS THREAD, youd be an idiot.


not that i really need to justify anything to you, but john tilly and i played poker last week. ive never met glenn, but knowing anything about someone isnt a prerequisite to talk shit about them, as you demonstrated re: mark.


you and i still have an autocross date to settle, btw. i like extra cheese on my chilitos.


[ 02. April 2005, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Orion ]

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Originally posted by Orion:

berto, i accused you of stirring the shit. not creating a thread. i know you dont have the courage to do anything like that. what you posted in that thread was akin to some punkass kid on an elementary school play ground hollering "ooooo!!! he called your mom a ho!" when two others are about to throw. growing a conscience and taking the high road here, telling me to "volunteer or something" and getting righteous on eli for taking up for a freind doesnt make you any less of a bitch. i guess you just didnt feel like egging anyone on this time.

i don't have courage to post on the internet calling someone out that said something about my friend, wow you and eli are the epitome of courage. Really.


1 and 2 still apply.


well maybe Eli actually does have because he was in the armed forces, but this currently doesn't really count.

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Originally posted by (-):

Actually, I believe Mark's only posts in the last six months or more were only to start shit in the Mr. Menear (sp) thread...


So, there goes that theory. tongue.gif

no no no... not Mr. Menear... MRMEANR... better reconize FOOL!


Yea Mark never once said anything to me in person... actully Kieth was the only one to say anything about it in person and he was pretty much just playing around.


There is a lot of internet testosterone on this board... get a grip people graemlins/thumb.gif

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