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I'd say that in my school (Columbus Academy), about 2/3 of the faculty is hardcore left wing. Then there are some that are extremely separate on their views. My physics teacher, for example, is a Pakistani woman who hates Bush and all things Republican, yet she is vehemently against gay marriage and abortion.


Thats why I think a lot of the kids these days are rediculously liberal; what they are being TAUGHT in their impressionable youth is that social liberalism is the answer to everything.


Contrastly, I don't think that liberals who stay liberals are morons. War veterans, for instance. I never served any time in any military service, nor do I plan to. But I can only imagine the way fighting in a conflict such as Vietnam would warp the way one thinks about politics. My uncle dodged the draft by listing himself as a conscientious objector during the war, and he is one of the most well-read people I've ever met. He worked in the Connecticut State Correctional Facility for 30 years, and now works for the Red Cross and is currently in charge of the terrorist-attack drill in New London, CT. He hates Bush, but he hated Kerry as well. As Tenzig is, he is a 'fuselage' with more liberal tendencies.


I don't think all liberals are morons. Its naïve to say that if one thinks a certain way, they must be a moron. Its effectively calling all liberals childish. There are some things liberals are right on. Not everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

C'mon. The world is so much easier to deal with if everyone who doesnt see things from your perspective is wrong.

Yea but then how would we get women to stick around us for more than 12 seconds.


Other than having a ginormous wang.

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Alex has a good point, you can have certain core beliefs and still sit the other side of the fence. Then there are those that simply hate Republicans because they hate Bush. I don't agree with them I like Bush, and I think he has some really good ideas. Clinton on the other hand, well I can't stand him, or his carpet munchin wife. Part of that IS politically based, some of it to me is more common sense. He did something to degrade the office of the president, it's more than degrading himself, to me he degraded the whole country. Then he lied about it to cover it up which was even more degrading. I am not saying that everything up till Clinton was rosey, we took this country from the Indians, we allowed slavery to exist in this country. We have allowed in the past deeply rooted racisim to exist in this country. We are not perfect, not as individuals, and not as a country. But we have to have standards, and gauge what we do and we allow others to do. And it does still depend on social status and pecking order to set the bar. By that you would not be surprized that a bum would rob someone, it's wrong, but they have different motivation, they simply want to eat. Now have the president of a global corporation running around Central Park mugging people for a few bucks here and there, meanwhile he's making a 7 figure salery. His motivation ain't self preservation and we would hold that person to a higher standard. I know that someone will argue that we should hold everyone to the same standard, thing is that's not possible. It's a truely totalitarian idea and even in the most strick of goverments the leaders set themself on a higher plane than the rest of society, so even there it doesn't really exist.


As far as the comment about Phd's not being able to tie their shoes. While that is a bit overboard, I do agree with the idea to a point. If one has a Phd in engineering, he knows how to design, not repair the stuff that he designs. It's not necessary for him to know, and he problaby don't care to know how to fix it anyway. But the guy that fixes it, that doesn't have a degree in engineering can fix it but can't design it from concept to practical use. So you really are compairing apples and oranges here.

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

I'd say that in my school (Columbus Academy), about 2/3 of the faculty is hardcore left wing. Then there are some that are extremely separate on their views. My physics teacher, for example, is a Pakistani woman who hates Bush and all things Republican, yet she is vehemently against gay marriage and abortion.

That is something that bothers me. I can't remember a single political comment made by any of my high school teachers. Now, teachers seem to be pressing their opinions upon students, when they are suppose to be teaching subjects that are totally unrelated. I have a serious problem with that.


Sounds like a waste of taxpayer money to me. I could understand a civics class or something, where the teacher opens up a discussion among the students, but is only there to keep order, that could turn out to be productive. But just feeding these kids their opinions, without giving them a chance to explore on their own? fuck that

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