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just bitchin ...


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so I went to WyoTech right, got my associates in Automotive technology, got my electronics degree from a career center and graduated high school.


I can not find a job because of my driving record, yeah I know my fault, thats why this is called 'just bitchin' buddy of mine is GM at Germain Toyota, ran the motor vehicle check on me and it says I have a valid license and 12 points


4 points for rolling 2 stop signs (in a row, in my neighborhood)


and 8 points for speeding tickets, none of them over like 85... boy am I getting shafted on this, I admit I was speeding pay the fine and get the points.


Now I can't find a job from auto-places to construction companies because no one can afford to insure me due to my driving record? WTF?


It's like I'm over qualified to work in a specific field (cars) and I'm not allowed to, and not qualified to make a living any other way. I've got to find a way to make at least 10 p/hr at LEAST, which is like nothing in the grand scheme of things.


just makes me angry, I never had anything bad on my record until the last year, and three of the speeding tickets were gotten 70 west, 5 am, heading home from wyotech on the weekends.


my buddy fights every ticket and spends $1,000's on lawyers and he's only for 4 pts on his license. Thats what makes me angry, we totaled all the points he WOULD have and it's 32.


guess the moral is honesty doesn't get ya anywhere.


okay i'm done. graemlins/gives.gif

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stop speeding and obey local traffic laws and in 3 years then you can get something... or work your way up or something... I had 10 points on my liscense and was paying and ungodly amount for insurance... I now don't drive over the speedlimit and March my last point came off my record... now when renewal time comes around... I should have cheap insurance tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Great Googley Moogley:

the state only holds your points for 2 years. so just keep a lite foot and everything will work out.

Insurance holds it for three, sometimes more.
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Originally posted by (-):

Insurance holds it for three, sometimes more.

That is correct.


It is not the facility or the state who is disqualifying you for a position, it is the facilities insurance company. With 12 points, any suspension, or felony (DUI), you are considered a huge liabilty risk. As a Director of Fixed Operations for a dealership for 8 years, I couldn't even hire a cashier, parts counter person, or salesperson without a driver's license check. No pass, No job!


Unfortunately, you should have already know this from you schooling. If WyoTech is not preaching this in your introductory class, then shame on them. If they did and you ignored it, then shame on you.

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Guest racinbird

I know what you mean McGraw...I work for a Germain dealership. I had to have someone else drive cars in and out of the shop for me when my lic was suspended. I couldnt even drive a car to my work station. I had FULL work previlages from the court, but when Germain bought out our dealership I lost my driving rights at work. Basically they are being cheap and refuse to pay any extra ins for you to work with them.


I was not a liablity at that time either, I wasnt charged with anything yet and had 0 points on my lic. Now after being charged a 4pt wreckless opp., I was told that any more tic's and I may loose my job. Just be VERY careful if you need to drive for a living. I thought about selling my car at first when this all happened. Its just too damn hard to drive slow sometimes. Good luck!!

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