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Dieting people who cant control their urges *rant*


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Guest GSRchick714

I just can't stand the people who say how miserable they are and blah blah blah because they are just so big but then they go eat to get over being depressed-hello! And then there's the people who go on their "eat less" diet, yet they're still eating fast food, chips, candy, etc. every freakin day! All you need to do is eat healthy and exercise-duh!

I have never been in the situation where I needed to diet but I have been in the situation where I wasnt really eating and it is hard as hell to start eating again because your body is so used to having nothing. Maybe its just as hard for the people to cut back. If it is, I feel bad, but work at it or STOP COMPLAINING!!

Thanks. :D

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Im not a big guy, but I do have a decent sized beer gut. And for about 6 months i exercised regularly and ate right, swapped burgers and fries for chicken, fruits and veggies, cut out big meals, spaced the food out, and made sure i didnt eat before bed.

And let me tell ya, it didnt do shit, lost maybe 5lbs.

I still excercise a lot, but i went back to eating whatever i want whenever i want because i was pissed off, and i havent gained a thing.

I think im stuck with this gut for the rest of my being tongue.gif

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Guest doggunracing
Don't get too hung up on ab exercises for losing a gut though. They will increase stomach muscle size, so you if you don't lose any fat, it actually could be bigger. You can't target fat areas, aerobic exercise takes it from wherever you body tells it to.
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Originally posted by doggunracing:

Don't get too hung up on ab exercises for losing a gut though. They will increase stomach muscle size, so you if you don't lose any fat, it actually could be bigger.

Amen. I tried that for a couple years. I got to the point that I didnt have time to do situps untill I got tired, I can do them all day long. I mounted some bars between the ceiling bars of my basement nd di then hanging upside down. What i got was a rick hard stomach...shrowded behind a gut.


Here's what worked for me, and is continuing to do so; Motivation. You cant do anything without it. My motivation was the climb last week. For a month I did what I considered hard core cramming for it. Strict diet and excersize. It sucked, but I got into the routine, kept my eyes on the 14,000" prize. Last week I spent a week in the mountains, lost close to 10 lbs in 7 days. Working at altitude is, bar none, the hardest thing a person can do, the higher you go,t he harder it is.

Now that I'm back, I figured I just binge and take in al my old habbits. But, the desire isn't there anymore. I'm used to the routine I was in building up to the climb, thereofore its alot easier to keep up.

So, next time you're at Wendies, try the chicken BLT salad instead of the Triple with everything, large fries, and the diet coke.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

It's Orion on Clenbuterol

fuck you, brian!!! graemlins/lol.gif



dinosaurs are big boneded! eat a grape!!



seriously though, i just started the "let ken whip your ass in the gym four times a week and teach you how to eat like a pro" diet, and ill let you know how it goes. for posterity, the day i started, i weighed myself at 269 lbs. so, ill post in here every now and then so you guys can see how im doin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In my world all the fat people would park in the far away spaces at walmart so they would realize they need to change there habits, call me an asshole i dont care but somepeople think there special cause they need extra room or scooter, sh*t u think i'm movin so u can pass me at the grocery store u got another thing goin u better back thet fukin scooter up and go the other way!
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Originally posted by Orion:

fuck you, brian!!! graemlins/lol.gif



dinosaurs are big boneded! eat a grape!!



seriously though, i just started the "let ken whip your ass in the gym four times a week and teach you how to eat like a pro" diet, and ill let you know how it goes. for posterity, the day i started, i weighed myself at 269 lbs. so, ill post in here every now and then so you guys can see how im doin.

Great to hear DJ, join the healthy crowd.


And Eric anytime you want to go on a 100 mile bike ride, ill prove to you its harder then almost any mountain climb ;)

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Some fat people can help it. Hell I used to be 260ish, now I'm 176. It's called get up off your ass and do something about it. One thing I hate is girls that bitch about being fat. If I'm with a girl and she says that shit it drives me insane. It's like woman if I thought you were too fat, my ass wouldn't be near you or be bangin you out every night. Amen, go on beer diet it works. No food, just beer.
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Originally posted by B:

Great to hear DJ, join the healthy crowd.


And Eric anytime you want to go on a 100 mile bike ride, ill prove to you its harder then almost any mountain climb ;)

welp, its been a little more than a week, and i havent lost any weight, but, ive more than doubled the weight i was able to lift in some excersizes, and increased in everything else. i spent the first week basically learning how to lift correctly.
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Originally posted by B:

And Eric anytime you want to go on a 100 mile bike ride, ill prove to you its harder then almost any mountain climb ;)

If you want to enforce a pace that I can keep up with, perhaps. But just riding 100mi in a day, no problem. ;) Granted, the suffering is more focused and localized. Plus you have an advantage, my ass aint as narrow as yours. tongue.gif

Back in highschool, when I was still doing track'n'field, I rode my bike from Elida OH to Defiance in a day, how many mountains have you climbed? ;)

Point being, I have an experienced appriciation for distance riding, where as I'm willing to bet you have never tried to pull yourself up anywhere higher then a mile. Riding 100 miles may be tougher then all of Appalacia, maybe most of the lower 48, but beleive me there are literaly thousands of peaks that would make you wish you were back in the flats on your bike. graemlins/thumb.gif


Bag a technical 14'er, read "mountaineering, freedom of the hills, 8th edt" and I'll let ya join in on an Aconcagua trip in winter 2005-2006. Always lookin for partners, makes it cheaper, but being in good shape isnt good enough. Different people react to altitude differently. Who knows, your buff sexy ass may just spend most of the days passed out or puking. ;)

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the hardest thing to do, is climbon a bike ala the tour de france, check there altitudes they climb at ;) . And the farthest i have rode is to portsmouth and back in a day...then i passed out like a hobo on a park bench.


But im sure climbing aint easy

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Working out=losing weight true story. If you eat the same but work out more you will lose weight. You'll lose it alot faster and keep it off alot better by eating better of course.


Also, don't be concerend with just your actual weight. I weighed about 185-188 a couple weeks ago. I weigh about the same now, however my stomache has gotten smaller and my arms have gotten bigger. Muscle>Fat. You might even gain weight but still end up looking better.


And if your doing crunches/sit-ups to lose your gut make sure you hold your stomache in while your doing it. Otherwise it will grow outwards just like when you exercise any other muscles like your bicepts etc. And in the end it will look the same, maybe a bit slimmer but no abs etc.

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Originally posted by B:

bah i cant touch my back from mondays ches workout, its all good. DJ are you doing higher reps, as to try and tone up more, aka losing weight

"Toning" aka high reps is an ineffective strategy preached by fitness instructors and video makers who thrive on perpetuating false myths in sustaining a market. The "Tone" look has nothing to do with fast twitch muscle fibers and everything to do with low body fat. The physiological advantage as well as the duration of impact on metabolic rate of heavy lifting over the high rep shit is undeniable in the "Those who know" circle.


Oh, you want to lose weight? Lift heavy. Oh, you want to get big? Lift heavy. If you are doing low weight, high rep bullshit you are wasting your time.

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If DJ sticks to my plan, and we increase the workouts to the usual 4 times a week, He will lose 30lbs by summer.


If he, in addition, sticks to the diet Ive suggested he will lose 60lbs in 6 months and be stronger than 80% of the suckers on this board... including me.

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Lmao @ ken


My legs might be a little stronger than yours (years of carrying my fat ass around will do that) but I've got some serious ground to make up in other areas.


I think what a lot of people overlook is the psychological difference it makes in you when you feel strong. My gf, and my coworkers have already said that I carry myself differently and seem to have more life in me. I feel more energetic, and in my soccer games, I'm faster, quicker to react, and have more competitive fire...


...after 2 freakin weeks of working out.


At this point, I'm going to keep going just to see how much better this gets.

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