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Dieting people who cant control their urges *rant*


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Heavy leg lifting = slower sprinting/ running. The more mass just slows you down, not they i am saying dont lift legs, just those who are out to push x kagillon pounds are really doing olny that , it dosent make you faster. ( see what oylmpic class sprinters lift ;) )

Squats are amazing bye the way, and if done correctly do wonders for speed, but not too much weight.


Workouts change for me weekly, or bi weekly,

mon: chest and tris

tue: 30 + mile bike ride, mile run, or a mile swim

wed: back and bis

thu: 30 + mile ride, mile run ( or swim a mile either or depends on what was done on tuesday )

fri: shoulders, and abs


( and vitamin c and e and a multi everyday of the week )

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One a days or multi's make me throw up, lol.


Mallard, you are doing pushups when you weigh 125lbs. The guy your doing pushups prolly had 50-75lbs on you. He is lifting more each time.


You had great endurance, and alright arm strength from swimming. But were still a skinny mofo.


I'd rather be built with less endurance.

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Originally posted by B:

But im sure climbing aint easy

Climing isn't easy, but I'm talking about "mountaineering" specificaly. You can "climb" in a warehouse down on busch bvld. The hardest part of bagging summits inst the actula climbing, and hte biggest danger isn't always falling. The lack of oxygen, presure, warmth, and hydration make for an environment that is so exhausting that it kills you. Above 19,500~ you dont have to do anything but sit on a rock, play gameboy, and stay warm, well fed and hydrated, and you'll still be dead in a few days.


Here give this a read, stories like this are fairly common;



By worldly standards, that is a fairly easy peak, since there are hundreds that are more challenging. Thats why I say its the most challenging environment on earth, I think you'd like it. You're a prime candidate for getting hooked on peak bagging after your first successful summit. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Rane:

Mallard, you are doing pushups when you weigh 125lbs. The guy your doing pushups prolly had 50-75lbs on you. He is lifting more each time.


You had great endurance, and alright arm strength from swimming. But were still a skinny mofo.


I'd rather be built with less endurance.

True, I was lifting less each time, but he was bigger and lifted for football so he should have been able to put it up easily, right?


Yes, I was a skinny mo-fo. Ken stated that Cardio was good for your heart and lifting was good for your waist. I disagreed on those grounds. I only did cardio and got down to a 28" waist. I weighted as much in 8th/9th grade as I do now, and I was about 6 inches shorter with a 32-33" waist, I was not exactly trim. Yes, your body changes a lot in that time too, but my waist line changed mostly because my body fat % dropped so much.


There's a big difference between being healthy and being strong. I'd rather go to the doctor for a physical and pass with flying colors then say I can bench xxx.


There are lots of factors that play into overall health, especially your diet, so I'm not saying that you can't be healthy with a heavy lifting workout. But with a cardio workout you're better off IMHO.


Whatever workout your doing the main thing is keep your heart rate up! Some people can jog or bike for miles and never breathe heavy because of the pace they choose. Break a sweat, keep your heart rate up for an extended period of time and you'll lose wieght provided you don't gorge yourself on food.

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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

I just noticed DJ has 74lbs on me. You surely have more potential for some higher weight than I do at the moment. smile.gif Get your leg press on foo! hah

no doubt man. im happy just to be able to keep up with ken at this stage. i havent ever lifted for strength, so, it feels good to see that many plates on the rack. for what its worth, i did lift it 6 times. (i needs to get stronger......)


brandon, if i wanted to run away, id work on getting faster....


as it is, i choose stronger.( tongue.gif )

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Ken,it is very difficult, but not impossible to lose weight and build lean muscle mass at the same time. google 7-Isopropoxyisoflavone.


The trainer at world gym put me on a 40/40/20 diet..which breaks down to be 40% protein/40% carbohydrates/20% fats. In doing this, along with some cardio, my body fat went from 24, to 22% while my weight stayed the same. I have maintained if not gotten stronger in every part of my workouts. When I dont skip out on cardio, i do 30 minutes on the bike, keeping my heart rate below 130. According to the trainer at world gym, if it goes above 130, I an at higher risk to sacrifice lean muscle.


I am confident I could be losing weight a lot faster if I cut pop out of my diet.

That and processed foods. When I first started my diet, id wake up in the morning and boil 8 eggs, cook my white rice and prepare salmon. Throughout the day, i would eat that every 2.5-3 hours.

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Great thread.


I just wanted to add something. I weighed around 192-195 this past September. This bothered me, because with Winter coming, I figured I might hit 200 for the first time ever. I am 5'10".


I admittedly know very little about weight loss or nutrition. I did the following, and got down to 170 by Christmas.


- Got a membership to the Y. I only worked out 3 times a week. Usually 30 minutes on treadmil (4-6mph), an hour of swimming and/or raquetball, and very little lifting.

- Cut out the 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew every afternoon at work.

- Switched from sides of french fries to veggies.

- Cut the eggrole out when I did Chinese.

- Walked during lunch on nice days.

- Took 'some' beer out of my weekend nights.


That's about it. I'm around 174 now; I think it's because I can't get out to walk during lunch.


I still drink coffee every morning and drink at least 3-4 diet pops every afternoon. I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep each night. Those are the things I need to work on now.


Oh, and cutting back on the 12-pack+ each week

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

- Got a membership to the Y. I only worked out 3 times a week. Usually 30 minutes on treadmil (4-6mph), an hour of swimming and/or raquetball, and very little lifting.

- Cut out the 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew every afternoon at work.

- Switched from sides of french fries to veggies.

- Cut the eggrole out when I did Chinese.

- Walked during lunch on nice days.

- Took 'some' beer out of my weekend nights.


That's about it. I'm around 174 now; I think it's because I can't get out to walk during lunch.

In my opinion, swimming is the best workout your body can get. You will burn more calories while using more muscle groups then you could ever hope to target in the same amount of time in a 'dry land' workout. Plus it's non-impact which makes my knees like it a lot better then running.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I think we were all fairly split on this topic I thought I'd revive it. I've been reading a few books on fitness which include topics from cardio/aerobics, weight training, diet, different work outs, etc. Since this more or less turned into and exercise/health topic I thought some of you would be interested in some of these quotes:


-Lifting weights builds muscles that can help you burn calories. Muscles burn more calories then fat because they are more metabolically active then fat...muscles are calorie-hungry in general and at all times burn more calories than does fat. Keep in mind, though, that if it's rapid weight loss you're after, cardio exercise is still your best bet.


-Weight-bearing exercise increases bone density, which helps prevent osteoporosis.


-Running or jogging is one of the best and easiest ways to lose weight. It burns more calories than many other forms of exercise...


-Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health. Since heart disease claims many lives each year, improving your heart health can help you lead a long, healthy life.


-Physical fitness reduces your chances of heart disease by lowering your blood pressure and by keeping your heart strong and healthy


-Exercise alleviates depression by providing a natural antidepressant, boosting self-esteem, and enabling you to put things into perspective. Aerobic exercise forces oxygenated blood to the brain as well as to other parts of the body.


-Another benefit of regular exercise is a stronger immune system...


To me some of these are no-brainers, but I figure they apply to what has been discussed. The main topic was weight loss, which if that's your main goal you should do cardio for the fastest results. You HAVE to keep your heart rate up for an extended period of time for best results. Weight training is important and has its benefits. To have the best overall fitness you should do a combination at both cardio and weight training, with an emphasis on the cardio for lower blood pressure, endurance, and stronger heart.


All exercise will help you psychologically.

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thanks for bringing this back up, phil. so, reporting in, its been a month since ken and i started into the gym. ive lost ten pounds since then, and gained an inch on my biceps (which was the only thing i took the gumption to measure at first.)


ive increased the weight in many exercizes by quite a bit, especially the lower body ones. my grip has improved, as well as the overall solidity of my musculature. ive noticed a huge gain in my stamina, quickness, reflexes, and overall athleticism. ive been playing soccer since before i hit the gym, and everyone on my team has said something about it as well. i feel much more vibrant, confidant, and energetic.


cant wait till next month. :D

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Cardio is the best way to lose weight fast, for most people as it (usually) creates a calorie deficit. Creating a calorie deficit after being used to eating X amount of calories per day is, franky, too hard for a majority of people. Most often cardio only weight loss is at the expense of muscle mass.


The ultimate cutting regement includes a balance between heavy lifting, interval training cardio, and a very clean diet.


Hopefully DJ will be starting my "Phase II" soon in which he will literally shed pounds if he can stick with it.

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my roomate was weighedat his doc apt a few days ago and he is starving his self for 2 weeks i told him it would make him sick ... he pretty depressed he wants to loose 90 or mroe pounds ...im going to try to get him to get some vidamins at least he mite do thati mean he ought to listen to me i lost 70 pounds b4 when i got hit by a car and no i didnt loose a limb lol i went on a diet and exersize regimin for 2 months i think i mite know a thing or 2 about it ... ohh and double wendys? screw that give me a triple lol or a 1 pound fudrucker burger lol no that wast on my diet but i can eat it now as long as i work it off smile.gif
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Fasting is the absolute worst idea ever. Muscle tissue is much more bioavailable as a source for energy than fat. He will lose any muscle mass that he has all the while slowing his metabolism to a crawl. When he starts eating again, he will gain it back and probably more.


If he is dead set on fasting, there is a modified fast that is proven to maintain muscle tissue while melting the pounds away, but it is absolute hell. It is called PSMF (Protein Sparring Modified Fast) aka Protein Strictly Mother Fucker. Ive told DJ a bit about it in preparation.


In summary, you set protein at 1-1.5g/lbm depending on activity, some fiborous veggies, and 6 fish oil pills a day. This takes calories to roughly 1000-1300 for most people. He should plan to refeed after 8-14 days, the fatter he is the longer he can go. It is very hard to stick to. Think - Starvation. It has an impact on cognitive function, and basc motivation to live. Most people cave after a few days/hours.


The kid should just start hitting the gym and eating clean. Chances are he has an addictive personallity and will find addiction in improving himslef.

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Ken's right. Your roommate is depressed about his weight so he's going to starve himself?? All that's going to happen is he's going to get more depressed and feel like shit. Get him on a good diet and into the gym. He'll lose weight and feel better about himself.
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Another large person update:


Walked by their dept today.. and their is 2 boxes of Danishes and a huge giant eagle cake on their middle table.



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eat some junk food, lift some weight, eat some junk food, do some crunches, eat some junk food play basketball for 5 hours, eat some junk food box in the middle of the street with friend(s) for 4 hours. Goto sleep


My work out sux.


On a side note, boxing for that long was the single most tiring thing I have done. Playing sports for 5-6hours or lifting weights all day isn't to bad. And I barely wake up sore. But after boxing for a couple hours ever muscle in my body was sore the next day. Arms, back, shoulders, legs, foreams, palms of my hands from gripping the gloves? I even had whiplash because one of my friends whos dad was a pro boxer and is basically an amauter boxer himself joined in and caught me pretty nice in the forehead...ouch


Anyone who enjoys fighting(I do, someone else on here has to.) box with your friends or take up some classes its a great work out. That or JKD Muay Thai whatever you wanna do so you can do cage fighting smile.gif .

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I started my caloric deficit on monday to start a "cutting" phase. Basicly I consume about 15%-20% below the amount of calories I burn every day. On monday I weighed 200 @ 15-17% body fat. As of yesterday I am down about 3 lbs. The goal is 175-180 @ 10%.


I do a 2 day split 3-4 times a week. Lower body + back and upper body. Only compound movements; squats, deadlifts, bench, etc. Maximum muscle stimulation so it isnt scavenged.


You can see my food log Here to see exactly what I eat to stay at 2200-2400 calories per day.

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That's a pretty cool site.. My worst thing right now is my diet, I eat healthy except for candy and beer. smile.gif My workout now consists of chest on monday, legs on tue, kickboxing on wed, shoulders on thurs, back on fri, kickboxing on sat and running on sun. I might walk on the treadmill at home 2-3 nights a week as well while watching a movie.. And like Ken said, I stick with heavy, compound movements. Last year, I was around 210 @ 18% body fat.. I haven't been tested for quite some time but now I'm around 195, a hell of a lot stronger and all my clothes are quite a bit baggier. smile.gif
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