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weather .. speed limit?


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okay, I don't know why, other than stupid people. But why is it when it rains ... and then stops raining, and hasn't rained for hours, and the roads are pretty much ... people are convinced that 65 is not a safe speed? (in a 65)


I'm soo tired of getting on the freeway, and no one does that speed limit, which makes it hard to merge, because the people getting on the freeway in front of me are completely happy taking the next mile or two to get up to speed. These people should be limited to back roads.


I mean lets face it, Pickerington to Columbus on 70 isn't exactly 'scenic' and this people have done it 100x's why can't they just get to the speed limit?!


and more so. I believe the Highway Gods blessed us ...for a reason ... three lanes, I know I was always taught that the left lanes are 'passing lanes' .... am I the only one?


I can typically stay in the right lane, once up to speed of course, and pass people on the left lanes like they're not moving ... at 65!!!


in the instance that someone is in the right lane going sooo slow that the contruction truck now needs to muster the room and time to pass them, game over. You're behind now until dumbfuck in the right lane slows down or the work truck can edge by him, precious minutes at a time are being taken!!!


I'm about to start a coalition to travel at the speed limits. Hill rd in Pickerington dispite all the 50 mph signs, you have to work some amazing magic to get past everyone doing 35 mph.


But once you're to 50 mph, there will be two fucktards side by side, doing 35 mph again ..




alright heh, I'm done.

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People who drive the highway/outerbelts in the city suck. They basically have never driven outside Columbus.


You really never see this out on the open highway. If you're going slow, you move over. City drivers think they can just get into any lane they want.. and stay there.. and go as slow as they want.


Get someone who drives the freeway every day (like a salesman for example), KNOWS how to drive on the freeway.


True story.

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yeah there are some people who say are doing 70 mph in the left lane, and if you come up on them, they move over ... the way it is EVERWHERE.


It's to the point I wish there was something I could give out like some kind of award for every person who does 'the right' thing.


more people need to know the unspoken rules.

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

You ain't seen nothin' til you've tried to drive against Massholes.


Yes, I do mean against because in massachussetts driving is a perpetual competition.

i've spent 2 months there already this year, massdrivers are the worst,second only to sanjuanians.
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yes....im from the pittsburgh area, and there...people fly, but they ride your ass. you dont have to worry about being stuck behind people, but it sucks having 20 cars behind you about a foot inbetween. (maybe safety in numbers?) i usually stay in the left lane and go 65(70-80), and get over if someone is going faster. pickerington definitly is bad too. there needs to be more than one major way out of pickerington.
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You folks complaining about Columbus drivers have no idea HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT here.


As Alex and Ben have pointed out, try driving in Boston or DC or San Diego or Philly or L.A. or Sacramento or San Francisco or any cross country highway in California (where pacing the car next to you for no good reason is the state hobby)...


Basically, as far as metro areas go, Columbus is WAY WAY up off the bottom of the shitty drivers list.

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okay maybe, but my complaint is here heh.


If I was in California I'd be bitching about there. smile.gif


I just moved back from PEnnsylvania ... and I'm not even sure the state has cops does it? ;)

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in PA, there are a few short on-ramps that have stop signs, but because of this native drivers stop at EVERY on-ramp. So forget looking to merge, you have to watch the asshole in front of you, therefore you then have to stop too, and it screws up everybody, I hate driving in PA
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