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People that steal gas (driveoffs) RANT


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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

No shit. You could always join the military. But oh wait, you could get shot and die in Iraq fighting for the freedom of innocent, less fortunate people. Did everyone catch the sarcasm in that statement? Good. I'm tired of hearing people bitch about how there's no jobs available. Bullshit motherfuckers. My recruiter (as well as all the other recruiters from every branch), have to work their asses off each month in order to meet their quota. What's that mean? It means that people are lazy hypocrits that are constantly complaining about the problems in our world but aren't willing to make a difference themselves. Plus, i can't think of any other job that carries a 100% job security title like the military. As long as you aren't a fat, disgusting lard ass, i see no reason why you shouldn't be considering the military if you are currently out of a job. Believe me, the military is desperate. Shit the Army just increased their yearly quota by 30,000 and the Marine Corps increased theirs by 3,000. Each branch is practically fighting the others to get people to join their branch...

this dude always loves to make a good impression
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