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Ticketed for speeding down the freeway... at 66mph!


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So for the first time in almost four years, I got a speeding ticket.. Apparently I was speeding on 315.. I say apparently because I really wasnt paying attention.. I was heading home on my bike at around 1:30am. I was getting on 315 from 670, just cruising along.. Not a car in sight, until I see a cop car parked with its lights off in the middle of 315 right as I came around to merge. She clocks me by laser, and I see flashing blue and red about a half mile behind me.. I could have been a dick and just sped away on the empty freeway.. But I'm not the type, so I stop well before she even gets close. I have my helmet and gloves off before she even walks up. I treat her with respect, address her as ma'am.. And she writes me a fucking ticket for going 66mph on an empty freeway! WTF!?


This makes 4 times I've been stopped, and 4 times I've been ticketed.. No matter how minor the infraction, or how respectful and curious I am.. I can never seem to get a warning..



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If her lights were off, then argue that shit. Cops have to follow soooooooooooooooooooooo many rules to have tickets stick. Also, if you hadn't passed a speed limit sign when she clocked you, you could say that you assumed that it was 65 since ITS THE FUCKING HIGHWAY. Please argue this.
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Originally posted by Y0gi:

If her lights were off, then argue that shit. Cops have to follow soooooooooooooooooooooo many rules to have tickets stick. Also, if you hadn't passed a speed limit sign when she clocked you, you could say that you assumed that it was 65 since ITS THE FUCKING HIGHWAY. Please argue this.

i believe the DRLs or parking lights (i.e. those yellow ones in the front) have to be on
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Originally posted by Dirty Old Mopar:

i believe the DRLs or parking lights (i.e. those yellow ones in the front) have to be on

I was told by a county sheriff that they dont have to have any lights on anymore because of reflective paint.... i think it was b.s...
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If he was getting onto 315 either way from 670 West, then he was already in a 55.


If he was getting onto 315 North from 670 East, then there is a "Reduce speed limit to 55 ahead" sign shortly before the ramp, then right on the ramp and on 670, are the signs for the 55mph speed limit.


If he was getting onto 315 South from 670 North you actually go down an exit ramp, through an intersection on a regular street, and back onto and entrance ramp. I can assume that since you are getting onto the highway with other people that were just driving down a 45mph road, there are sings for the speed limit. I almost never go this way so I can't say for 100% sure.


Mike C. is right about where it goes back to a 65. We've been through this numerous times here and it's really not that hard to remember. Just pay attention to the speed limit signs going in and out of down town. All of the highways through downtown are 55's.


Sucks that you didn't get a warning, my sister always gets warning because she is a girl and cries. I never get warnings it pisses me off. I wish that shit would work for me, I'd turn the tears on for some cop in a heard beat.


Vinny hit it right on the head. I do 9 over at the most everywhere (unless I'm purposefully speeding more than that) and go past cops all of the time because I don't see them until too late. I've never been pulled over when I was doing 9 or less over. Just set the cruise and forget it (I know you can't do this on a bike, just speaking in general).

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I was on my way home last night and saw that cop. She was sitting on the north side of lane ave siting between the on ramp and the main lanes, at first I thought she was trying to get hit by a car or something. She had the laser on, picked her up as soon as i came around the curve. This was about 1245 am.
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Guest 420GSXR1000

seen em down in that section of highway a bunch latley......the one was "hiding" behind a bridge abutment, nice try f'er


11 over sucks...try and argue, cant hurt


oh, and BTW....my dude got rolled for 88 in a 65, he pulls over, the cop says " you stopped, why didnt you run?? you guys always run, we dont chase you , but you run....why didnt you run?"


him, did he just tell my dude to run???? crazy man, just crazy


wheres MadMalibu when ya need him ;) FTP!!!!

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Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

seen em down in that section of highway a bunch latley......the one was "hiding" behind a bridge abutment, nice try f'er


11 over sucks...try and argue, cant hurt


oh, and BTW....my dude got rolled for 88 in a 65, he pulls over, the cop says " you stopped, why didnt you run?? you guys always run, we dont chase you , but you run....why didnt you run?"


him, did he just tell my dude to run???? crazy man, just crazy


wheres MadMalibu when ya need him ;) FTP!!!!

Say it again and I'm striking you.


This goes for everyone else as well. This board is not here to bash police officers.


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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

7-10mph over is the largest margine you usually get.


Plead no contest and ask for maximum fine and no points. Tickets are only written for money making purposes.

Thats what I think I'll try to do.. If no points show, then it cant be picked up by insurance right?
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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Say it again and I'm striking you.


This goes for everyone else as well. This board is not here to bash police officers.


you the man :rolleyes: ......i thought it was the kitchen though, open to flame, bitch, rant, rave one and all?

....maybe just not johnny law, sorry :confused: , your either a wanna-be cop, or your dad/mom is one


oh and strike?? at least you made THAT RULE (thats what you did BTW, you made a regulation about cops for the whole board) to all, because there would be numerous violations then.. graemlins/gives.gifgraemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/gay.gif


Have fun (doubt it)!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by 420GSXR1000:

you the man :rolleyes: ......i thought it was the kitchen though, open to flame, bitch, rant, rave one and all?

....maybe just not johnny law, sorry :confused: , your either a wanna-be cop, or your dad/mom is one


oh and strike?? at least you made THAT RULE (thats what you did BTW, you made a regulation about cops for the whole board) to all, because there would be numerous violations then.. graemlins/gives.gifgraemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/gay.gif


Have fun (doubt it)!!!!!!!

I am not a cop, and no one in my family is a cop. I just have respect. You would think that being your age, you would be a little more mature :rolleyes:


The Kitchen isnt here for profiling. Do you think it would be ok if anyone came in here and posted "Fuck the ___*___ - (*insert any race)?"


Use better judgment and a little common sense.


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Originally posted by Boost Retard:

Thats what I think I'll try to do.. If no points show, then it cant be picked up by insurance right?

You'll be ok with no points yes. It'll just be a fine ticket thats all. You'll hear the judge say the amount of points or no points.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Say it again and I'm striking you.


This goes for everyone else as well. This board is not here to bash police officers.


FTP... Honestly there are good and bad cops, and we have a right to bitch at the bad ones, and compliment the good ones. Chill out Marc, because your being the ultimate hypocrite, I have heard you bitch about cops so many times. graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/chillpill.gif
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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

FTP... Honestly there are good and bad cops, and we have a right to bitch at the bad ones, and compliment the good ones. Chill out Marc, because your being the ultimate hypocrite, I have heard you bitch about cops so many times. graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/chillpill.gif

Because you're stupid and cant read, I'll try and make this easy. Yes, I bitch about certain cops just like anyone else. I do not hate all cops, and I have never said I do. I've never made prejudice statements towards cops either.


Oh, just because you're my friend doesnt mean I'm not going to strike you.


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