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Guest Crankshaft

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"If everybody smoked a blunt relieved the mind then the world would be a better place. If we all took a break and just got wasted."


-Bone Thugs


I've never seen anyone smoke weed and then start trouble. And who cares if someone is breaking a law if there only harming themself. I break alot of laws but they only effect me. Its illegal to piss outside in the woods, so what. If I gotta piss I gotta piss. It probably shouldn't even be illegal to smoke weed unless your going to drive because it tends to just make people relax more.


If you smoked a blunt right now you would probably be like. Man this arguing on is ghey lets all find some biiaatchhess.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Speeding is illegal, so I guess you've never done that?

<font color ="midnightblue"> Again, this is a different scenario. No it isn't? Prove it. Yes, I think it's fun. Yes, I've gotten speeding tickets. And yes, speeding endangers people's lives, whereas smoking pot, directly, does not. So what's the difference? Speeding, just like smoking pot, is illegal. Just because you enjoy it, does not mean it's right. And I don't think speeding has ever been reported to cloud someone's judgment, impair their vision, damage their lungs, or promote apathetic, Marxist ideals on how society should be governed. One wrong doesn't negate another. Based on this, I think you'd be hard pressed to find any valid claim that speeding is 'immoral', whereas I don't think you can find a claim, unless your an Epicurean, that states that weed is moral. That said, why don't you try defending your stance on the issue, instead of attacking mine?


Brendan- refresh my memory: what part of anything I've said does that have anything to do with?


Again, pissing in the woods is not a morally relevant fact, especially when juxtaposed with marijuana usage. And you're right- I doubt many, if any, have felt the compunction to go and start a fight after toking up- I doubt they've felt any compunction to do anything whatsoever. This apathy inducing stupor is exactly why pot, from my standpoint, is dangerous; you stop caring about things like responsibilities, obligations, ethics, morals, duties to yourself, others, and your country. Anything at all that seems like it would interfere with your ability to continue to be 'mellow' is seen as a threat that must be combatted. Thus, the opposition to people like me who care about what kind of society they live in, not just whether or not I can get buzzed after work today. If we all 'took a break and just got wasted'; what kind of creedo is that?! Sure, let's shrug off the real world and go zone out in a mellow land of apathy. Right. 'Cause that'll make all your problems go away. :rolleyes:

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Guest Harris92
This thread is fantastic, and folkvang, for trying to come off so intellectual, your really doing shitty. Marijuana is illegal without a doubt, but the laws on marijuana have been declining in severity every since the early 1970's. It is not a coincidence, the government realizes that marijuana is not the same type of drug they thought it was when they made it illegal in the early 1900's. Do you think that marijuana does much harm other than wasting americans tax dollars? Shall we compare the devastation of alcohol (a legal substance) and marijuana? If your such a good citizen, then you should be in support of someone expressing their individual views because, this is America, and expressing your opinion is what makes this country so great.
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I know I'll live a better life than you because I work hard, reguardless of what your Screens filter through to you. I take total bliss in my life as it is now. You, you seem to be a person who takes in alot of stress, to uptight about some of the smaller things in life that don't Directly affect you. All you have done through this entier waste of words is take a stereotype and blow it out of proportion. You see certain kids around your campus smoking pot and wasting their life. So now your giving me, the generalisation that every single person in the entire fuckin country that smokes pot is worthless to this country, not even American (to sum up your words)


The whole idea of your argument is that I could be the most sucessfull son of a bitch around, but since I smoke a little pot, im bringing down this country, Im degrading myself, Im lazy, I have no respect for anything, Im not American. Where the fuck is that comming from? The fact that you see certain people around your campus that don't give a shit. Pot isn't what makes them not give a shit. Its their own attitude, pot plays no role in it.


It's good to be a concerned citizen, but now your just suggesting that you should dictate my life (on a higher level than just smoking pot). Kant is right, I am pursuing the lower pleasures in life, but without any pleasure, whats the point of living? I enjoy my life, I'v been places, I'v accomplished things, and I have a bright future, regaurdless of that fact that I occasionaly smoke pot.


By what you suggest, a pot head doesn't care about anything. So why should you have to worrie about him voting? I mean, a person who doesn't give a shit about this country, sure isn't going to take the time to get off his chubby ass, and stand in line for 1 hour to vote, especially for somthing they don't care for.


I am someone who cares a great deal about this country. I would die for it if need be, I would never live anywear else, because no place else is more great. I am somone whos has six dirrect relatives over seas, one of which has been in combat since 9/11. I guess this is why I don't undersdand, that you feel the need to say I bring this country down.


But because I smoke, I really dont care about this country.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Great. You work hard. Congrats. Does this imply I don't? If this stereotype is blown out of proportion, what proportion would you suggest it actually embodies? The fact that something like 4/20 has come to be a national, if not global trend, I think speaks worlds for the "proportions" of this dilemma.


Good for you for working hard, for going places, for accomplishing things. There are exceptions to every rule; if all people who smoked pot were as 'patriotic' and 'purposeful' as you imply yourself to be, this wouldn't even be an issue. But they aren't, and it is.


And pot is only the sympton; sure, although I'd love to erradicate it, it's the cause that concerns me more. Of course it's these people's attitudes that make them condusive to smoking pot, and that's where the problem lies. The idea that it's ok to do something so base and hedonistic. This is a value engendered by our current popularized culture. A new age trend that would see people move away from any sort of self-restraint and do whatever the hell it is that they want because it's their own life and dammit who's a better judge of what should be done with your life than you? To believe this is to be deceived; we're pushing further and further away from the nuclear family and morals and adopting these new ideologies. Perhaps it should be noted that it is primarily the Christian Right that opposes such trends, and the Vacant Left which supports them. Could this possibly devolve into a political agenda- a vying for power between a group that stands for nothing and simply wants power, therefore it supports the apathetic trends that promote it, and a group who actually have credible ideologies and values beyond "work hard, play hard"? Hmmm....


Why should I worry about him voting? I suppose logic would say that I wouldn't, wouldn't it? However, as the two prodigy ideologues at the abortion rally so poignantly demonstrate, there are somethings they can motivate themselves to take part in. Most pot smokers I know zealously oppose Bush, and would do anything- even vote *gasp*!- to keep him, and people like him, from power.


Again, that's fantastic you have relatives overseas and understand the plight, if you see it as such, that we are in. But again, you are not the norm, and therein lies the problem.


And, Drew, why do you suppose those laws have been declining since the 70s- a time when pot usage and publicity was perhaps at its all time high (forgive the pun)? Gee, could it be that this is a country governed by the people, and if those governing decide they like pot, they'll loosen up on it? Mayybeee.....


And for the record, I don't agree with alcohol usage either. Drinking socially is fine, but when you drink so much you loose control of yourself, and then turn yourself loose in society where you could harm yourself or others, it's a problem. And that's usually what happens. Opposing this, however, is too far off the radar screen to even be considered.


And yes, I do support people espousing their opinions. But what I do not support is people allowing their vices to influence their opinions on society.

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Guest Harris92
I see your perspective, but at the same time, when the crack wave hit in the 80's you didnt see government officials running to the legislature to go ease up on crack right? Maybe they are starting to realize its mostly harmless, and better for you than both nicotine and alcohol (which are both legal). Im not a hippie and have mostly conservative views, I also voted for Bush, and stand up for what I believe in. Its not necessarily about pot, its also about standing up for a law you disagree with. Everyone is welcome to their opinions, and Garrett youve stated yours, why not let someone else state theirs?
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I should of known this complaint came from a conservative bible-toter. J-walking is illegal. Guess we better arrest all those people too. why even bring that up? This is Columbus Racing. Street racing is illegal.


If youre going to bitch about petty illegal activies at least do it on a forum that isnt centered about racing.


Are you saying youre not a hedonist? Thats what everyone life is based on. Whether you get satisfaction from driving fast, smoking herb, raising a family, praying, or eating something nicer than ramen noodles, we are a hedonistic society, whether its in the US or any country.


Before you rip apart other people for being hedonistic or self-centered I suggest you look in the mirror

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Then its safe to say you have a problem with people who have an "I dont give a shit" atitude. And that you have a problem with illegal activity. The common stereotype is that stoners sit around and smoke pot all day, kinda dumb, say stupis shit all of the time. Its blowing it out of proportion by saying stoners don't give a shit about their country, and that ALL pot smokers are worthless, because I am for one, not worthless. And that is all I am defending.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue">


Drew- First, thank you for a calm, well thought-out response. Second, because crack, unlike pot, is much more drastic in its visible effects upon the body. I don't think anyone would have a chance in hell at legalizing crack whereas pot, a much more 'mellow' substance, with much less of a chance at inducing someone to jump off their 30th story apartment balcony because they believed they could fly, doesn't seem quite as dramatic. It's effects are still there, still harmful, and it still alter's people's opinions by biasing them towards it as something they enjoy and personally see no direct ill effects from it.


I agree with you- nicotine and alcohol aren't the greatest substances. But aside from creating an addiction, ciagrettes don't alter your perception of the world or affect your mind. They just cause cancer. Alcohol does, which is why I consider it the second-worse of the three. And, if it were only about standing up for a law you disagree with, that would be one thing. But it's the reason people disagree with it that I find fault with; they disagree because it becomes a vice. They enjoy being mellow and letting things flow; of course, who wouldn't? But you shouldn't turn for a drug for that release, and you shouldn't use your preference for it to sway your politics to those who defend your right to use it.


Lastly- who hasn't had a chance to state their opinion? This is a public forum, no one is restricted from posting their opinions in a non-offensive way. In fact, as I understand it, they are encouraged to do so. So far it hasn't been as simple as me merely stating my opinion, it's been battle to simply get my point across. So state your opinions, by all means- but don't tell me I'm an arrogant 'natzi' and haven't got a right to mine because I'm in the minority.


"RX7 Addict"- "Hedonism: seeking of pleasure: a devotion, especially a self-indulgent one, to pleasure and happiness (particularly physical) above all else as a way of life."


Yes, I am saying I'm not a hedonist. Everyone's life is based around (should be) bringing greater happiness to themselves through rational, reasonable means (which would be our function as we are defined as 'humans'). This does not purport that we should do whatever the hell we want, whenever we want. Maybe instead of trying to be clever and turn a phrase, you should look in a dictionary before you make an argument.


Yes, Ben, I do. Not because of that attitude, but because of how it's used to affect my life, as well. If you don't 'give a shit' then keep it that way and stay away from the poles. And this may be what your defending now, but it doesn't seem like it was to begin with. Allowing for a majority who fit the bill to be summed up in a 'stereotype' for figurative purposes is just that- the majority of the people who fit the bill. If you don't fall into that category, you need not have taken offense in the first place.

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Originally posted by RX-7 Addict:

This is Columbus Racing. Street racing is illegal.

This isn't columbus street racing. Some of us actually don't condone street racing or speeding. Some of us, a very few, only keep it on the tracks.
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Without pot heads who would serve our double cheeseburger combo meals?

That's the most asinine response ever. I bet there are more millionaire budsmokers than there are not.


And I have to admit, CU has some of the best bud around. graemlins/lol.gif


I said it once and I'll say it again, America is a wonderful place to live. You have the constitutional right to be as stupid as you want to be. And if smokking pot is stupid than so be it. It's my right. But it so happens that the so called "stupid potheads" are running the world. Ask Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. :D

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I see what you'e saying. The problem I have with it is you're acting like disagreeing with your agenda is a character flaw that needs to be corrected for the good of the country. You are not America, America is everybody as a whole. The "vacant left" does stand for things, and those things are at least as credible as what the christian right values.(I would argue moreso but that's a thread for the flame room ;) )


What's wrong with a pothead voting for a guy running on a platform to legalize marijuana? You may not like it, but he still has a right to vote for whoever he wants. You vote based on your personal interests, whether that's legal drugs, social security, prayer in school or banning guns etc...


Back on topic, a bunch of kids smoking pot isn't stopping you from doing anything, so why worry about it?

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I guess it's my turn to come off as ignorant. Folkvang, settle down now. The only reason that pot isn't legal, is because the government has no way to tax it. If they can't tax it, they can't allow it. Oh, did you know that Bill Clinton smoked pot, didn't inhale my ass, who smokes and doesn't inhale. You must also be aware, being so smart and all, that he was the elected president of the free world. He was elected by the people of America to run the country, and he smoked pot, my God, he's going to burn in hell. Hey, did you vote for him? I hope not, that would be a contridiction right there. Oh, the other great thing about America, you have the RIGHT to make a citizens arrest. If you don't like the fact that they're smoking, you could have of arrested them right on the spot, and the cops would have of taken them off of your hands.....for the tax payers to pay court costs, jail, food, and all the other perks that people in prison and jail get now. Shit, they even get cable....and you're worried about people getting high? Get your priorties in order, and bitch about something that matters!
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> So...umm.... what was your point here? That pot-smokers can effect politics? Hey! We agree! (no, I didn't vote for Clinton; smoking pot wouldn't be the only thing that could send him to hell).


And ya know, I asked a cop one time about 'citizen's arrest.' He laughed. He said it was just a carry-over from the old west, and had no legal weight. "Yeah, you have the right to," he said, "but how are you going to enforce it? If you hurt them in any way while bringing them to the station, you're liable". You think there's any way I could have dragged 2,000 people three and a half miles to the local police station?


I wonder what the total combined costs for the tax payers are as far as pot is concerned. The DEA, annually, reports that arrests and operations involving marijuana account for more than any other single drug.


"...considering a longer time span, total federal expenditures for reducing the use of illegal drugs in the United States increased six times from 1981 through 1998. In constant dollars, annual expenditures came to slightly more than $16 billion in 1998 compared with $2.7 billion in 1981. (See discussion and graph.)" (source here)


If dollars were equated to the operational percent of the arrests by substance, then $5,440,000,000 of that was spent on marijuana alone (in actuallity, it's more). That's alot more money than I care to spend to remind people pot is illegal. Now what about those rare, but not unheard of cases where the user drops out of functioning society and lets it take care of him?


"Today, as in earlier years, use of drug is concentrated primarily among lower socioeconomic groups. in these countries, the practice is estimated to be confined to a tenth of the lower socioeconomic, male population." (source here)


I don't want to pay for their lazy assses to sit around and smoke weed all day. So let's reform the system: pot smoking, as we all know, is illegal. So, instead of crowding the prisons with these delinquents and then supporting them on the tax payer's back, let's make them contribute: confiscate houses, property, vehicles, and personal affects. Perhaps not all at once, but vary the punishment depending on the severity of the legal infringement. Seems logical enough to me. "Oh my gosh, they're going to be homeless!" So? It's not like the morality of obeying the law snuck up on them without warning. They knew the consequences. Deal with it, but not on my time or with my money.


So, 'Robbie', how would you suggest I reprioritize things? What, in your opinion, is something that matters, if not this?

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I'm sorry, but if you're trying to change the world, you're on the wrong website to do that. Haven't you read, this is a street racing site. But if it really matters to you, lets talk. You're going to continue to bitch and complain about pot smokers. Well you can't get rid of it, face the fact. It's here, it's not going anywhere and in fact, it is a gateway drug. You're not doing much complaining about all the other, and more harmful might I add, drugs that people are doing. Although you'll argue that there's no day to celebrate the use of other drugs. You can't do anything to change what these people are doing. If the penitiles get harsher, more jail, more money for us to pay. If they make them less and not worry about it, then it gets worse, and people complain. My friend has a sister, she was busted in Texas with over 50 pounds of pot, she was arrested, went to court. She doesn't have to spend a day in jail because she has a child and this is her first offence. She's on probation, but if she breaks the law, they will review her case and charge her for it. How's that for adding fuel to your fire? The government doesn't care THAT much about pot. All the raids they may do, is because there might be the possibility of other drugs there would be my guess. You can't change this. Side note, on your main problem, with everyone smoking in public, would you presonally want to be the officer to walk up to someone, in a crowd of 2000 people, and strap hand cuffs on the first person? You know a riot would break out, so I'm sure the cops that sat idoly by took that perspective. I really think that you should settle down, and just not worry about it as much. You complain about how they affect everyone, but then again so do people that can't read, think about them voting. How about people that are undereducated, they affect us. What about voters that vote soley on, well this guys commercial was better, believing all the hype that runners put out about each other. If wanting to help these people, to help the government makes you feel better, all the power to you, but remember, people don't want help anymore.
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Guest Harris92
Garrett, in no way am I saying we should vote for the next "pro-marijuana" president. Marijuana in it self is not that big of a deal. This, however is exactly my point, and you even helped me out with this by saying, "I don't think anyone would have a chance in hell at legalizing crack whereas pot, a much more 'mellow' substance, with much less of a chance at inducing someone to jump off their 30th story apartment balcony because they believed they could fly, doesn't seem quite as dramatic." Marijuana is not as big of a problem as crack, which is all the more reason I feel there is a need to push it. In regards to me saying let someone else state their opinions, I was speaking more in terms of the people on your campus, just pointing out that you have your strong opinions and they have theirs, whats wrong with that? Im not suggesting that everyone should grab a posterboard and go protest, but at the same time, I think it would be cool if this could be voted on by the people, and through the legislative branch, just so everyone could research, and ask themselves if something the government has spent billions and billions and billions of dollars on over the years is really worth their tax dollars?
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Wow, man. You Really need to get laid... Or at least talk to a girl, if your rigid morals allow that.


You must be the kind of person that beats his own ass every time his dick gets hard, because it's a sin...


You're 18 (or.. ghasp!! 19!!!one!) years old, and think you're sweet because you're in college. You think you know all the answers, and are a master of self control. One of these days, however, you're going to say the wrong thing to the wrong guy, and your asshole is going to end up wider than a big ole hippy hug.


As a disclaimer, don't try and admonish me for poor sentence structure, lack of facts in my response, or anything else. If you don't get yourself some vagina (or dick, if you're into that, you're going to lose it. Also, I'm a republican, and I'm still High. :D

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by 151:

I'm a republican

<font color ="midnightblue"> Just because you say it, doesn't make it so.


I may be on the wrong website, but then again, this is the parking lot, where things of non-automotive nature are to be discussed. Unless I'm wrong, this falls under them.


And yeah, you're right: I can't, by myself, change the facts of marijuana usage today. What of it? There's a lot of things I can't change by myself, as there have been throughout history. I'm not equating myself in any way to Jesus, but what if someone told him (they probably did) that people were going to be sodomitic, hedonistic sinners and there was nothing he could do about it? Or what if Martin Luther King Jr. had believed the people who told him that blacks were just inferior, and he should let it go? Point is, if I have the ability to, I should try to change something I see as wrong. I would be morally remiss not to do so.


And again, you're right: I'm not complaining about all the other drugs out there, and, yes, I would cite the fact that we don't have a 4/20 day for crack. However, this debate was specifically directed at pot and it's effects. We can discuss all the other problems with the world somewhere else; but to do it all at once is a little absurd.


The government doesn't care that much about pot? Of course they don't! It's a bureaucracy! They're in it for the money. How many times have you heard of a moral politician? My point with in bringing up that it is illegal is that, at one point, someone moral made the decision based on information he had in that time period. Today we just enforce it; most of us don't genuinely believe in it. But, who says that the government's word is final, especially in the arena of ethics? I'm sure Clinton would toss in his hat on this one. We, as citizens of the United States, are instructed by the Constitution to maintain the integrity of our country, and to overthrow any unjust government that attempts to take control.


I used to not care. I used to support legalizing pot, my logic being "it's their lives; they can do as they please, and suffer the consequences at their own peril". That changed when I came to college. I didn't even know what pot smelled like until I came to college. Now I can pick out different varieties from the scents that waft down the hall and into my room. And it isn't right.


And, as far as creating a riot by arresting people breaking the law? Remind me again what we pay them for? When did justice take a back seat to convenience? I'll tell you when: when someone decided that hey, they aren't hurting anybody, so it's ok.


I agree; those who can't read, though a small minority in this country (though growing as the 'minorities' grow), are a problem. As are the undereducated, as are those who vote with uninformed opinions. And I say to you, refer back to the third paragraph; we can't tackle all issues at once.


And you think people don't want help anymore? What makes you think that? It couldn't be all the new social programs the liberals are attempting to implement to tell people their problems are not their own and that they need the government's help. It couldn't be things like social security that tell us we need the government to take care of us. No, people want to be taken care of, it relieves them of responsibilities and shrugs the repercussions of their actions onto someone else. Works just fine for the stoners, and those who endorse in any way that lifestyle.



What do you mean, "a need to push it"? In regards to what's wrong with their opinions (if some will be so bold as to concede an opinion can, indeed, be wrong)? Because people don't always know what's good for them. How arrogant am I, you ask? Arrogant enough to assert that, considering all the consequences, to your mind, your body, and the negative factors required to bring you the substance (drug dealers, farmers, etc), smoking pot isn't right. There are limits to how you can enjoy your own time, and they end when you infringe the boundaries of good sense and moral well-being.


These people's opinions are not their own; they are cultivated by a mass media which worships the 'independent' lifestyle and 'non-conformist' attitudes of this generation. The 'opinion' that one should be allowed to smoke pot is not a valid reason to take any sort of political stance. Your vices are your own, and are, in the end, just vices, not a means to a social revolution and destruction of old world values purely for the preservation of your pursuit of a ‘buzz’.

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> And? I don't 'dig' chicks that 'dig' weed. And yeah, that's the issue. The rest of the article was on page 4. And the back of that sign read, "I'll C.U. in hell". Yeah, that makes sense. BTW- where are you that you know so much about CU?
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