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Guest Crankshaft

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> And, to take the 100th post of this topic, let me add this: happy birthday, Mike graemlins/thumb.gif:D



I've got to be at work soon, so I'll read the novel you wrote later on.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Rane:

I'm next, Shut the fuck up already.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Hmmm... while compelling, your argument lacks the charisma and conviction to soundly reinforce it. Seriously though, if that's the best you've got (which, thus far, we've seen nothing to indicate that it's not), you need to stop participating. "Shut the fuck up already" isn't in any way constructive--it isn't even an argument, just a personal complaint. Add your thoughts, or don't--but at least make 'em worth our while.


And you have to work on your birthday? graemlins/nonono.gif Should take the day off! Go do something exciting and unusual...or perhaps just stay home and celebrate by lighting one up ;)

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jesus christ! this thread has gotten way out of hand. first off: garrett, you have way too much fucking time on your hands. you've written a small novel so far. maybe if you smoked pot you'd have friends to hang out with instead of spending your time on cr? second: alcohol sucks. i'm not drinking anymore. third: can't we all just get along?
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by satan:

you've written a small novel so far.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Hey- it's what I do...it's my "thing".


I said before, I enjoy writing, and debating. All the better if I can combine the two. Though, you are right--it is terribly time consuming; especially at the end of the year, during the middle of final exams. So far, in Word, I've composed 17 pages worth of arguments. I wish I could turn it into a single, linear paper, but the question/answer aspect kind of jumbles it up too much for that.


And, though I don't really feel like getting into it right now, I'll say that it's a little presumptuous of you to assume 1: I don't have any friends, 2: a person needs to smoke pot to have friends.


Congratulations on your decision not to drink. I think you'll find it has many positive rewards.


And lastly, no; we can't.


Goodday- it is time to study German for the HORRENDOUS oral exam I have on Friday. Verdammt!!

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P1: morality and sensiblity - these are 2 topics that are under constant evolution. What is moral to one and immoral to another is up to constant debate and doesn't have much of an effect when my view of being moral or sensible differ from yours. Murder is immoral but the gov. can murder you for doing it (i enjoy the death penalty i find it just). I think abortion is immoral but it is still legal. So trying to create a line of morality based upon legality is just not going to cut it.
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the statement about being foreign substances just sounds a weeee bit hypocritical...so you dont take medicine? Never had an innoculation? No pain killers for surgery, etc.


mike said

"btw, Garrett = ownage"

i called him a "cheering section." I dont really understand how im incorrect on this statement sure as shit looks like hes giving you a pat on the back.


we can sit here and bust each other out for months on why each persons point is invalid or irrelevant but that is obviosly only due to our failures in interpretting each others meanings.


And, while we’re on the topic, where exactly did you see a date for the report

it was on page 1 of the report, i've read a few of those, they are very extreme in their views. While having some positive education value they can't be taken for much worth, but since its about drug usage they definitely wont get the BS coverage that the Yukka mountain shit is pulling.


making fun of the beeramid... Beer is legal remember, and i do remember you guys repeatedly demanding that anything alcohol related be removed from this debate. Humor is another one of those things that is up to interpretation. My other ideas of funny have caught your attention.


a more specif rebuttle later...

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You are the only person who responds with longer shit then desperado. :-/ No ones views or oppinions are going to change, thus why I don't try to prove you wrong because in your mind your right. In everyones mind there right and no one elses judgement is going to change that only personal experience. Let it go man, everyone is fighting a losing battle.
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Originally posted by Folkvang:

And you have to work on your birthday? graemlins/nonono.gif Should take the day off! Go do something exciting and unusual...or perhaps just stay home and celebrate by lighting one up ;)

Yup, gonna smoke a fat blunt and sit around watching the ceiling


In reality, I'll be heading over to Claughdah (sp?) at Polaris soon for a Strongbow with Ricochet, if anyone wants to meet up give me a call.

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..... It's funny that even though you put all of this effort forth in this thread, you still haven't changed anyone's opinion on marijuana or the people that smoke it, and that you're still a creepy, lonely, insecure hypocrite living something like 1000 miles away (Thank god...).
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by 151:

..... It's funny that even though you put all of this effort forth in this thread, you still haven't changed anyone's opinion on marijuana or the people that smoke it, and that you're still a creepy, lonely, insecure hypocrite living something like 1000 miles away (Thank god...).

<font color ="midnightblue"> If I haven't changed anyone's mind it is because people are too ignorant and stubborn to be open to new possibilities, and simply defend their own opinions rather than consider any others.


And I think my ability-willingness to put forth such effort demonstrates that I have an informed opinion on the subject, have thought it out thoroughly, and would be willing to change it if I were proven wrong, which I've stated several times is the case. The fact that no one else has said this or offered such conclusive evidence to support their 'opinions' I think proves what I said in my first paragraph: these are just entrenched ideologies which are really just excuses to smoke pot. Nothing more.


I also think I've proven I'm not a hypocrite, so if you're going to keep bringing it up for the purpose of devaluing my position, you're going to have to keep defending it. You can't just call me a hypocrite without explaining it. That also goes for the 'creepy' part which I can fathom no explanation for. As for being lonely? I find it difficult to conceive you would know my personal mental state better than I do, so I question how to came to this conclusion as well. I won't deny, however, that having such sentiments as I do, and living in such a place as a typical University, does set the stage for a certain degree of lonliness.


Thank God I'm living a thousand miles away? Because what? You think if I lived any closer to you things would change? You think I'd "come after you" and force you to go through some indoctrinational program where afterwards you'd come out as a Puritan and wouldn't want anything to do with your former life? Man, grow up. :rolleyes:


And, if I have time this weekend after a few exams, I'll address your concerns Kyle. My only reponse now is that moral and social relativism are not adequate answers to allow one's self to do something like this.



off to study...

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Ok so we are all to stubborn to be open to new ideas, accept for you, because you reaserch your topics before posting? You are no more willing to be open to any other ideas than anyone else on this board, against you, or with. What can we prove to you, that would make you willing to be swayed? This is not a fact based discusion, (other than the health and legal risks) it is all opinion, and values. There is nothing to prove, it is all a matter of ones personal deffinition of their own values.


Even though you say you are willing to be swayed, I don't belive you are. To be swayed we would have to convince you that your values of smoking pot are false. To sway pot smokers you would have to change their values as well, to just up and change ones values over a debate could cause doubt in ones own identity. It is more than simple veiwpoints, and facts.


[ 27. April 2005, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Coke ]

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Well, Bens right. And this is two sided to me. I see the right to argue that pot shouldn't be illegal. And there is some merit to that side of the debate on the legality of smoking pot.


But the original post that was made was not about the discussion of should opt be legal, it was about 400 people going to a college campus in public in full view of law enforcement and breaking a fedral law with impunity. With Law enforcement present they all lit up anyway and law enforcement did nothing. I don't have near the problem with the people breaking the law in protest of it, as much as I have a problem with law enforcement not bringing in the patty wagons and loading every last one of the little shits dumb enough to smoke in public and haul em all to jail. This ISN'T a speeding ticket here. There is a fedral law saying that you can not use a controled narcotic. End of story. They ALL broke the law and should have been punished for it. We all play a game of cat and mouse when we race or drive fast. It's part of the rush of doing it. But we all are aware of what will happen if we get busted as well. And I am damn sure that no one is going to argue that the laws about street racing should be changed or expect them to.

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Law enforcement has to pick their battles. Though they could have arrested a few people to instill fear in others, they did not, a poor choice by local law enforcment, and a dream for pot smokers. But I assume the police looked at it as- What are we going to do with even 400 people at once, without causing any problems? Do we have the ability to hold and posibly charge, even half of the people here?
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Originally posted by desperado:

Well, Bens right. And this is two sided to me. I see the right to argue that pot shouldn't be illegal. And there is some merit to that side of the debate on the legality of smoking pot.

That brings up something else I have thought about. I would consider the legalization of pot under very strict (read: harsh) limitations, but only in the hopes that it does something I have mentioned before - put drug dealers out of business.


I also support nationwide sales tax in replacement of payroll taxes in order to tax those that do business illegally. Not having to fund the IRS (and accountants) would save the taxpayers shitloads of money. But this is another discussion entirely.

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Guest FastSaleen
OMG, peeps - I can't believe that we (ok - you) have spent 5 pages (maybe my post will make it 6) arguing about smoking pot. I believe the thread was started with the key point in that it's illegal. As for my opinion - if you smoke it, that's your business - but the fact still remains that it's illegal. The ONLY reason that our government has not legalized it is the fact that they can't figure out how to tax it - it grows as a weed in the wild. There is no way to tax the pot the some guy runs across growing in the woods in Arkansas. If the feds can figure out how to control it, it will become legal Enough already - everyone IS entitled to their own opinion - supposedly one of the great things about living in the USA.
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Originally posted by FastSaleen:

OMG, peeps - I can't believe that we (ok - you) have spent 5 pages (maybe my post will make it 6) arguing about smoking pot. I believe the thread was started with the key point in that it's illegal. As for my opinion - if you smoke it, that's your business - but the fact still remains that it's illegal. The ONLY reason that our government has not legalized it is the fact that they can't figure out how to tax it - it grows as a weed in the wild. There is no way to tax the pot the some guy runs across growing in the woods in Arkansas. If the feds can figure out how to control it, it will become legal Enough already - everyone IS entitled to their own opinion - supposedly one of the great things about living in the USA.

Dude, booze is legal. But selling moonshine ain't legal, neither is transporting it. Pot could be handled in a similar fashion. If the pot company sells it as rolled cigs, its legal. Selling the shit you grow in the back yard, or being in possesion of more than one cartons worth of it will get you locked up. And the thing of it is, if you are selling, you are at that point stealing from the goverment, in the form of tax evasion. And the IRS OWNS the ATF and the DEA for that matter on tenacity and motivation of doing the job.
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OMG TEh illegal! Does anyone here not break laws, I pretty much do what I want as long as there is no one else around to harm. For instance, at night on the freeway no other cars, fuck what the law has to say I'll drive 85-90 No one is around for me to be a danger too. Same goes with anything else, want to see a crime? Murder is a crime, Stealing, Vandalizing, SELLING drugs to KIDS. Smoking in the privacy of your own home is a danger to no one, and just because you smoke doesn't mean your a lasy bastard who does nothing with his life.


I got that blue berry yum yum and its that fire.


This post was not to get a reply from anyone or really even talk about weed, it was just to say Fawk laws that are for "My safety"

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Originally posted by Rane:

OMG TEh illegal! Does anyone here not break laws, I pretty much do what I want as long as there is no one else around to harm. For instance, at night on the freeway no other cars, fuck what the law has to say I'll drive 85-90 No one is around for me to be a danger too. Same goes with anything else, want to see a crime? Murder is a crime, Stealing, Vandalizing, SELLING drugs to KIDS. Smoking in the privacy of your own home is a danger to no one, and just because you smoke doesn't mean your a lasy bastard who does nothing with his life.


I got that blue berry yum yum and its that fire.


This post was not to get a reply from anyone or really even talk about weed, it was just to say Fawk laws that are for "My safety"

Uhhhhhhh no comment.
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Coke:

Ok so we are all to stubborn to be open to new ideas, accept for you, because you reaserch your topics before posting? You are no more willing to be open to any other ideas than anyone else on this board, against you, or with. What can we prove to you, that would make you willing to be swayed? This is not a fact based discusion, (other than the health and legal risks) it is all opinion, and values. There is nothing to prove, it is all a matter of ones personal deffinition of their own values.


Even though you say you are willing to be swayed, I don't belive you are. To be swayed we would have to convince you that your values of smoking pot are false. To sway pot smokers you would have to change their values as well, to just up and change ones values over a debate could cause doubt in ones own identity. It is more than simple veiwpoints, and facts.

<font color ="midnightblue"> I won't deny that you're right in respect to the difficulty which arises over the possibility or even probablity of changing an opponent's viewpoints over a debate in an impersonal medium such as an internet forum. No matter the perceived truth in our arguments, there is no vigor or power or compelling charisma within the speaker to denote any sort of confidence in their ideologies. The only hope that can be fostered is to present your argument to the best of your ability, and that by some miracle of open-mindedness, the opponent will join your camp. Though, it seems unlikely indeed that a pot smoker (frequent or not) would care enough to make accomodations in his lifestyle were he proven wrong; I think Ross has quite readily established this fact for us. Though, perhaps it isn't fair to say that only pot smokers fall into this indomitable category of philosophical dogma. I suppose others are susceptible as well; but stoners are the issue at hand.


As for me, if I am to have any credibility with you, or with myself, I must be able to say with certainty that I am skeptical of the validity of your opinions, but not totally opposed to the idea that perhaps, in some way that none of us have conceived of yet, I am, in fact, wrong. What evidence this might be, however, I cannot offer you. If I could, then we wouldn't have even had this discussion. But know that, even in the absence of statistics and research data, Ben, there are facts: moral facts--and these are the basis for all philosophical discussion. If no one believed there were any moral truths in the world (read facts), society, I imagine, would be quite a different place, and gun ownership would no longer be the simple luxury of back water right-wing extremists. Do not be mistaken--there are moral facts, just as there are certain figures in mathematical equations. The problem lies in discovering them.


And, Ross, as you have requested no comment to your post, you shall receive none. Yet be advised that it awaits should you change your mind.


More to come as time permits. I have not forgotten your comments, Kyle.

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Lil taste before i head to lab, I kinda felt bad not actually taking a stab at your original topic.


students gathered to 'protest' CU's stict policies against marijuana.

Another person said they were smoking weed to make 'a political statement'. Like hell you are! You're a stoner who wants an excuse!


Its kind of funny that you were belittleing their form of political protest. As far as "political statements" and "protests" go i would be confident in say the purpose of such gatherings would be to raise awareness and strike controversy amongst its audience. They did this quite effectively. There are 5 soon to be 6 pages worth of topic on these kids that are to big a fuck ups to gather and invoke discourse. And yet thanks to your assist they have expanded their reach to include this board. The stoner fucks seem to have an explosively successful protest if one assumes everyone on the board here looked at this topic at least once. Even a small fraction is worth it assuming people are going to go home and discuss with friends. They were successful you have to admit this.

Now as for the police arresting everyone and the school kicking out everyone arrested. No one and i mean NOBODY is going to expell a couple hundred kids for smoking pot on a day set out as national pot smoking day, Which might i add is a good idea to have a nationally understood day to organize. The political reprocussions of such a mass example would be far to much and far to expensive for a school to under go. Hell even for a riot they dont expell more than a handful of kids. While it may not be right, thats one of those decisions people would have to make in order to stay competitive.

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Sorry guy, got to at least disagree with the with the money part concerning the school. If you are there for a quarter, and get expelled, you still owe for the quarter, in fact student loans will pay for the quarter then demand immediate payment for that quarter. Grants are the same way. If you have grants and you get the boot. The issuer of the grant typically will come after you for the money back, because the money is already paid to the school.


As far as the discussion that Rane is attempting to make and it's a poor point, with no real ground to stand on, no smoking pot isn't murder or rape. But it's illegal all the same. Choosing to smoke pot is no different than choosing to break any other law though. It's not a case of morality, it's a case of legality. You may not agree with the speed limit of 65 on the freeways, so you choose to drive 80. In doing so you take the risk of getting a ticket. I don't give a fuck that there is no one on the road when you do it and neither will the cop when he pulls your ass over. If you smoke it's the same deal, you take the chance of dealing with the cops for doing it. And as far as your lame ass excuse of it ain't hurting anyone, you really know better. I will not even begin to list the shit that's wrong with it, or where the money ends up. But saying that is like saying that speeding doesn't hurt anyone. Tell that to the guy that is running along doing 65 and some dipshit running 80 in a 65 changes lanes in front of him, gets hit from behind and ends up rolling his car and killing his wife or kid. Who's fault is it, the guy that was changing lanes. Don't think so, because had you been running a normal speed there would have been no wreck to begin with most likely, and even if there was the chances of the change in motion after the impact would be a hell of a lot more controlable. But this goes back to you being wet behind the ears and having no fucking clue as to how the real world works. You simply run that cocksucker in the middle of your face for something to do, and actually only half know what you are talking about. So the shit that you spew is expected from you because of your immaturity and lack of reason. You'll probably grow out of it at some point. Hopefully it's sooner than later. But I will say that arguing that peole should have the right to break the law, because the law is wrong ain't got a clue at all.

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The whole problem with your responce is that you are doing to much comparing to a totaly different law, a totaly different situation, that warents a totaly different pennalty. It is just as bad as brining up alcohol, while trying to critisize the law on pot.


If This board ever gets into a debate over how wrong speeding is, we know what side you will be on.

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