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im pissed.. my thread gets locked cause i put FTP in it under a picture.

there can be threads saying how a cop was a dickhead, and all that mess but i cant throw FTP in a thread. ignorant. can we get some non bias mods ??

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But Ich bin der Teufel I also want to know how in your sig you talk about women like that but we cant talk about cops. Obviously you are saying that about women in your sig as a joke but we cant say ftp as a joke. If you could clarify the lines I would appreciate it.
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Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

But Ich bin der Teufel I also want to know how in your sig you talk about women like that but we cant talk about cops. Obviously you are saying that about women in your sig as a joke but we cant say ftp as a joke. If you could clarify the lines I would appreciate it.

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I was following pre-determined guidelines. Biased? Other mods would have (and should have) not even given it a second thought, edited the post, and issued you a strike.


I will edit EVERY reference I see to "Fuck the Police" in my section, and issue an immediate strike.


It's not being biased. It's not being a hardass. It isn't appropriate. PM me or an admin if you disagree.

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Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

But Ich bin der Teufel I also want to know how in your sig you talk about women like that but we cant talk about cops.

Ben didn't say that - Bernie WhatsHisName from F1 said it about Danica Patrick when asked about her (I think during the week leading up to the Indy 500). Ben thought it was funny and decided to use it for his signature.
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Hoblick, you are a real piece of work. I'm going to be ubber asshole and lay it on the line:


You are a borderline criminal in my eyes. Things you have done to people I know:


- Rip off your ex-roomate. It's common knowledge you owe him a bunch of money. Instead of being a decent person and putting effort into paying him back (after causing damage to his credit), you just go blow money on bikes, cars, etc. I don't give a shit if you two are still friends or not, that's horseshit.


- You fucking hit Anthony, tell him you'll fix his truck, then do jack shit about it.


- Ever return Shawn's carpet cleaner?? Last time I heard, nope. Even IF you have, it was way overdo last time it was mentioned.


- Use this board to sell shit (T-shirts for your "Stuntaz" stuff), without ever being a registered vendor.


- Bitch about your dog needing all sorts of vet care, are accepting of donations, and turn around the next week and blow more money on shit you don't need and brag about it on here.....nice.


- Anthony tries to buy/trade truck repairs for your nitrous kit. He called you out on it somehow being sold, when the timeline you gave was off. Take a look at your FS forum stuff, it's in there.


I've considered mentioning this for some time, but was just waiting for a real reason to. Guess the time has come. What are you going to come back with....let me guess, I'm a "tool" or something. Guess what, this "tool" doesn't rip his friends off. smile.gif

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joe, way to not only make a relevant post, but also say things that dont really pertain to you. i can post all kinds of shit that ive heard about you, but i wont, because it doesnt belong in this fucking thread. the man has a problem with site administration, which seems to be a recurring problem, and you insult him in a completely irrelevant way. if you have a response in defense of site administration, make it. if you have a problem with him personally or want to spread rumors, post a new thread.
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This is about to get out of hand. Rename the thread ftt (fuck this thread) and close it right quick. This kitchen has been baking shit pies way too much lately anyhow, what the fuck are we doing making 9 page flame posts? go drink a god damn beer and cool off everyone
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Originally posted by Vinny:



I was following pre-determined guidelines. Biased? Other mods would have (and should have) not even given it a second thought, edited the post, and issued you a strike.


I will edit EVERY reference I see to "Fuck the Police" in my section, and issue an immediate strike.


It's not being biased. It's not being a hardass. It isn't appropriate. PM me or an admin if you disagree.

Original complaint (flame) was answered. Anything else is crap. Closed.
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