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More idiots in Inslugras......


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I guess my encounter w/ the turbo Inslugra just wasn't enough. :rolleyes:


I was driving back to Columbus from Marion w/ the g/f this evening after visiting some friends up there. Again driving my Moostang, now sporting a nice exhaust leak. :rolleyes: On 23 heading south, 5 cars pull out onto 23 from the Kroger/Walmart parking lot (the one 1/4 mile S of the State Trooper office.


2 newer Inslugras, one blue, one white. Two older Inslugras, one white, one red. Riced out green Civic EX for good measure. All had the mandatory fart pipe, a couple sitting nice and crooked.


Idiot older white Inslugra pulls up to me, sporting a couple of HS girls in the car. Mind you, I'm about 3 car lengths behind a minivan, and minding my own business, short shifting, etc. Starts giving the gas and letting off next to me. My g/f starts laughing at them, and I give him the jerk off sign. He gets all mad and gives me the finger. :D From there, his buddies all do the same a bit.


Then they start doing stupid shit. Weaving in and out of eachother, and other cars. 2 of the douchebags cut me off.....I was watching for them and expecting this behavior (they are ricers after all, that's what they do), so I never had to slam on my brakes or anything as I could tell when they were planning to cut me off. They tried to race eachother a couple times, but luckily heavy traffic didn't allow much of that. Thankfully, the morons pulled off to a shopping center near Polaris Parkway.


Ugh; I can only imagine what it would have been like has I been in the Formula. Fuckers probably would have ended up running into me. And if I had enough time to toss my street tires back on this afternoon, I would have been driving it.


So if any of you are friends with these idiots:


#1: Get better friends

#2: Tell them to stop being typical ricers.

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I fogot to mention one of them flys by me, down shifts too low, and the car just sits there bouncing off the rev limiter. Fucking retards.


Lesson to be learned here, even if the car only has a fart can on it, don't buy it. There is a good chance a retard was behind the wheel that had no clue as to what they were doing.

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