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I just noticed something, that the dumbest bullshit by the biggest asshats on this board share one thing. They are all from Dublin.


And while there are people in Dublin that I can deal with and are Cool. Per capita, they have more needledicked bugfucker smartasses, that don't know there ass from a hole in the dirt, than ANY other part of town.

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Originally posted by satan:

wow, that's the pot calling the kettle black

Bwhahaha, damn dude, you as SO funny. That was like, wow, you need to get a stage act together. You're gonna go places with quick one liners like that. Damn, I wish I was that funny. And you just so fucking owned me with that comment. I am truely impressed. Damn, I gotta remember to not cross you any more, I just don't know if I can look in a mirror after being cut on by a master like you.


You dumbass. You must be from Dublin too.

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Guest Ranger_Man

dry your eyes and get over it. you are a 30+ year old getting into, and loosing, arguments with 19-21 year olds.


i also can't honestly believe that you think that your argumentation skills are that highly evolved and that people should run when in your, "verbal crosshairs".

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Guest powers
yea living is dublin is like owning a car with HID headlights. It's the best thing ever if you can afford it. If you can't then all you do is bitch about how much they suck. :rolleyes:
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