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Guest sphen02
Originally posted by JAMallott:

haha i hear ya there man. the other day i saw this old late 80's mini van infront of this mexican supermarket off dublin granville road that had konigs on it!!! it was a minivan!! and yes, mexicans drove it...

[sarcasm] Wow, great story. [/sarcasm]
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

you got a better story?..................whats that............... no you don't..............


then shut the fuck up

you need to quit posting like you are some kind of hard ass, because we all know that your just a big dumb mountain *looking* man at the meets. :D
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Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

only a ricer would think this thread was gay and we have already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is exactly what you are.

Yeah, you had to work really hard on that one Matlock. Since I've NEVER denied that and have ADMITTED it for years.


Great work...dumbass.

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Originally posted by Neo:

I knew you would probably come back with that but I figured I'd give you a chance to shut up while you were ahead. I can't spell for shit and my grammatical skills are about on par with them. That's why I use Microsoft Word.




Despite that fact I know the difference between know and now, to and too, and expect, except and accept. It's called a decent education and knowing how to use what little brainpower you might have. Those last few sentences were for all of you idiots who don't know the difference in between any of those words too, not just this guy. Oh, and I'm pretty sure you meant expect even thought the right word was accept because except doesn't make any sense at all. I was even nice originally and didn't say anything about the fact that you usually incoherently ramble, and don't use any correct punctuation or capitalization. I almost feel like the mental retardation is seeping through the Internet and infecting me.






Ricer. graemlins/nutkick.gif


EDIT: When I originally posted this Image Station let me directly link to that image but has since 'caught' me. Right click, properties, you know the drill.

Wow... I had no idea that the term "rice" could be used to describe someone with bad grammatical skills. I guess you DO learn something new everyday, huh? graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

and the last time you actually showed at a meet was?.............


try again.... your flaming is on the shortbus level

sunday night. all the cool kids were there, guess you werent invited.


try again at what? calling you what you are? ok.


your a big dumb mountain *looking* man and generally you have ugly cars.

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Guest Ranger_Man

and another thing...


i hope you do not think that your flaming is actually worth anything. the only flaming i have seen from you is flaming piles of shit. calling ricers "gay" and thumping your chest because you have a broke car and a grandpa car doesnt make you any good at flaming either, or better than them.

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

Wow... I had no idea that the term "rice" could be used to describe someone with bad grammatical skills. I guess you DO learn something new everyday, huh? graemlins/jerkit.gif

Much better with the punctuation and capitalization, I can actually read what you have to type without wanting to rip my eyes out from the torment. I'm glad I was able to teach you something today son, maybe we will have the talk about the birds and the bees tomorrow so one day you can become a real man. I guess I should work on important things like that with you first before I break you of your ricer tendencies.


Calling you a ricer was just kicking you while you were down and I, in no way, shape or form, logically connected the two. You made that presumption with that gigantic accumulation of intellect you have between your ears. You are a ricer because you have a grand worth of neon’s on your car and you think it looks good. It’s a pretty simple concept if you would think for a few seconds. You're so dense flaming you is almost not fun because you don’t seem to understand it and come back with inane arguments.


[ 10. August 2004, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Pretty easy to pick out the predators in this thread. The rest of you have shit talking skills that harken back to the elementary school days when flailing you arms about wildly in "the windmill" fashion constituted a fight. And then some of you, like bobby lee said, can't take the heat and need to stay the fuck out of the kitchen. The irony there is, bobby lee falls into that category himself. So, kudos to you, bobby lee, for knowing your role. Now, quit gravy training my smack, or you'll quickly find yourself on the receiving end of it. Peon.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Much better with the punctuation and capitalization, I can actually read what you have to type without wanting to rip my eyes out from the torment. I'm glad I was able to teach you something today son, maybe we will have the talk about the birds and the bees tomorrow so one day you can become a real man. I guess I should work on important things like that with you first before I break you of your ricer tendencies.


Calling you a ricer was just kicking you while you were down and I, in no way, shape or form, logically connected the two. You made that presumption with that gigantic accumulation of intellect you have between your ears. You are a ricer because you have a grand worth of neon’s on your car and you think it looks good. It’s a pretty simple concept if you would think for a few seconds. You're so dense flaming you is almost not fun because you don’t seem to understand it and come back with inane arguments.

Teach me something? I did graduate (from High School), and I do know how to properly punctuate. What you are forgetting is that this is the fucking internet. Not a college literature and grammar class. I decided to type "intelligently" just to prove that I'm not a flaming idiot, and instead that I'm just lazy at times. A few corrections also: I only have about $800 in neons, which is only 80% of a grand. Looks like someone needs to work on their math skills. Oh, and instead of "trying" to flame my intellect, which you will never succeed at, why don't you just follow the "norm" and just make fun of my mother or something. After all, I'm sure you're into speed just like EVERYONE else on this board. I, on the other hand, am not. To quote Republicant (which is kind of ironic),"Opinion does not = fact." So, whether YOU think my neons look good or not is irrelevant. ;)


Oh, and Orion: I can handle the heat just fine. Maybe that's why I continue to post in here. ;)

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I'm really glad that you take solace in the fact that you made it through high school, good job there slugger. I didn't learn shit in middle school and I wouldn't have learned shit if I had went to West. Although I'm sure the high school that's in such a shitty county did real good for you. FYI, my high school was very hard, but I won't go around bragging about making it through high school, but my engineering degree is another story.


I've had two quarters worth of math, one class short of a minor, try again. I knew that you had about a grand worth of neon’s, and you had stated how much you had put into your neon’s before, but I didn't take the time to go look it up. I could care less whether you have $150 worth of neon’s or $10,000. It's still going to look like shit. Me thinking that is just my opinion, but the only other people that think your car looks good are other retards just like you. At any rate, how does me misquoting how much you have in your neon’s have anything to do with a math error?


You constantly making weak arguments, and making silly (inane and irrelevant) points does 110% question and prove your intellect, or lack thereof. You don’t even know how to properly argue. Your replies have little, if anything to do with what you’ve quoted from me. For every huge reply you make I counter the one or two points that are anywhere near the relevant subject matter and pulverize them into the ground. At which point you post again with more dribble and I have to counter again. Frankly, I'm getting tired of trying to figure out how what you are saying has anything to do with the subject matter and the points you are trying to make.


Let me spell out what I said in my previous post a little slower. "I'm glad you are using punctuation now, it's much easier to read and doesn't make you look like an idiot... more flaming.” I like being lazy as much as the next person. Not punctuating while typing has nothing to do with being lazy and has everything to do with being a moron and/or not knowing how to type.


Oh, and your mother gives bad head. I keep telling her to use her tounge and her hands more but she won't.

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I hope you didn't spend all of what little effort you have on that post, because frankly i could careless. To me, the flame room is here for one reason, and one reason only: Humor. "Oh, No, He's making fun of my neons!" Like that's really going to make me take them all off, sell the escort, and buy something "better." :rolleyes: If anything, it makes me want to respond even more. Just to see what kind of responses i get back. And you're right, graduating from High School and getting a diploma isn't a big deal. After all, the retards that sit in the L.D. room for four years and do nothing but color, get the same diploma as me. But how many of them (or you in this case) have passed the ASVAB with a 93, the ACT with a 26 (yeah, i know that isn't great, in fact its mostly average), or even attempted to take the DLAB (military foreign language test, which i passed with a 114 out of 120)? Not many. So before you try and insult my "intellect" some more, why don't you learn up on just how much i DO know, instead of assuming that because i live near Coshocton (which actually isn't even my hometown) and have a bunch of neons that i must be a blundering, incoherent idiot. IMO, learning and speaking foreign languages (which is what i will be making a career out of) takes much more "intellect" and understanding of a broad amount of information than engineering. Once again, your opinion = graemlins/gives.gif But then again, so does mine...


Oh, and good one on my mom. You really burned me there. :rolleyes:




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DJ, Don't act like you own this place. I haven't been impressed with anything you've posted throughout the entire duration of the flame room, save for your "super premium" ownage of cam'ron, who should be halfway to some small foreign country by now. The only shit I've been seeing from you lately have been posts akin to "Oh man, I rule. Shit, I rock so hard and you guys suck. Stop posting, because your smack isn't NEARLY as cool as mine. Damn." Let it go, I'm sure you've already impressed Jessie to the point where he wants to lick the sweat off your nuts. Mission accomplished.


Bobby Lee, I have several things to say to you. I know that none of these things will penetrate that thick skull of yours, because you're always ready with excuses like "But it's the Intrarwab, They dont REALLY think my Escort looks like something straight out of The fast and the Furious 3: Mexico city!!?1!" You MUST, for your own sake, Realize that everyone who is not a member of www.neonzarecool.com either laughs hysterically at or vomits with repulsion whenever they see that Nobly powered (if anyone gets that, I love you) Rice fest adorning your poor grocery getter.

Another thing. You're trying to tell us that being able to speak a foreign language (something that nearly everyone in every other country in the world can do... Many of them speak three or four languages) is more important than understanding how the physics of our earth work, and that being able to translate a simple sentence for someone is more important than inventing, building, and maintaining current and future technologies? Wow, bud, I guess you must have been sitting with the L.D kids coloring for four years to form that kind of opinion. On a side note, my 31 > your 26. graemlins/finger.gif


Jesse, I was impressed by some of your posts. You displayed some quality ownage, but there were times when it seemed that you were throwing in big/seldom used words (example: Inane) for the hell of it, and that they didn't really serve a purpose other than to inflate your vocabulary. In closing, Your mom has been using both hands and her tounge ring for several weeks now. Turns out that women do crazy stuff when you can get them off 10 times in one go. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Jesse, I was impressed by some of your posts. You displayed some quality ownage, but there were times when it seemed that you were throwing in big/seldom used words (example: Inane) for the hell of it, and that they didn't really serve a purpose other than to inflate your vocabulary.

Then tell me how that word didn't fit the situation or the sentence perfectly? I don't have a huge vocabulary, but if there are words that I do know that aren't necessarily part of ever day spoken language, and the situation seems to fit the word, I'm going to use it. Inane has an extreme negative, demeaning, connotation to it, so I used it.


Where in the fuck was I 'licking the sweat' off of DJ's nuts?


I'd also bitch about how you spelled my name wrong, but you also spelled it right once. :confused:


Originally posted by Republicant:

In closing, Your mom has been using both hands and her tounge ring for several weeks now. Turns out that women do crazy stuff when you can get them off 10 times in one go. graemlins/thumb.gif

[bobby Lee]Oh man, you got me there, good one.[/bobby Lee] ~goes and cries~


I'd make a crack on your mom, but NOONE wants to go there, literally. graemlins/puke.gif

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The Sweat comment was directed at DJ, not you. You were just a casualty of the flame since DJ had named you as his "general" or whatever gay shit that was.


The part about you using The word inane how you did that bothered me was because you said "silly (inane and irrelivant)". If you're going to say that, use commas, or just use inane.


How are you going to try and say that me talking shit about your mom is stupid when you did it not 6 posts prior?? Poor form. graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by Republicant:

The Sweat comment was directed at DJ, not you. You were just a casualty of the flame since DJ had named you as his "general" or whatever gay shit that was.

It's cool, by-standard casualties happen in a war.



If you had paid attention, I used it before and he didn't seem to interpret it correctly so I used it that way to explain it to the short bus people like you and him.


Originally posted by Republicant:

How are you going to try and say that me talking shit about your mom is stupid when you did it not 6 posts prior?? Poor form. graemlins/nonono.gif

Once again, if you had paid attention it was not poor form, I did that in jest because he 'asked' me to, which Bobby Lee obviously didn't catch either. Otherwise I would not have done it because reverting to 'yo momma' jokes are weaksauce flame wise. Come on, you can do better than that too.


Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

...why don't you just follow the "norm" and just make fun of my mother or something.

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theres shittalking, and theres speaking truth, john. you, apparently, cant tell one from the other. guess someone was impressed, cause it seems youre posting in "my" kitchen. when its your kitchen, then you can go ahead and pretend that your critique of my ability is worth more than what you pay the doorman to get into any club in columbus, except on 18 and over night, kid.


john, does anyone ever make fun of you for having a mans name? im just curious, cause i for damn sure get made fun of for being black but not looking it. i guess the reason theres a toaster in your sig has something to do with the fact that you like it in both slots. maybe thats what attracts you to motorcycles. their hot little crotch rocket-ness makes you all wet, but youre too skurred to go get a real one. maybe someday, if youre lucky, one of the guys around here will think youre cute enough to let you ride on the back of his bike. you may want to start wearing a little less makeup, though. its unbecoming. oh, and dont tell them youre name, thats a tip off for sure.


for a guy who thinks im unimpressive, your smack is a weak as similac in a grown mans stomach. which, i might add, you probably have experience with.


and, if jesse wants to lick the sweat off of my balls, im cool with that. hes a hell of lot better than your mom, who just happens to be more of a man than you are. in fact, shes more of a man than your dad, too.

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Orion's basically absent from CR for a month, comes back, throws out a few good flames, and now has a forum named for him.




Whoever made that administrative change put a huge bullseye on your back. ;)


So DJ's Kitchen it is. Don't slip - Republicant's waiting in the wings.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

Orion's basically absent from CR for a month, comes back, throws out a few good flames, and now has a forum named for him.




Whoever made that administrative change put a huge bullseye on your back. ;)


So DJ's Kitchen it is. Don't slip - Republicant's waiting in the wings.

*raises hand* :D
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