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Bobby Lee.

Devils Advocate

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You really need to come to grips with the fact that you're a ricer. Most people who see your car, wether it be in person or driving down the street, either A) Feel bad for you, B) are sick with disgust, or C) laugh at you for the better part of an hour. Please don't try and defend yourself... Just take all that shit off of your car. :(
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haha! thats funny, cuz ya know i probably get more looks at night then any of you. you guys get looks from each other and each other only, ricers get looks from other ricers, but me... i get looks from anyone and everyone. old people, young, children, retards, white-trash, it doesn't matter, they all look. many even like it, give me compliments. does that make me a ricer? not in my eyes. besides, its not your money is it? its not your time? its mine. and just like y'all enjoy installing new engine mods, i enjoy installing more LEDs, more cathodes, and running wires. i get the same feeling of accomplishment as you do. just in a different way. rather then feeling good after whooping a civic in a "street race" (lame), i feel good when someone on the street yells,"Yo! nice ride!" let me ask you one other question that i know you guys would care about: is it easier pickin up chicks at 140 mph, or at 15, with a shitload of flashing, attention getting lights?
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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

haha! thats funny, cuz ya know i probably get more looks at night then any of you. you guys get looks from each other and each other only, ricers get looks from other ricers, but me... i get looks from anyone and everyone. old people, young, children, retards, white-trash, it doesn't matter, they all look. many even like it, give me compliments. does that make me a ricer? not in my eyes. besides, its not your money is it? its not your time? its mine. and just like y'all enjoy installing new engine mods, i enjoy installing more LEDs, more cathodes, and running wires. i get the same feeling of accomplishment as you do. just in a different way. rather then feeling good after whooping a civic in a "street race" (lame), i feel good when someone on the street yells,"Yo! nice ride!" let me ask you one other question that i know you guys would care about: is it easier pickin up chicks at 140 mph, or at 15, with a shitload of flashing, attention getting lights?

Worst try at a come back ever....
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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

haha! thats funny, cuz ya know i probably get more looks at night then any of you. you guys get looks from each other and each other only, ricers get looks from other ricers, but me... i get looks from anyone and everyone. old people, young, children, retards, white-trash, it doesn't matter, they all look. many even like it, give me compliments. does that make me a ricer? not in my eyes. besides, its not your money is it? its not your time? its mine. and just like y'all enjoy installing new engine mods, i enjoy installing more LEDs, more cathodes, and running wires. i get the same feeling of accomplishment as you do. just in a different way. rather then feeling good after whooping a civic in a "street race" (lame), i feel good when someone on the street yells,"Yo! nice ride!" let me ask you one other question that i know you guys would care about: is it easier pickin up chicks at 140 mph, or at 15, with a shitload of flashing, attention getting lights?

It's like a car wreck, you have to look. Just like a fat lady in a bikini; you try not to look, but the rolls just can't get out of view.


Your car looks like total shit and is an embarassment to all automotive enthusiasts. I'd say even a good number of over-the-top rice boys probably think you have gone too far. And it's an Escort.

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

haha! thats funny, cuz ya know i probably get more looks at night then any of you. you guys get looks from each other and each other only, ricers get looks from other ricers, but me... i get looks from anyone and everyone. old people, young, children, retards, white-trash, it doesn't matter, they all look. many even like it, give me compliments. i feel good when someone on the street yells,"Yo! nice ride!" let me ask you one other question that i know you guys would care about: is it easier pickin up chicks at 140 mph, or at 15, with a shitload of flashing, attention getting lights?

How about I prove you wrong.


You,your "car", Me, my car on a little weekend cruise. I promise not to go over 15 MPH tongue.gif . We'll make a few passes through Easton after dark so you can pimp your seizure lights. Then we'll say, take a cruise downtown and loop back around to hit Speeds where we will drive up and down each row as slow as possible. Then park 20 feet apart.


I'll bet whatever you want that I'll get more looks, comments, and more 15-18 year olds gathering around my car than yours.


Wait, I have a life. Forget it! graemlins/popcorn.gif

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Ok picture this. 20 years in the future, Bobby Lee and his son little fucktard jr. are sitting down watching a muscle car show that is waxing poetic about the horsepower wars that erupted in the late 90's to 2007. They are showing all these cool cars, Evo's, STI's, 03 04 cobras, Z06's. It don't matter where its made, it just has to have balls to get respect.

Little fucktard jr. looks up into Daddy Uncle Bobby Lee's eyes and says "What kind of car did you have back then pa?"

"an escort, but it got a lot of looks"

"Well pa, surely you could have picked up a nice fox body or a DSM and started modding it, why didn't you go for it?"

"Well son, I wanted to waste my money on neons and strobes to get looks, what I didn't know was that they were making fun of me."

"Dad you, were the worst kind of ricer weren't you?"

"ha ha well son, I guess you could say that I went down autozones tacky aisle with a shit magnet on."


You can prevent this conversation from happening, if you see the error in your ways now. CR is here to help you. Learn from this little post.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

let me ask you one other question that i know you guys would care about: is it easier pickin up chicks at 140 mph, or at 15, with a shitload of flashing, attention getting lights?

Wrong. Blinding lights, strobes and crazy flashing shit scares off women. It's like a warning to them: Get the fuck away! You may attract some old ladies that love to play slot machines though. Oh, and nothing beats a simple & clean car to attract the ladies.
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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

^^^ so that's why majority of people who dig my car are chicks, huh? :rolleyes:

No body digs your car bro, people see it and say wow that is WEIRD! To be nice if they talk to you, they act like they like it. Most people do not have the balls to tell a stranger what they actually feel about something to your face. Especially if it is negative. I bet you don't. I don't see Neon Light TV on Sunday Mornings or Super Neon Magazine on the shelf at the local Market. Neon wasn't cool in highschool. Let alone now...... You are on the wrong board my friend if you are looking for respect for that thing you call a car.
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Who gives a shit? Damn, alot of you guys claim to have lives, then you come on here and cry and complain all day about someone's car.


I can't believe there's even a thread to this guy. I bet he's getting EXACTLY what he wants. A reaction out of you guys.





Originally posted by Venomss:

Quit getting so bent out of shape over some fucking neons. Get the fuck over it already, whiners.



While you guys are still in "bitch about someone's car" mode...Can I get a thread dedicated to my car too?




You know, I could've bought a turbo for the price I paid for my custom paint. But you know what? I don't give a shit. Guess that makes me a ricer.

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