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Bobby Lee.

Devils Advocate

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Holy crap...that celica has went through some changes since I last saw it... :eek:


Escort = graemlins/gay.gif


Celica = graemlins/gay.gif

For the money you put into paint, you could have the fastest Celica GT in the Northeast. graemlins/slap.gif


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hey Mitch... you can't buy my strobes at Autozone... they're 90 watt Whelen strobes from Oznium.com... same brand that police use, only brighter... ask anyone that's seen mine in person, they are definitely capable of giving seizures...
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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

hey Mitch... you can't buy my strobes at Autozone... they're 90 watt Whelen strobes from Oznium.com... same brand that police use, only brighter... ask anyone that's seen mine in person, they are definitely capable of giving seizures...

Great...you are the poster boy for the guy in high school that kept telling himself "My mom thinks Im cool, my mom thinks Im cool."


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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

they are definitely capable of giving seizures...

Remind me never to be anywhere your car is then.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Holy crap...that celica has went through some changes since I last saw it... :eek:


Escort = graemlins/gay.gif


Celica = graemlins/gay.gif

For the money you put into paint, you could have the fastest Celica GT in the Northeast. graemlins/slap.gif


Now hold on there professor...even if I turbo'd, I probably wouldn't even have the fastest one in Columbus. There is a turbo GTS running around.


Plus, from those pictures, you cannot even begin to see the detail in that design.


I'll tell you what. Next weekend, I'll roll out to Jegs for a bit (I'd come out tonight, but I'm working tonight and tomorrow night) and let you guys have a look at it. I think after seeing it in person, you may change your mind.


I figured I'd take some flak for going show before go with this (even many of my compatriots have given me shit :D ). But had I even used the money that I paid for this paint job for a turbo, odds are I may STILL not even have my kit yet because the company making them is 4-6 months behind and is having serious shipping problems, damage issues with shipping, and mixing up orders. I had this paint job done in March. At the earliest, it would just now be getting installed. And that's IF everything I got came undamaged, correct, and no parts are missing. There are people who ordered the kit in February and still haven't received theirs yet.


As it stands, there are 2 more companies that are starting to produce kits for my car. By spring next year, after some dyno's are released and kinks worked out, I could be looking at a turbo'd Celica with more bang for my buck.


If waiting things out for that and in the mean time making my car a little flashier makes me a ricer...well, who am I kidding...I've always been a ricer. tongue.gif

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True, you have always been a ricer. But, from what I can see in *** pic's, their was a lot of time and money put into your car. As long as you are happy, who cares what we think?


The question I have for you though is this: Do you know what the chinease symbols mean? I know that a lot of chinease people tell you one thing when It means another just to make you look like an ass. For example; you think it says cool and fast when it really says i am gay and like penis.


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Actually, it's Kanji, which is Japanese. However, my intention was NOT to have actual words put on the car. I was looking for a design to keep my black and green theme going. So I wanted a Matrix-type design. Meaning the front looks torn away and you have the code under that. The paint shop used actual Japanese characters instead. Had I known this, I would've taken the time to come up with phrases and expressions to have put on the car.


I've had most of it translated. It's mostly jibberish. Stuff like "Phone extension", "Top", "Happy New Year", etc... None of it really makes sense as far as phrases go. And as far as I know, there's no advertisements for Jap pornsites or any vulgar language.


However there is one phrase that's kind of funny. As you may or may not know, Japanese read Top to bottom, left to right. There are 3 characters in a column that read "Total Adult Discount". Hehe...


But you're absolutely right, I have put alot of time, effort, and money into my car. And I honestly don't care what you guys think. Like I told Nitrousbird, I didn't post the pics to seek approval. This is the Kitchen. I posted them here for a reason. The main reason being that my picture thread would probably end up in the kitchen anyway. tongue.gif


I'm very satisfied with my choice of going paint over performance. But I'd be a liar if I said that there weren't some days that I wish I had that turbo installed instead of the paint job.


I could go on and on about how often I get compliments or car shows that I've entered and won. But you and I know that most people here don't give 2 shits about that stuff anyway. :D

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Originally posted by TeeePeee:

How is it that all these people are posting from coshocton?


They must have pitched in everything they own, sold a couple goats to get a computer, oh and the one phone line capable of a 14.4 connection.

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

^^^ so that's why majority of people who dig my car are chicks, huh? :rolleyes:

actully i think the "chics" you are referring to are a bunch of nasty gang banged cunts, with fungus growing from the orface they call a vagina, or better know as the center for disease cultivation
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Guest h23it
Originally posted by TeeePeee:

How is it that all these people are posting from coshocton?


They must have pitched in everything they own, sold a couple goats to get a computer, oh and the one phone line capable of a 14.4 connection.

I live here and I give this quote props... This place sucks. I've lived in Columbus and it sucks too though. My car got beat up by ppl tryin to break into it and the ignorant F***s didn't even get in. Around here at least I can leave it unlocked and not worry.
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