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Ignorant Assholes


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So, I get up this morning figuring it a usual Monday and get ready for class. As I get into my car to leave, I happen to notice that some little prick has written something (couldn't make out exactly what it said) on my car and pushed down both of the rear view mirrors. :mad: As I begin to become concerned that the writing may be permanant, I immediately go wash my car and fix the mirrors. Thankfully, the writing was not permanant. :D In any case, this is just one example of what's wrong with this world today. Stupid fucking ignorant pussies who don't have the balls to face a person face to face, feel that they have to do things such as this. graemlins/doh.gif What's really ignorant, is the person who did this thinks I don't know who they are. In actuality, I do know who they are, and as I've said may times to them graemlins/finger.gif , they continue to be a pussy graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif Sometimes I swear I want to smack the person who said ignorance was bliss.
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What was wrote on your car?


If you know who it is, why dont you do something about it? Instead of posting shit about them on a forum?


After all, you did just type this


"Stupid fucking ignorant pussies who don't have the balls to face a person face to face, feel that they have to do things such as this."

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Originally posted by Browning:

What was wrote on your car?


If you know who it is, why dont you do something about it? Instead of posting shit about them on a forum?


After all, you did just type this


"Stupid fucking ignorant pussies who don't have the balls to face a person face to face, feel that they have to do things such as this."

Allow me to clarify what I said. I have a good idea of who may have done this, however, I have no proof. Without proof, nothing can be done, hence my frustration and post (rant). The only word I could make out was "please" and the rest was unreadable. It looked like more than just writing something on a car with their finger. It looked like someone took a permant marker or pen to it, which was why I was pissed and decided to rant about it.
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+1, very well could have been, but again, what pissed me off was the fact that I couldn't tell if it was pen/marker or just someone taking there finger and writing it on there......still doesn't explain the rear views being fucked with though...
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