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Guest FBody Addict

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Glad you all got that out of your systems.

You all seem to think you know me as the word juggalo by the ones you see on the street. (Actually that sentence doesn't even make sense) So thats who I decided to play, and well, you provided me with great material for a paper on group psych. I'm sure ill get an A.


See (you all) Saturday at Jegs .


There. That's better.

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Guest FBody Addict

its 230 in the damn morning i dont give a fuck about capitalization and grammar and punctuation or spelling and im not getting graded on it


what i meant by that sentence was you hear me say im a juggalo so you have a preconceived notion as to who i am so i decided i would write a paper on it for school

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Guest FBody Addict

fag has no more meaning to me anymore

i hung out with girls all the time in high school and thats what i got called all the time so it doesnt bother me anymore

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

fag has no more meaning to me anymore

i hung out with girls all the time in high school and thats what i got called all the time so it doesnt bother me anymore

bwhahahaahahahaha, you were that guy, explains everything, and no just because you were around girls there in no implied understanding you got and play from it, they let you hang around them cause they didn't feel threatened by you cause you had no hetero feelings towards women
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

They let you hang around them cause they didn't feel threatened by you cause you had no hetero feelings towards women

Yes every school has at least one of "those guys"
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