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Calling out.. QWK90GT


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For some odd reason it was closed on the other part of the board..



I keep hearing all of these wierd comments..


"bikes are gay" "bikes are slow" "i can beat bikes"


Here is your challenge Danielson.... a FRIENDLY challenge of course


You and me... my slow ass 2 wheeler that you claim you can whoop up on, and dont deny it!! You keep claiming how I never gave your 90 a "fair race"? Well heres your chance..


Normally I wouldnt do this, but some people are just so ignorant


Today is good....

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As he takes this to PM... I take this back to the public.. no sense in hiding it all... And I quote..



EDITED - Keep PMs out of public view.



I only said I wasnt going to race last time because Im trying to be a police officer.. Its not worth my time getting busted racing and losing a career opportunity to race some piece of crap mustang owner that thinks hes the HOT SHIT because he can shit talk all day long. But now that you think your untouchable after racing a busa that you LUCKILY beat (yes, it was pure luck), why not race me? I mean after all, that busa puts out 300 more CCs... so you should be able to STOMP me then rite?


Does your brother always have to race for you? Im not calling out your brother, your brother is actually a NICE person.. Hes not the cocky one who keeps trash talking. It seems that you got the short end of the stick in your family with the attitude problems. I dont care what car your brother has, Im not racing your brother... do you want to race my mom? My mom has a camaro.. why not race my mom instead?? I always have my mom race for me when I get called out.


The GF you treat like pure shit isnt the ONLY PERSON on this earth that thinks your retarded for smack talking all the time. Dont be mad at me that your jealous she hangs out with the sport bikers. At least we know how to treat our friends.


If you want to roll that POS mach of yours we can do that. It would be fun just to watch anyways.. I mean.. with your 300 actual whp and "curb weight of 3465 lbs. (manual)" vs a 152 actual whp bike that weights less than 400lbs wet... Who do you think is going to win??





"1990 mustang gt: Best ET:12.31 on et streets Best MPH 115.96 on street tires"


115mph traps arent even going to beat 600CC bikes, LET ALONE liter bikes that trap 130-150mph.


You know you'll get schooled young grasshopper. Let me crush your ego in front of your friends, then they can be happy that you’ll shut up as well. BRING IT.


[ 25. October 2004, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: NurkVinny ]

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Today... Sunny and 68 degrees

Tuesday... Mostly sunny and 68 degrees

Wend.... Mostly cloudy and 64 degrees


Any of those days... after 4pm... up till 11pm... Whichever stretch you wish to roll from. Bring another car to video this as well, I already offered to host the video so we all can watch the results.. Ill be too busy watching the road ahead to look in my mirrors ;)

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In other news, word on the street says his 90 really IS down.


Danielson, by the time next season comes around, you wont want to roll when Im finished with my winters bike mod purchase.. And im not speaking of some ghey turbo setup or nitrous either.


If you want to roll the Mach.. my offer is still on the table. If not, Ill ACTUALLY understand, because it honestly wont be much of a race what so ever. But I will add something "tasteful" to my sig if you punk out.



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Your sad keep posting under your own topic get a fucking life. You were called out in the summer by my brother and made up some excuse why you couldn't run him. I don't care about your fucking bike. I just find it funny you were at brians shop and saw me in person and not a word was said instead you jump on a computer and talk shit instead get a life and leave me the fuck alone.
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The funny thing is.. you DO care, thats why you keep talking smack. Im not the only person on this board that knows how your egotistical self works. Not to mention your piddly attempts to run me off the road. It was quite hilarious listening to the loud growling sound bellowing from underneath your car as I watched it quickly fall back in my mirrors, accelerating ever so slightly.


Your brother never said a word.. Hes the sane one remember this. YOU were the one saying "oh race my brother", simply because your scared, we know this, dont deny it.


I dont have anything against you Danny boy. Just your shit talk ;) So what did you expect me to say when i saw you? "Oh lets fight"? I mean what?? Do you even expect me to exchange words with some one like yourself? Some one who cant treat a lady rite and has major lack of knowledge on a common topic such as "bike vs car".


Leave you alone? I'll leave you alone after I embarass you in front of your friends, then you'll be quite and the rest of the world wont have to hear you gripe all the time on how you think you're the best.


Why not race? Its made public now, Im ready, lets roll.. Dont punk out on me. The rules state you have 2 weeks. 2 weeks counting down.......

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Right here bitch boy. Like I said I don't care about your shitty little bike. Who said I was trying to run you off the road?


Show me up in front of my friends I'm scared. For all of you others its kinda hard to race when my car isn't even running. You said I talked all this shit about you that's why you challenged me, all I ask is where did I say all of this at.


As far as treating a lady right go fuck yourself on that maybe should here both sides of the stories but that's a topic I'm not getting into.

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