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Calling out.. QWK90GT


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Originally posted by little devil98gt:

Can someone please close this topic. Im very upset over this and its become very personal and it does not at all need to be on here anymore. I have lost someone I care the world for over a stupid argument and it doesnt need to be on here.. Please take it off or close it.. This is not a flame topic for CR. Thanks.

no. if you hadnt posted, shit wouldnt have gotten to where it is. you put this shit out here, and now its here. want your life off of this board? should have thought of that before you said what you did.


i have no sympathy for people who backpedal, especially those who ask others to fix their mistakes for them.

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First Off I just had a death in my family yesterday and on top of that I am dealing with this.

I only posted to save my boyfriend of two years. Not to cause people to look down on him or anyone else. I challenged him because he challenged me. I apoligized and thats that.


I am not trying to have ANYONE save me I asked for it to be closed since both parties have commented on the subject now. So its over.


I have a heart, and feel bad for anyone who has relationship problems. Thats why i didnt comment until I found out if I didnt I wouldnt have not been trusted.. so thats the only reason I even opened my mouth. Do you honestly think I want my life story on this board. NO!

But this is a waste of breath. All you you guys are gonna do is try to start a big ole flame..so whatever...

Im done posting. Think what you want of me thats fine I dont care. The only adult thing I care about on here is the person i love and lost so you take that as you will.


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Ah Spaceghost.. youve got it all wrong. This has NOTHING what so ever to do with me and Amy at all. graemlins/nonono.gif


Its funny that some guys think this way. Not all guys on the planet are out for ass graemlins/gay.gif





Close this ghey shit, Dan is a punk. Fix that 90 and let me stomp it already. THE END.

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Originally posted by Orion:

no. if you hadnt posted, shit wouldnt have gotten to where it is. you put this shit out here, and now its here. want your life off of this board? should have thought of that before you said what you did.


i have no sympathy for people who backpedal, especially those who ask others to fix their mistakes for them.

I agree, you are pathetic.
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Im not dying to race at all. No races for me, I think weve established the fact that hes afraid to race.


Although word on the street says this past weekend he was out messing with some bikes on the highway. And the woman wont even race me. What a shame.

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graemlins/popcorn.gif wow, Amy.....quite a show....I don't wanna get involved with this nor am I going to, but since I am here I might as well input my own 0.02 here, from the sounds of it, Amy and Dan you two just don't seem you two are getting along, maybe take a break and have some time apart, Dan, I don't know you fella but sounds to me that maybe things should be talked out, maybe to John, I mean being on the same forum you guys should atlease talk things through, I don't know Amy in person but from what little contact I have from talking to her online, she seems like shes really torn and irratated right now.....as far as you John, you seem like a alright guy too, I see where your frustration comes from when someone talks alot of smack about you behind your back, but often by the time it gets relayed back to you it'll be sumed up 10x worse then it originally is. Maybe you guys just need to keep the peace and just talk things out, man to man, racing won't solve things, if anything all it would do is cause more frustrations and tensions between you two or worse yet, get a ticket and Dan gets screwed over and possibly having his car impounded and you John not being able to join the force, plus whatever Dan may get, I am a problem solver, maybe you guys should just talk it out, and Dan man, it's alright, if Amy likes Bikes and it's her hobby, don't harp her about it man, if you sincerely love her and want her to feel happy you should just trust her and just go with the flow, as they say a relationship is based all on trust, without it, there is no relationship. The more you won't support her is also a way that you're pushing her further away, so maybe if you look outside the box and see for yourself how it is, maybe you have had a bad encounter with bikers but it sure is better to go with the flow man! I hope you guys resolve things asap. John all the best to you man on protecting and serving your country, Dan and Amy, I hope you guys work things out, remember staying together doesn't always equate to a happy ending, hope you guys sort things out and by all means I am not sticking my nose into it, just reading the posts and hoping that I can help you guys answer a few questions.



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OMG! what a piece of work!

First off, I know none of you.Only what I have seen in the few summer nights I was at jegs, etc with friends. I post very little as you can see. I joined this site to research ideas for my coming project.


Dragknee...It is VERY obvious you have a thing for miss Amy. Only a fool would see it other wise.


Amysbad98gt....your post was a TRUE STUNT for pity and attention. Anyone who has sat through one Psycology class can see that.

If you cared for "qwk90gt", you would never have posted the things you did regardless! Many people know you only refer to him as "bf" when you car is down. You KNOW you are NOT innocent by any means. By reading back through alot of the archives...you have been caught in a few lies.Go back to the bike boy and get over yourself.


qwk90gt...Once a cheater, always a cheater...momma should have taught you that.

#2 If your car is broke then let it go and dont stoop to replies.


slow 5.0....I heard about the Busa run through a neighbor, go hand him his ass!

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lol have a thing for miss amy?


Its odd how the start of the entire thread had NOTHING to do with girls what so ever. Besides the fact that Dan and her were together had nothing to do with the fact that this thread is about Dan.


Ive got 2 other lady friends on the side, I dont need a 3rd... beotch smile.gif Not to mention the fact that GC to Polaris is WAY too f'ng far for ANY SORT of relationship in general.


Girls... :rolleyes:graemlins/jerkit.gif

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Okay to clear this up if any of you care that is. Amy is not a bad person I was pissed and got out of line on this topic, I said some hurtful things because I have a short temper. I know her and John are nothing so those of you who think they are think otherwise my comment was not directed towards him.


Oh yeah about the race I've told you many times that I would be game come spring you'll just have to wait until then to "whoop" my 90.

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ok, we wait till spring. But, unless you plan on running some serious spray or something, your not going to want to run me. We'll just leave it at that.. Im not speaking of nitrous or some turbo crap either.


It should be interesting.

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LOL LOL Okay Okay I have to laugh.. so funny! I find it so funny that "people" named after a dog treat dont know anyone in this ... but yet "know" so much about me... LOL LOL Oh well...


Oh what do I hear...chrip chrip "IS THAT A ROBIN"" LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Too funny. I love it!

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Whadawha? I am soo confused,so uhm Scooby don't know you guys but Amy knows Scooby? huh? Robin? what? this a inside joke I am missin'? gosh talk about drama! Maybe I should have second thoughts moving up there! LOL For the married guys, do you guys argue just as much? LOL Maybe this is why I am single....free from all that hassle!
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