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cody park

Guest cam'ron

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Guest cam'ron
are you talking about me? and as far as im concerned, you or anybody else has no buisness even reading this shit. Im pretty sure the topic was called "CODY PARK" for a reason. but if you must know, he likes to talk shit, and beat his sister, and then when it comes time for someone to do something about his little bitch ass, he doesn't seem to be around
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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by cam'ron:

as far as im concerned, you or anybody else has no buisness even reading this shit. Im pretty sure the topic was called "CODY PARK" for a reason.

No offense, but why did you post it in here if you didn't think anyone has any business reading it? After all, this is a public message board, if you don't want people to read it then don't post it where everyone can read it.Just wondering why you couldn't use email, PM's or IM's.
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Originally posted by cam'ron:

my apologies, i would like everyone to know what a little bitch he is

naw man, you got it wrong, you need to be apologizing for what a little bitch YOU are.


i dont know cody park from a hole in the fucking ground, but i know you. i know your type. posting in a public forum on a heavily trafficked message board looking for a fight with someone, and then some random guy happens upon the thread and calls "wtf mates?" and you blast him for even reading the shit, much less posting about it? yeah man, you have some serious self esteem issues, and probably have a fairly low self worth. i would go on to say that this cody park kid probably called you names when you guys were in elementary school, and youve been holding onto that for a while. i imagine that now youve either hit the gym and rocked a bit, perhaps with the aid of some steroids, mixed in a couple karate lessons/wrestling coaching/spending a day watching ufc 4 and think youre tough, OR, youve fallen into a crowd of people who acts like they "just dont give a fuck", and theyve talked you into the idea that you can whup this kids ass, and given you the false courage that is also associated with consuming far too much alcohol. also, i think that if anyone is prone to beating his sister/mother/self, its more than likely you, and that also comes from the fact that you either received no attention as a child/got made fun of on the bus/had youre lunch money stolen too many times/are french.


from these observations, i can deduce that if you were a real man, youd have called this guy on the phone and/or pm'd him about getting together to "work it out." or just gone over to his place and stomped a mudhole in his face.


as thats not the case, i imagine that the first time cody, or any other male of the species for that matter, hits you in the face, you will fold like a cheap suit, and cry for quite some time. or spend most of the fight backpedalling or flat out running to avoid the beating you seem so interested in taking.


you arent tough, no matter how many times you hit women and get away with it. you arent courageous, calling someone out in a public forum. and you arent smart, flaming someone for asking why you did that.


in conclusion, i think that this world would be much better off without you, and if cody doesnt feel froggy, i think that thas good......for you.


hows that, tough guy?

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Orion:

naw man, you got it wrong, you need to be apologizing for what a little bitch YOU are.


i dont know cody park from a hole in the fucking ground, but i know you. i know your type. posting in a public forum on a heavily trafficked message board looking for a fight with someone, and then some random guy happens upon the thread and calls "wtf mates?" and you blast him for even reading the shit, much less posting about it? yeah man, you have some serious self esteem issues, and probably have a fairly low self worth. i would go on to say that this cody park kid probably called you names when you guys were in elementary school, and youve been holding onto that for a while. i imagine that now youve either hit the gym and rocked a bit, perhaps with the aid of some steroids, mixed in a couple karate lessons/wrestling coaching/spending a day watching ufc 4 and think youre tough, OR, youve fallen into a crowd of people who acts like they "just dont give a fuck", and theyve talked you into the idea that you can whup this kids ass, and given you the false courage that is also associated with consuming far too much alcohol. also, i think that if anyone is prone to beating his sister/mother/self, its more than likely you, and that also comes from the fact that you either received no attention as a child/got made fun of on the bus/had youre lunch money stolen too many times/are french.


from these observations, i can deduce that if you were a real man, youd have called this guy on the phone and/or pm'd him about getting together to "work it out." or just gone over to his place and stomped a mudhole in his face.


as thats not the case, i imagine that the first time cody, or any other male of the species for that matter, hits you in the face, you will fold like a cheap suit, and cry for quite some time. or spend most of the fight backpedalling or flat out running to avoid the beating you seem so interested in taking.


you arent tough, no matter how many times you hit women and get away with it. you arent courageous, calling someone out in a public forum. and you arent smart, flaming someone for asking why you did that.


in conclusion, i think that this world would be much better off without you, and if cody doesnt feel froggy, i think that thas good......for you.


hows that, tough guy?

WOW. i think he just summed it all up for me. I really don;t know what to say after that Orion.


I'm Cody Park, for those I haven't met, like this tool who started this thread. I really have no idea who it is. I do know he's a really big tool who stalks me online. (and he's also in love with my sisters boyfriend)


I really feel priviledged to have a topic started just for me graemlins/bubbrubb.gif . I'd love to see all the flames I get form everyone on here. I know there won't be much because i'm not a fucking tool like the usual E-Thugs and ricers we have. Which ironically, you fall into both categories.


And honestly, pack a lunch and bring some friends if you think your kicking my ass. Becaue I know damn well, I have about 10X more buddies to back my ass up if need be than you ever will bud.


And to end it all....



'Nuff said "cam'ron". are you with the "eastside boyeeez" or am I thinking of someone else?


[ 09. August 2004, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: Veni Vidi Vici ]

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

cam-ron you need help from a shrink and lots of drugs please find a tall bridge and throw yourself from it.

1. I KNOW he has lots of drugs.

2. I know theres lots of bridges in sunbury.

3. i know, he is not smart enough to end it all before he gets his ass burned again.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by cam'ron:

you need your buddies to back you up? the only reason I have a problem with you is you hit your sister, thats some fucked up shit

hahhaa, wow. if you only knew fag. that's said and done with. i never hit her... mind your own fucking business too bitch. graemlins/finger.gif


i'd love to say what i want to now, but i dont feel like getting banned because i love CR so much and would go through withdrawls without it graemlins/popcorn.gif

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Guest mudbutt
Cam'ron, take your cyber hard-ass bullshit elsewhere. You have yet to make a constructive post. Every comment you make is slander towards other members. This isn't middle school, where you obviously stopped developing, talking shit in public doesnt make you look tough. It makes you look like a little punk.
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See how this here intraweb forum works, cam'ron?


You are a very small fish in a rather large pond, my freind. And now that one of the big fish, me, has taken a bite out of you, all the rest of the predators have smelled the blood in the water, and they want a piece as well.


Now would be a good time to yell "eject!" at the top of your lungs and pull the big yellow lever personified on this board by the "logoff" button, because you are going down like the ho that you are.

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Originally posted by Orion:

Now would be a good time to yell "eject!" at the top of your lungs and pull the big yellow lever personified on this board by the "logoff" button, because you are going down like the ho that you are.

I'll help him out and post on his behalf... smile.gif


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